GAME-T2 DataCenter : GAME-AAN Variable Name

GAME-AAN Variable Name

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GAME-T2 >> DataCenter >> Field Obs. >> AAN  >> Variable Name (Current Position)

(From GAME-T DB Manager)

This is the copied metrial from GAME-AAN Official WWW site with some modification in design following GAME-T site design rule (Hyperlink to the original ==>AAN_Variable_name.html).

All font name specification tags in japanese appeared in the original are deleted in this copied version.

GAME-T DB Manager wishes to thank Dr. Miyazaki, GAME-AAN datacenter, Tsukuba Univ., Japan, who allowed us to copy their GAME-AAN dataset. Do not copy, redistribute or publish of these dataset by any media without permission of GAME-AAN (not of GAME-T!)

(from GAME-AAN Datacenter)



Symbol Variable Name (level) Unit
V_32m Wind Speed  (32.0m) m s-1
WD_32m Wind Direction (32.0m) deg.
PRESS_1m Barometric pressure (1m) hPa
RH_5.6m Relative Humidity (5.6m) %
Q_2.3m Specific Humidity (2.3m) g/kg
T_air_5.6m Air Temperature (5.6m) deg.C
T_Water Water temperature (for paddy field) deg.C
Z_SNOW Snow Depth cm
Z_Water Water depth  (for paddy field) cm
T_sonic_m  Temperature of sonic deg.C
WD_sonic_m Wind Directon by sonic  
Q_irhg_m Specific Humidity by infrared hygrometer g/kg
T_SOIL_0.2m Soil temperature (-0.2m) deg.C
T_Surface_27.9m Surface temperature (27.9m) deg.C
Wz_sonic_m Vertical velocity by sonic   

Symbol VariableName(level) Unit
P_0.7m Precipitation (0.7m) mm
SM_0.1m Soil moisture (-0.1m) %
GW_L Ground water level m
GW_T Ground water temperature deg.C
PI_m Rain intensity mm

Symbol Variable Name(level) Unit
RL_down_32m Incoming IR radiation (32.0m) W m-2
RL_up_1.1m Outgoing IR radiation (1.1m) W m-2
RNET_28m Net all wave radiation (28.0m) W m-2
RS_down_32m Global radiation (32m) W m-2
RS_up_1.1m Reflected short wave radiation (1.1m) W m-2
RL_down_cor_m Downward longwave radiation by licor Wm_2
RL_up_cor_m Upward longwave radiation by licor Wm_2
PAR Photosynthetically Active Radiation mol  m-2
Symbol VariableName(level) Unit
G_0.01m Ground Heat Flow (-0.01m) W/m^2
H_0m Sensible Heat Flux (0m) W m-2
H_7m Sensible Heat Flux (7m) W m-2
LE_0m Latent heat Flux (0m) W m-2
LE_7m Latent Heat Flux (7m) W m-2
USTAR_0m Momentum Flux (0m) m s-1
USTAR_7m Momentum Flux (7m) m s-1
Plant physiology
Symbol Variable Name(level) Unit
V_SAP_2m Sap flow speed  (2m) cm hr-1
D_TRUNK_2m Diameter of trunk (2m) cm


Variable name_F Flag for each variable name

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***** On-line resources at IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan *****
GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | Musiake and Oki Lab.(GAME-T headquarters), IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japanoutside of GAME-T site

***** On-line resources at NRCT, Bangkok, Thailand *****
GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | NRCT Homepage outside of GAME-T site
This server was established in July 2002, on the courtesy of NRCT foreign affair division, and is being maintained by computer technology staffs in NRCT.

Dataset Manager : Dr. AGATA, Yasushi, JAMSTEC, Japan (

Date of Last Modification : Jul 5, 2008