Dec. 13, 1999 decided. GAME-AAN should collect the data observed by every region group and plan to compile data of common format. Acquired data is aimed to open to many and unspecified persons through GAIN (GAME Archive Information Network). Following is the explanations about the data form that is presented from each observation group to GAME-AAN. 1. Equalized time and time stump
In case of unsuitable items for equalization, the same instant figure with time stump is also available. Each data should be attached flags which show the quality of data. There are five variations, "0","1","2","8","9", and the followings show each meaning.3.File name and file composition 4.The way of compiling data A header, which shows a data item is put in the first line of data. Each line below the header starts at the year of data, days and months, and time. In short, it starts at a time stump, and an observation item and a flag is lined in a row.5. Missing data In case of missing data, they are all input NaN.6.An example of compilation year,date,UTC,T_air_1.5m,T_air_1.5m_F,T_air_3.0m,T_air_3.0_F,Press_1m,Press_1m_F,P_0.7m,P_0.7m,RS_down_1.5m,RS_down_1.5m_F...Above examples show those figures as "Year"(UTC),"Days and months"(UTC), "Time"(UTC), "Temperature at 1.5m","Flag of temperature data at 1.5m","Temperature at 3.0m","Flag of temperature at 3.0m","Atmospheric pressure at 1m", "Flag of atmospheric pressure at 1m", "the precipitation of 0.7m", "Flag of the precipitation of 0.7m", "the amount of downward short-wave radiation at 1.5m"and "Flag of the amount of downward short-wave radiation at 1.5m". 7.The attached file for explanation Each month data need to attach a data set documentation, which explains the order of observation items, details of lack of observation and unit of figures in data.8.The deadline for data The deadline is within one year after an acquirement of data.9.Observation elements for GAME-AAN Requirement is an observation data in a part of GAME-ANN, such as PAM III, ACOS. |
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This server was established in July 2002, on the courtesy of NRCT foreign affair division, and is being maintained by computer technology staffs in NRCT.
Date of Last Modification : Jul 5, 2008