

Yamazaki, D., Global river routing & flood inundation modelling: Recent advances and future perspective, Hydro-JULES: Next Generation Land-surface and Hydrological Predictions, London, UK, 11 September, 2019. 基調講演

Kim, H., Y. Onuma, A. L. Hirsch, M-. H. Lo, A. Ducharne, G. Krinner and S. Seneviratne, Climate Forcing and Land Feedbacks in Earth System Modeling, 10th Conference of Korean Society of Climate Change Research, Seoul, Korea, Jun. 27-28th, 2019. (invited)

Sasaki, O., Hirabayashi, Y. Fujita, K., Sakai, A. and Kanae, S.: Future glacier volume and runoff changes over Central Europe using a full energy balance-based glacier model with debris effects, AGU Fall Meeting, C21A-02, San Francisco, U.S.A., 2019.

Hanasaki, N., Yoshikawa, S., Pokhrel, Y., Kanae, S.: An investigation of the thresholds for two conventional water scarcity indicators using a global hydrological model with human activities, AGU Fall meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2019.

Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N.: Coupling the H08 model to the CaMa-Flood model for explicit representation of dams in global flood inundation simulations, EGU2019, Vienna, Austria, 2019.

Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N.: A global flood risk analysis with explicit representation of major dams, JSHWR 2019, Chiba, Japan, 2019.

Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N.: Representation of dams in global flood inundation simulations by coupling the global hydrological model H08 and the global hydrodynamic model CaMa-Flood, Chiba, Japan, 2019.

Nakaegawa, T. 2019: Climate changes and extreme events, IAHR Presentation: Lectures on Climate Change, IAHR in Action: World Water Day 2020, IAHR, https://www.iahr.org/index/detail/90, [last accessed April 24, 2020].

Nakaegawa, T. 2019: Plenary keynote speech: Climate changes and extreme events, 38th IAHR World Congress, Panama City, Panama, (日本人初の基調講演).

Nakaegawa, T., R. Pinzon, and J. Fabregam, What and How Much Information About Lakes in Panama Can a Web Application, Climates of Lake Basins Provide? E-proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress, September 1-6, 2019, Panama City, Panama, doi:10.3850/38WC092019-1308.

Kenji Tanaka, Chihiro Hiraoka, Temur Khujanazarov, Sanjar Sadyrov and Rysbek Satylkanov (2019): Dynamical downscaling of atmospheric field of the Lake Issyk-kul watershed using CReSiBUC, AGU 2019 fall meeting, C51B-1266, San Francisco, 2019.12.13

Chihiro Hiraoka, Kenji Tanaka, Shigenobu Tanaka, Temur Khujanazarov, Sanjar Sadyrov and Rysbek Satylkanov (2019): Analysis on Glacier Meteorological Forcing Data in the Tian Shan in Kyrgyz Republic, AGU 2019 fall meeting, C51B-1263, San Francisco, 2019.12.13

Daiya Shiojiri, Kenji Tanaka, Shigenobu Tanaka (2019): Improvement of a land surface model to simulate groundwater level, 8th APHW Conference on “Emerging Techniques in Urban Water Management”, Roorkee, India, 2019.11.23

Akira Harada, Kei Yoshimura, Tsukasa Mizutani, Study on Global Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Representation Proxy Data by Applying Signal Processing Techniques, PP43D-1629, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Misako Hatono, Kei Yoshimura and So Kazama, Combining Numerical Modeling and Remote Sensing to Estimate High Resolution Suspended Sediment Concentration: A Case Study on the Amazon River Basin, EP41B-06, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Christopher Diekmann, Farahnaz Khosrawi, Benjamin Ertl, and Matthias Schneider, Impacts of assimilating high-resolution IASI water vapor isotopic observations on weather forecasts, PP22A-05, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Kei Yoshimura, Panduka Neluwala, Kinya Toride, Mika Ichino, Kooiti Masuda, and Junpei Hirano, Atmospheric reanalysis before modern era using historical weather archives, A24I-02, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Xiaoxing Wang, Kei Yoshimura, and Kinya Toride, Improvement of atmospheric prediction by data assimilation using Gaussian transformation of cloud cover, A31M-2883, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Onuma, Y., K. Yoshimura, T. Nitta, H. Tatebe, and M. Watanabe, Investigation on snow-soil-atmosphere interaction and impact on the climate signals through a pacemaker experiment of SWE, C33B-1570, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Nitta, T., T. Arakawa, M. Hatono, H. Yashiro, D. Yamazaki, and K. Yoshimura, Evaluation of Integrated Land Simulator using site observations, H43I-2130, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Ma, W., K. Hibino, Y. Ishitsuka, S. Seto, D. Yamazaki, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi, R. Oki, X. Wang, and K. Yoshimura, Application of Today’s Earth System for Flood Assessment, H11M-1696, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, 2019/12/9-13.

