Curriculum Vitae
Academic Appointments
Assistant Professor (2020.11-)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
National University of Singapore
Postdoctoral Fellow (2019.05-2020.10)
Woods Institute for the Environment
Ph.D. (2019.03)- Princeton University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Advisor: Prof. Eric F. WOOD & Prof. Justin SHEFFIELD
Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP) Certificate (2019.03)
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Advisor: Prof. Michael OPPENHEIMER
Master (2016.05)- Princeton University
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Advisor: Prof. Eric F. WOOD & Prof. Justin SHEFFIELD
Master (2013.09)- The University of Tokyo
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Thesis: Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in West African Monsoon Region: Observation and Simulation (Rank: 10%)
Advisor: Prof. Taikan OKI
Co-Advisor: Prof. Toshio KOIKE
Bachelor (2011.07)- Tsinghua University
Major: Department of Hydraulic Engineering, School of Civil Engineering
Thesis: Extended Streamflow Prediction (ESP) in Hanjiang River Using Distributed Hydrological Model (Rank: 1/85)
Advisor: Prof. Dawen YANG
Tsinghua University-Outstanding Academic Papers by Students
Dual: Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management
Thesis: An Empirical Study on Money Supply based on the Flow of Funds Model
Advisor: Prof. Siqun YANG
Exchange student (Jul,2010 - Sep,2010)- Stanford University
Program: Undergraduate Visiting Research (UGVR)
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Advisor: Prof. David L. FREYBERG
E60) Impacts of Interannual Climate Variability on Direct and Virtual Water Shortage Risks in China (Submitted)
Yaoping WANG, Tao CAO, Shuo ZHANG, and Xiaogang HE*
E59) A Bioenergy-focused versus A Reforestation-focused Mitigation Pathway Yields Disparate Carbon Storage and Climate Responses (In Revision)
Yanyan CHENG, David M. LAWRENCE, Ming PAN, Baoqing ZHANG, Peter J. Lawrence, Zhongfang LIU, and Xiaogang HE*
E58) Unveiling the Role of Climate in Spatially Synchronized Locust Outbreak Risks (In Revision)
Xinyue LIU, Dongxiao ZHANG, and Xiaogang HE*
E57) Probabilistic Assessment of Global Drought Recovery and Its Response to Precipitation Changes (In Press)
Limin ZHANG, Fei YUAN, and Xiaogang HE*
E56) Balancing-oriented Hydropower Operation Makes the Clean Energy Transition More Affordable and Simultaneously Boosts Water Security
Zhanwei LIU and Xiaogang HE*
E55) Asymmetric Response of Global Drought and Pluvial Depiction to the Length of Climate Epoch
Biao LONG, Baoqing ZHANG, and Xiaogang HE*
E54) Predicting Geological Interfaces using Stacking Ensemble Learning with Multi-scale Features
Ze Zhou WANG, Yue HU, Xiangfeng GUO, Xiaogang HE, Hardy Yide KEK, Taeseo KU, Siang Huat GOH, and Chun Fai LEUNG
E53) Response of Erosive Precipitation to Vegetation Restoration and Its Effect on Soil and Water Conservation over China's Loess Plateau
Baoqing ZHANG, Lei TIAN, Chansheng HE, and Xiaogang HE*
E52) Implementation of Dynamic Effective Rooting Depth in Evapotranspiration Model Deepens Understanding of Evapotranspiration Partitioning under Soil Moisture Gradients in China
Rui SHAO, Baoqing ZHANG, and Xiaogang HE
E51) A Physics-informed Bayesian Storyline Approach to Assess Sediment Transport in the Mekong
Bo XU and Xiaogang HE*
