Comparison of Forcing Data:

NCC: NCC forcing dataset
GPCC: Global Preciptiation Climatology Centre
WFD: Watch Forcing Dataset
GSWP3: GSWP3 beta forcing dataset
Time period: 1990-1999 inclusive
Scale: Monthly

Total Precipitation

Surface Pressure

Specific Humidity

Wind Speed

Air Temperature

Shortwave Radiation

Longwave Radiation

Total Downward Radiation

Comparison of Global Simulations:

This section presents the comparison of simulations using the GPCC based forcing dataset and GSWP3 beta forcing dataset. The figures are the difference.

Model: MATSIRO with groundwater representation.

Time period: 2000-2007 inclusive

Spatial resolution: 1 deg

Precipitation (mm/mon)

Net Radiation (W/m2)

Evapotranspiration (mm/mon)

Soil Evaporation (mm/mon)

Transpiration (mm/mon)

Interception loss (mm/mon)

Total runoff (mm/mon)

Base Runoff (mm/mon)

Surface Runoff (mm/mon)

Evapotranspiration and Related Variables:

Since, the ET is significantly higher for GSWP3 compared to GPCC, a comparison of ET to precipitation ratio for simulations using NCC (1985-1999), GPCC (1979-2007), WFD (1958-2001), and GSWP3 (2000-2008) is presented here. Also, comparisons of LW down and SW down forcing for the same periods are also presented.


LW down/ Total Downward Rad.

SW down/ Total Downward Rad.

Sensitivity Analysis:

This section presents the comparison of simulations for analyzing the sensitivity of simulations to changes in forcing variables. Two simulations (10% increase and decrease) were carried out for each variable except for air temperature. 


  • GPCC: simulation using GPCC data
  • Ori: Original GSWP3 forcing
  • 110: Runs in which the forcing parameter has been increased by 10 %.
  • 90: Runs in which the forcing parameter has been decreased by 10 %.
  • LW: Downward longwave radiation
  • PR: Precipitation
  • PS: Surface pressure
  • Q: Specific humidity
  • SW: Downward shortwave radiation
  • W: Wind velocity

Global and Regional Means:

Precipitation (km3/yr)

Total Runoff (km3/yr)

Evapotranspiration (km3/yr)

Soil Evaporation (km3/yr)

Transpiration (km3/yr)

Interception loss (km3/yr)

Basin Scale Comparison:

Comparison of seasonal cycles of variables for different sensitvity runs. Discharge simulation using TRIP has also been compared with GRDC observation.

Evapotranspiration (mm/mon)

Total Runoff (mm/mon)

River Discharge (mm/mon)

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