Kei Yoshimura, Development of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth”, The 7th UNISEC-Global Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 2019/11/30-12/3. (invited)

Kei Yoshimura, Development of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth”, HydroSOS 2019: the 2nd Technical Workshop of the WMO Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System, Nanjing, China, 2019/11/11-15. (invited)

Kei Yoshimura, Data Assimilation of Isotopic Information, SISAL 4th workshop, Xi’an, China, 2019/10/14-18. (invited)

Kinya Toride, Kei Yoshimura, Christopher Diekmann, Benjamin Ertl, Farahnaz Khosrawi, and Matthias Schneider, The impacts of assimilating IASI water vapor isotope on weather forecasts, Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, 2019/10/1-3.

Nitta, T., Y. Ishitsuka, M. Tada, K. Suzuki, T. Takemura, and K. Yoshimura, Impact of black carbon and sulfate aerosols on terrestrial water circulation, Workshop on Air Pollution, Climate Change and Human Health, Nanjing, China, 2019/7/16-18

Kei Yoshimura, apenese Status (ILS, MIROC), 3rd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/15-17.

Kei Yoshimura, Development of global terrestrial hydrological monitoring and forecasting system Today’s Earth, 3rd International Surface Working Group (ISWG) Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/15-17.

Yoshimura, Y. Ishitsuka, K. Hibino, D. Yamazaki, K. Yamamoto, M. Kachi, R. Oki, Development of Global Terrestrial Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System “Today’s Earth” and Application to 2018 July Floods in Japan, IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/8-18.

Akira Takeshima, Kei Yoshimura, Improvement of Integrated Land Simulator by Soft Coupling of Global Water Resource Model, IUGG2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019/7/8-18.

Risa Hanazaki, Yuta Ishitsuka, Dai Yamazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Implementing reservoir operation rules in real-time flood forecasting system, Global Flood Partnership Conference 2019, Guangzhou, 2019/6/11-13.

Satoru Shoji, Atsushi Okazaki, and Kei Yoshimura, Study on proxy data assimilation aimed at climate reconstruction for the last millennium, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-14548, Vienna, Austria, 2019/4/7-12.

Masataka Tada, Kei Yoshimura, and Jean-Lionel Lacour, Improvements of weather forecast by assimilating water vapor isotopes, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-13204-2, Vienna, Austria, 2019/4/7-12.

Kei Yoshimura, Yuta Ishitsuka, Kenshi Hibino, Dai Yamazaki, Kosuke Yamamoto, Misako Kachi, and Riko Oki, Development of flood forecasting system over Japan and application to 2018 Japan floods event, EGU2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-16058, Vienna, Austria, 2019/4/7-12.

Temur Khujanazarov, Kenji Tanaka, Yoshiya Touge and Kristina Toderich (2019): Impact of climate change to the water resources distribution, considering irrigation water requirement for main crops in Uzbekistan, The 8th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER2019), Nanjing, China, 2019.6.17

Temur KHUJANAZAROV, Yoshiya TOUGE, Kenji TANAKA, Kristina TODERICH, Shigenobu TANAKA (2019): Water and soil salinization analysis in the Aral Sea Basin, 水文・水資源学会2019年研究発表講演会, 千葉, 2019.9.11 (poster)

仲江川敏之, 日比野研志, 高薮出, 2019: 気候アナログで実感する今世紀末の温暖化状況下におけるロシア主要7都市の気候, 水工学講演会, 大宮ソニックシティ、大宮、2019年11月4日.





芳村 圭、Neluwala Panduka、市野 美夏、増田 耕一、平野 淳平, 古日記データ同化による歴史天候の復元, MIS17-P14, JpGU2019, Makuhari, 2019/5/16-30.

