[My Face] Taikan Oki

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Prof. Taikan Oki, Ph.D
Prof. Taikan Oki is a Special Advisor to the President, and a Professor at Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. His previous academic positions include Associate Professor with the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo and Associate Professor with the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. He was also affiliated as the Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University, Japan, and an Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations for 2016-2021. His areas of expertise are global hydrology and the sustainability of world water resources including the virtual water trade and water footprint. He was one of the coordinating lead authors for the chapter "Freshwater Resources" of the IPCC WGII AR5. He got many awards such as the Biwako Prize for Ecology in 2011, and the Japan Academy Medal in 2008. He is the first Japanese AGU Fellow in its Hydrology Section (2014). He became a full member of the Club of Rome and the Science Council of Japan since October 2020. 2021 International Hydrology Prize (Dooge medal) winner, 2023 John Dalton Meal (EGU) winner. 2024 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, Medal with Purple Ribbon. President of the Japan Society for Hydrology and Water Resources (2022-24).
See more detailes at researchmap https://researchmap.jp/TaikanOki?lang=en.
Twitter Account: TaikanOki
Publications: Recent publications

[!!] Please apply for university-recommended MEXT scholarship without the pre-consent of the host professor. After all the application documents are submitted, they will be handled by FSO, evaluated by experts, and the selection will be made based on that evaluation.

Publications in English

Papers, books, abstracts in English:
[Papers and Abstracts 2006-2010] Papers and Abstracts published in 2006-2018.
[Papers and Abstracts 2001-2005] Papers and Abstracts published in 2001-2005.
[Papers and Abstracts 1996-2000] Papers and Abstracts published in 1996-2000.
[Papers and Abstracts 1991-1995] Papers and Abstracts published in 1991-1995.
Refer publications also by Researcher ID at http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-5778-2010.


Professional Interests


Welcome to the home page of Taikan Oki, at a laboratory for Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo. He is involved in or related to:



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