GAME-T2 DataCenter : GAME-AAN Sukhothai Dataset

GAME-AAN Sukhothai Dataset

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GAME-T2 >> DataCenter >> Field Obs. >> AAN >> Datasets  >> Sukhothai (Current Position)

(From GAME-T DB Manager)

This is the copied metrial from GAME-AAN Official WWW site with some modification in design following GAME-T site design rule (Hyperlink to the original ==>datalist_Sukothai.html) .

GAME-T DB Manager wishes to thank Dr. Miyazaki, GAME-AAN datacenter, Tsukuba Univ., Japan, who allowed us to copy their GAME-AAN dataset. Do not copy, redistribute or publish of these dataset by any media without permission of GAME-AAN (not of GAME-T!)

(from GAME-AAN Datacenter)

   Station / Photo / Data set

Notice: You can get the data by clicking the blue colored year ! (with underline !)
Sorry , the evaluation of each month data is under construction.

Meteorological Elements (Met.):Air temperature, Relative humidity, Wind direction and speed, Air pressure (More detail information will be referred in the data catalog.)Radiation: Long wave and short wave radiation, net radiation (More detail information will be referred in the data catalog.).
Soil Temp.=Soil Temperature,Precip.=Precipitation, Soil Moist =Soil Moisture, Skin Temp.= Skin Temperature, H =Sensible Heat Flux ,
LH = Latent Heat Flux, G= Ground Heat Flow.

Observed data list for Sukothai Paddy Field

-text data-

Place Element . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , Year 1998 , , , , , , , . , , ,1999 , , , , ,
Sukothai    Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
Met. . . . .  . . . . . . . .  . . . .
. . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . .
Precip. . . . .  .  . . . .  . . . .  . . . .
Radiation . . . .  .  . ..  .  .  . . . .  . . . .
Soil Moist. . . . . .  . .  .  .  . . . . . . . .
Skin Temp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H(60m) SAT . . . . .  . .  .  .  . . . .  . . . .
LE Bandpass . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Momentum flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You can get more details from the following site; GAME-T Datacenter : Sukhothai Paddy field record. You can obtain dataset for 1999 Jan. to 1999 May at there.

Contact person: Professor AOKI Masatoshi
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan


TEL +81-42-367- 5727 FAX +91-42 -367 6078
Mail :
URL : (in Japanese)

outside of GAME-T site=URL outside of this site | Data is protected by password=Data is protected (fully or partly) by password when accessed by on-line.

***** On-line resources at IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan *****
GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | Musiake and Oki Lab.(GAME-T headquarters), IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japanoutside of GAME-T site

***** On-line resources at NRCT, Bangkok, Thailand *****
GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | NRCT Homepage outside of GAME-T site
This server was established in July 2002, on the courtesy of NRCT foreign affair division, and is being maintained by computer technology staffs in NRCT.

Dataset Manager : Dr. AGATA, Yasushi, JAMSTEC, Japan (

Date of Last Modification : Jul 5, 2008