塩尻大也・田中賢治・田中茂信(2020): 地下水位変動を考慮した陸面過程モデルの開発, 令和元年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会, C12, 宇治, 2020.2.20

平岡ちひろ, 田中賢治, 田中茂信 (2019): カラバカック氷河における降雪量再現および気象強制力誤差が雪氷融解量計算に与える影響の分析, 水文・水資源学会2019年研究発表講演会, 千葉, 2019.9.11

塩尻大也, 田中賢治, 田中茂信 (2019): GRACEによる衛星観測データを用いた地下水涵養量の推定, 水文・水資源学会2019年研究発表講演会, 千葉, 2019.9.11 (poster)

田中賢治 (2019): キルギス共和国の氷河における気象観測と山岳域の気象場再現の試み, 雪氷学会水文気象分科会, 山形, 2019.9.10 (invited)

Sasaki, O., Fujita, K., Hirabayashi, Y. and Kanae, S., Seasonal glacier runoff including the debris effects over Central Europe, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting(国際学会), 2018.

Natsuki Yoshida, Taikan Oki , Shinjiro Kanae, How equilibrium state of soil moisture and groundwater table is influenced by climate on global scale, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting(国際学会), 2018.

Yuta Ishitsuka, Dai Yamazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Development of an operational early flood forecasting system and 11-year validation of forecast skill over Japan, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting(国際学会), 2018.

Misako Hatono, Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Kei Yoshimura, Modeling Sediment Dynamics at the Global Scale, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting(国際学会), 2018.

Tomoko Nitta, Takashi Arakawa, Akira Takeshima, Misako Hatono, Hisashi Yashiro, Dai Yamazaki, Kei Yoshimura, Development of ILS, Integrated Land Simulator, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting(国際学会), 2018.

Nakaegawa, T., Web Application for Examining Hydroclimate Information of Global Lake Basins: CGLB Using a latest world lake database, Proceedings of the 17th World Lake Conference(国際学会), 2018.

Nitta, T., K. Yoshimura, A. Abe-Ouchi, The impact of representing snow-fed wetlands on summer warm and dry biases through land atmosphere interaction in MIROC5
AGCM experiment, 8th GEWEX open science conference(国際学会), 2018.

Onuma Y., Yoshimura K., Takeuchi N. Nitta T., Simulation of snow algal growth and its effect on snow albedo using a global land surface model, MATSIRO, International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere(国際学会), 2018.

Dai Yamazaki, MERIT DEM: a high-accuracy global elevation map by multi-component error removal, Geomorphometry 2018(国際学会), 2018.

Nakaegawa, T., What information about Thai lakes does a Web application, Climates of Lake Basins contains?, THA 2019 International Conference on Water Management and Climate Change towards Asia’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus and SDGs(国際学会), 2019.

Chihiro Hiraoka, Kenji Tanaka, Shigenobu Tanaka, Effects of meteorological data’s error on calculation of snowmelt in mountainous areas, CHES2018(国際学会), 2018.

Kim, H., Uncertainty of Global Hydrologic Simulations: Associated with physics and data, 2nd Workshop IGEM(招待講演)(国際学会), 2019.

Kim, H., LS3MIP & LandMIPs in CMIP6, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences(招待講演)(国際学会), 2018.

Kim, H., Drought: Natural Variability, Human intervention and International Research Initiatives, Opening Ceremony of Center for Drought Long-range Prediction Research(招待講演)(国際学会), 2018.

Kim. H., G. Krinner, S. Seneviratne, B. van den Hurk, C. Derksen, T. Oki, Y. Onuma, B. Decharme and D. Lawrence, Long-term Balances and Variabilities of Surface Energy and Water Cycles: Preliminary Results from LS3MIP and GSWP3, CMIP6 Model Analysis Workshop(国際学会), 2019.

Kim. H., LandMIP offline simulations and forcing data, LandMIP Workshop(国際学会), 2019.

Kenji Tanaka, Chihiro Hiraoka, Khujanazarov Temur, Shigenobu Tanaka, Surface Energy Balance Observation at the Melting Zone of the Kara-Batkak Glacier, JpGU2018(招待講演), 2018.

