GAME-T2 DataCenter : RID Weather Observation

RID Weather Observation

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RID (Royal Irrigation Department), Thailand, have been carrying out river water level / river discharge observation at a lot of sites in Thailand. R.I.D. provided the datasets for GAME-T.


Data Type DescriptionWeather Observation by RID
Type Routine Observation Data
Period TypeIncluding IOP
HoldingInternational Data Resource (IOP) / Institutional Holding (others)
Process LevelLevel 2 (Station Data)
QC Levelunknown (depend on RID's QC)
Access LimitationInside GAME-T only
  1. Rainfall
Spatial Range Point/Points/GridPoints
Location/ExtentMore than 2000 Sites in Thailand
Temporal Range Period From 1994 to 2000 (* see note below)
IntervalDaily. (Hourly for few stations)
Time Difference (LT - UTC)+0700
Contact Person
(See the list of contact persons for detail)
R.I.D., Prof. Matumoto, J., Prof. Oki, T. and Dr. Agata, Y.
  • For some sites, datasets from 1980 have been already collected by GAME-T
  • Currently only daily rainfall datasets (1995-1999) are publshed in this dataset

XML Metadata File

Station Map

See map page.


All Station List
List of stations (more than 2000!, but now there are datasets for only about 700 stations among them).
Daily Rainfall, 1980-2000.
Daily rainfall data for about 700 stations in Chao Phraya River Basin. The file is very big (about 1MB) and it may take some minutes to display.

Other Information


Royal Irrigation Department
The Official WWW site of RID


Data Policy of Whole GAME
From GAIN-HUB WWW Site. Strategy, guideline for data exchange etc.
Data Collection Plan
From The Implementation Plan of GAME-Tropics draft in 1996, by Japanese sub-comittee on GAME-T.
GAME-T Observations at a glance
A 32KB GIF image showing observation schedule by Prof. Oki
GAME-T/Thailand/Chao Phraya Observing Stations
A 24KB GIF image showing a map of observation stations made by Prof. Oki (See also new black-and-white version).
Summary of GAME-T Data Plan
From AMON(Asian Meteorology Online Newsletter), VOL. 1, NO. 4 (September 1997). Brief introduction of GAME-T data management strategy by Prof. Oki

Update Log

2004 Nov 10
Error CorrectionDegree of Latitude of 42410 was wrong. Correted from 133 to 100

outside of GAME-T site=URL outside of this site | Data is protected by password=Data is protected (fully or partly) by password when accessed by on-line.

***** On-line resources at IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan *****
GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | Musiake and Oki Lab.(GAME-T headquarters), IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japanoutside of GAME-T site

***** On-line resources at NRCT, Bangkok, Thailand *****
GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | NRCT Homepage outside of GAME-T site
This server was established in July 2002, on the courtesy of NRCT foreign affair division, and is being maintained by computer technology staffs in NRCT.

Dataset Manager : Dr. AGATA, Yasushi, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan (

Date of Last Modification : Nov 11, 2004