GAME-T2 DataCenter : GAME-AAN File Format

GAME-AAN File Format

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(From GAME-T DB Manager)

This is the copied metrial from GAME-AAN Official WWW site with some modification in design following GAME-T site design rule (Hyperlink to the original ==>AAN-data-format.html).

GAME-T DB Manager wishes to thank Dr. Miyazaki, GAME-AAN datacenter, Tsukuba Univ., Japan, who allowed us to copy their GAME-AAN dataset. Do not copy, redistribute or publish of these dataset by any media without permission of GAME-AAN (not of GAME-T!)

(from GAME-AAN Datacenter)

Data form presented from each observation group to GAME-ANN About Data form from each observation group to GAME-AAN

Dec. 13, 1999 decided.

GAME-AAN should collect the data observed by every region group and plan to compile data of common format. Acquired data is aimed to open to many and unspecified persons through GAIN (GAME Archive Information Network). Following is the explanations about the data form that is presented from each observation group to GAME-AAN.

1. Equalized time and time stump

    The data for GAME-AAN is to be a mean for a half-hour in principle, such as 0000-0030UTC and 0030-0100UTC and time stump is to be the last time (UTC) in the thirty minutes. So, the time stump of data starts at 0030UTC and end at 2400UTC in each day.
    In case of unsuitable items for equalization, the same instant figure with time stump is also available.
2. Flag
Each data should be attached flags which show the quality of data. There are five variations, "0","1","2","8","9", and the followings show each meaning.

0: There is no problem in data.
1: There are some problems in data. The problem data had already revised by PI (Principal Investigator).  To give the detailed information in data set documentation.
2:There are some problem in data. It hasn't yet revised. (To give the detailed information in data set  documentation.)
8: PI defines this meaning. (To give the detailed information in data set documentation.)
9: Missing data. (If necessary, the details is described in data set documentation)

3.File name and file composition
  • A file of data is to be made by each region and every month. All items are to be compiled in one file, so files are not separated into each observation items.
  • Each file is named as  "Place- Years-Versions. Dat"  .For example, in case of the first version data at Tiksi in August 1998, the name is showed as "Tiksi-9808-a. dat".
  • Alphabets are used as the order of versions , so ,for instance, the beginning is "a" and followings are b,c,d,e,・.
  • 4.The way of compiling data
    A header, which shows a data item is put in the first line of data. Each line below the header starts at the year of data, days and months, and time. In short, it starts at a time stump, and an observation item and a flag is lined in a row.

    The form of each line is CVS (Comma Separated Value format), so each item is divided with a comma. Observation figures must be the originals, so figures after additional calculations, dividing the original into 10 or mutipling it by 10 and so on, are unavailable.

    Arrangement order of the observation items depends on each region group, but once the order is decided, it would not be changed.

    In case of a giving up item, you put figures for lack of observation in place of the vacant space, so you don't delete the item itself.

    New items are put into the end of each line as an additional style.

    The name of observation item and available figures in data will be united if those items can be united between regions and particularly another proportions are to be offered.

    In case of items that can't be united, decisions by each region group are accepted.

    5. Missing data
    In case of missing data, they are all input NaN.
    6.An example of compilation







    Above examples show those figures as "Year"(UTC),"Days and months"(UTC), "Time"(UTC), "Temperature at 1.5m","Flag of temperature data at 1.5m","Temperature at 3.0m","Flag of temperature at 3.0m","Atmospheric pressure at 1m", "Flag of atmospheric pressure at 1m", "the precipitation of 0.7m", "Flag of the precipitation of 0.7m", "the amount of downward short-wave radiation at 1.5m"and "Flag of the amount of downward short-wave radiation at 1.5m".

    7.The attached file for explanation

    Each month data need to attach a data set documentation, which explains the order of observation items, details of lack of observation and unit of figures in data.
    8.The deadline for data
    The deadline is within one year after an acquirement of data.
    9.Observation elements for GAME-AAN
    Requirement is an observation data in a part of GAME-ANN, such as PAM III, ACOS.
    A decision what should be "a part of AAN" is planed to discuss and propose in each local group.

    outside of GAME-T site=URL outside of this site | Data is protected by password=Data is protected (fully or partly) by password when accessed by on-line.

    ***** On-line resources at IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan *****
    GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | Musiake and Oki Lab.(GAME-T headquarters), IIS, Univ. of Tokyo, Japanoutside of GAME-T site

    ***** On-line resources at NRCT, Bangkok, Thailand *****
    GAME-T Data Center | GAME-T | NRCT Homepage outside of GAME-T site
    This server was established in July 2002, on the courtesy of NRCT foreign affair division, and is being maintained by computer technology staffs in NRCT.

    Dataset Manager : Dr. AGATA, Yasushi, JAMSTEC, Japan (

    Date of Last Modification : Jul 5, 2008