仲江川敏之, 全球湖沼流域気候Webアプリケーション:CGLBで どこまで霞ヶ浦の情報を取得できるか, 17th World Lake Conference, 2018.

仲江川敏之, 全球湖沼流域気候Webアプリケーション:Climates of Global Lake Basins: CGLBで琵琶湖の情報をどの程度取得できるか, 2018年度水文・水資源学会研究発表会, 2018.

吉田奈津妃、沖大幹、鼎信次郎, 全球における気候と地下水位・土壌水分の平衡状態の関係, 日本気象学会2018年度秋季大会, 2018.

新田友子、荒川隆、竹島滉、鳩野美佐子、八代尚、山崎大、芳村圭, 統合陸域シミュレータの開発と気候モデルとの結合に向けた検討, 日本気象学会2018年度秋季大会, 2018.

新田友子、竹島滉、鳩野美佐子、八代尚、荒川隆、山崎大、芳村圭, 統合陸域シミュレータ (ILS) の開発, 水文水資源学会2018年度研究発表会, 2018.

大沼友貴彦、芳村圭、竹内望、新田友子、永塚尚子、庭野匡思、青木輝夫, 全球陸面過程モデルMATSIROを用いた雪氷藻類繁殖の季節および地域特性, 雪氷研究大会(2018・札幌), 2018.

Ikeuchi, H., Y. Hirabayashi, D. Yamazaki, S. Muis, P. J. Ward, M. Verlaan, H. C. Winsemius, and S. Kanae, Development of a global river-coastal coupling model and its application to flood simulation in Asian mega-delta regions, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, 2017.

Kim Hyungjun, Climate extremes and global energy, water and carbon cycles: improving and integrating knowledge across disciplines (co-chair), 4th International Conference of the Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society (HESSS4), 2017. (招待講演)

Ikeuchi, H., Y. Hirabayashi, D. Yamazaki, S. Muis, P. J. Ward, M. Verlaan, H. C. Winsemius, and S. Kanae, Study on compound effects of fluvial flood and storm surge using a global river-coast coupling model, The 7th International Conference on Flood Management, 2017.

Nakaegawa, T., History of collaborations on climate change studies between Panama and Japan, International workshop on studies of climate change projections in Panama with dynamical downscaling and its application, 2017.(招待講演)

K. Yoshimura, Data assimilation of Isotopic information for multi centennial atmospheric reanalysis, International Workshop on Isotopes for Tropical Ecosystem Studies, 2017. (招待講演)

Dai Yamazaki, Daiki Ikeshima, Ryunosuke Tawatari, Tomohiro Yamaguchi, Fiachra O’Loughlin, Jeff C. Neal, Christopher C. Sampson, Shinjiro Kanae, and Paul D. Bates, MERIT DEM: A new high-accuracy global digital elevation model and its merit to global hydrodynamic modeling, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 Fall Meeting, 2017.(招待講演)

Hanasaki, N., Yoshikawa, S., Pokhrel, Y., and Kanae, S., Enhancing the water management schemes of H08 global hydrological model to attribute human water use to six major water sources, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 Fall Meeting, 2017.

M. Tanoue, K. Ichiyanagi, K. Yoshimura, J. Shimada and Y. Hirabayashi, Estimation of the isotopic composition and origins of winter precipitation over Japan using a regional isotope circulation model, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 Fall Meeting, 2017.

P. Neluwala, K. Yoshimura, K. Toride, J. Hirano, M. Ichino, A. Okazaki, Reconstruction of Historical Weather by Assimilating Old Weather Diary Data, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2017 Fall Meeting, 2017.

Daiya Shiojiri, Kenji Tanaka and Shigenobu Tanaka : Evaluation of water stress and groundwater storage using a global hydrological model, AGU 2017 fall meeting, H53I-1587, 2017.12

Kenji Tanaka : Field study on energy and water balance toward integrated water resource management in Central Asia, International Symposium on Utilization of Field Sites in Research and Education (FREE2017), 2017.12.9

Kim Hyungjun, The Land Surface, Snow and Soil-moisture Model Intercomparison Project, 4th International Conference on Hydrology delivers Earth System Sciences to Society, 2017. (招待講演)

Kim Hyungjun, Recent Advances in Global Hydrology: Modeling and Remote Sensing, OJERI Seminar, 2017. (招待講演)

Kim Hyungjun, Development and Applications of the GSMaP: Overview & Lessons learned in a real-world case for Hydrological Status and Outlook System, Initial Planning Meeting of WMO Global Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS), 2017. (招待講演)

Kim Hyungjun, Global Research Framework and Initiatives for Hydrologic Status and Outlook, National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 2017. (招待講演)

K. Yoshimura, Atmospheric reanalysis for multi-centuries using historical weather archives and isotopic proxies, 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5), 2017.

Kim Hyungjun, GSMaP Satellite Precipitation on Google Earth Engine Platform and Application, Google Earth Engine Mini Summit 2018 in Tokyo, 2018. (招待講演)

Onuma Y., Yoshimura K., Takeuchi N. and Nitta T., Simulation of snow algal growth and its effect on snow albedo using a global land surface model, MATSIRO, International Symposium on Cryosphere and Biosphere, 2018.

P. Neluwala, K. Yoshimura, J. Hirano, M. Ichino, Assimilating Various Fields from Historical Documents: Idealized Experiments, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 2017.

池内寛明, 平林由希子, 山崎大, 全球河川氾濫モデルへの海面水位変動過程の組み込みとその影響評価, 日本惑星地球科学連合 連合大会, 2017.

藪優太郎,芳村圭,Hyungjun Kim,新田友子,鳩野美佐子,石塚悠太,向田清峻,可知美佐子,沖 大幹, 1km, 解像度陸面モデルによる河川流量の検証, 第25回地球環境シンポジウム, 2017.

竹島滉, 芳村圭, 日本の一級水系における計画降雨継続時間の妥当性に関する検証, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 2017.

板谷知明, 芳村圭, 深層学習を用いた水文気象場のダウンスケーリング手法の開発, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 2017.

新田友子, 芳村圭, 木口雅司, 鈴木健太郎, 竹村俊彦, SLCP(短寿命気候汚染物質)による陸域水循環への影響, 水文・水資源学会2017年度総会・研究発表会, 2017.

大沼友貴彦, 芳村圭, 竹内望, 新田友子, 永塚尚子, 庭野匡思, 青木輝夫, 陸面過程モデルMATSIROを用いた 雪氷藻類繁殖の計算実験, 雪氷研究大会(2017・十日町).

Mukaida, K. and K. Yoshimura, A study on spatial and temporal variability of sediment in rivers using global sediment transport model, 日本地球惑星科学連合, 2016.

Hatono, M., K. Mukaida, T. Nitta, T. Arakawa and K. Yoshimura, Development of an integrated global hydrological model with sediment dynamics, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall Meeting, 2016.

Ishitsuka, Y. and K. Yoshimura, Building the ensemble flood prediction system by using numerical weather prediction data: Case study in Kinu river basin, Japan, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall Meeting, 2016.

Nitta, T., K. Yoshimura and A. Abe-Ouchi, The impact of representing arctic wetlands on summer warm and dry biases over land in MIROC5 AGCM experiment, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall Meeting, 2016.

Wei, Z., K. Yoshimura, X. Lee, L. Wang, D.G. Miralles and S. Jasechko, Transpiration accounts for two thirds of global terrestrial evaporation, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall Meeting, 2016.

Aslam M. H., K. Yoshimura, Sediment yield in Jhelum river basin with and without climate change impact in Pakistan, 第61回水工学講演会, 2017.

塩尻大也, 田中茂信, 田中賢治, 浜口俊雄 : 地下水取水を考慮した全球陸域水循環モデルによる水逼迫度評価, 水文・水資源学会2016年度研究発表会要旨集, pp.246-247, 福島, 2016.9. (poster)

小林優, 田中茂信, 田中賢治, 浜口俊雄 : 氾濫解析に使用する衛星DEMの水文地理データを用いた補正, 水文・水資源学会2016年度研究発表会要旨集, pp.270-271, 福島, 2016.9. (poster)

塩尻大也, 田中賢治, 田中茂信, 浜口俊雄:地下水取水を考慮した全球陸域水循環モデルによる水逼迫度評価, 地球環境シンポジウム, 2016.9.