E50) Large-scale Reforestation Can Increase Water Yield and Reduce Drought Risk for Water-insecure Regions in the Asia-Pacific
Teo Hoong CHEN, Srivatsan VIJAYARAGHAVAN, Xiaogang HE, Zhenzhong ZENG, Yanyan CHENG, Xiangzhong LUO, Alex M. LECHNER, Matthew J. ASHFOLD, Aakash LAMBA, Rachakonda SREEKAR, Qiming ZHENG, Anping CHEN, and Lian Pin KOH
E49) Atmospheric Forcing Dominates Winter Barents-Kara Sea Ice Variability on Interannual to Decadal Time Scales
Zhongfang LIU, Camille RISI, Francis CODRON, Zhimin JIAN, Zhongwang WEI, Xiaogang HE, Christopher J. POULSEN, Yue WANG, Dong CHEN, Wentao MA, Yanyan CHENG, and Gabriel J. BOWEN
E48) Quantitative Stress Test of Compound Coastal-Fluvial Floods in China's Pearl River Delta
Jiangchao QIU, Bingjun LIU*, Fang YANG, Xiaola WANG, and Xiaogang HE*
E47) Revegetation Does Not Decrease Water Yield in the Loess Plateau of China
Baoqing ZHANG, Lei TIAN, Yuting YANG*, and Xiaogang HE*
E46) Effective Multi-Satellite Precipitation Fusion Procedure Conditioned by Gauge Background Fields over the Chinese Mainland
Weiyue LI, Qin JIANG, Xiaogang HE, Haiqing SUN, Weiwei SUN, Marco SCAIONI, Sheng CHEN, Xin LI, Jun GAO, and Yang HONG
E45) Future Bioenergy Expansion Could Alter Carbon Sequestration Potential and Exacerbate Water Stress in the United States
Yanyan CHENG*, Maoyi HUANG, David M. LAWRENCE, Katherine CALVIN, Danica LOMBARDOZZI, Eva SINHA, Ming PAN, and Xiaogang HE*
E44) Climate rather than Vegetation Changes Dominate Changes in Effective Vegetation Available Water Capacity
Meixian LIU, Baoqing ZHANG, and Xiaogang HE
E43) Complex Climate and Network Effects on Internal Migration in South Africa Revealed by a Network Model
Tingyin XIAO, Michael OPPENHEIMER, Xiaogang HE, and Marina MASTRORILLO
E42) A Comparative Study of Extensive Machine Learning Models for Predicting Long-term Monthly Rainfall with An Ensemble of Climatic and Meteorological Predictors
Zhengzheng ZHOU, Jie REN, Xiaogang HE, and Shuguang LIU
E41) A New Finding on the Prevalence of Rapid Water Warming During Lake Ice Melting on the Tibetan Plateau
LAZHU, Kun YANG, Juzhi Hou, Junbo WANG, Yanbin LEI, Liping ZHU, Yingying CHEN, Mingda WANG, and Xiaogang HE
E40) A Hybrid Framework for Forecasting Monthly Reservoir Inflow Based on Machine Learning Techniques with Dynamic Climate Forecasts, Satellite-based Data, and Climate Phenomenon Information
Di TIAN, Xiaogang HE, Puneet SRIVASTAVA, and Latif KALIN
E39) Climate-informed Hydrologic Modeling and Policy Typology to Guide Managed Aquifer Recharge
Xiaogang HE, Benjamin P. BRYANT, Tara MORAN, Katharine J. MACH, Zhongwang WEI, and David L. FREYBERG
E38) Historical Water Storage Changes over China's Loess Plateau
Rui SHAO, Baoqing ZHANG, Xiaogang HE, Tongxuan SU, Yao LI, Biao LONG, Xuejin WANG, Wenjing YANG, and Chansheng HE
E37) Accelation of Western Arctic Sea Ice Loss Linked to the Pacific North American Pattern
Zhongfang LIU, Camille RISI, Francis CODRON, Xiaogang HE, Christopher J. POULSEN, Zhongwang WEI, Dong CHEN, Sha LI, and Gabriel J. BOWEN
Editors' Highlights in Earth Science
E36) Validation of the Community Land Model Version 5 over the Contiguous United States (CONUS) Using in-situ and Remote Sensing Datasets
Yanyan CHENG, Maoyi HUANG, Bowen ZHU, Gautam BISHT, Tian ZHOU, Ying LIU, Fengfei SONG, and Xiaogang HE
E35) Spatio-temporal Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Changes and Precipitation Trends in Shanghai
Qin JIANG, Xiaogang HE, Jun WANG, Jiahong WEN, Haizhen MU, and Ming XU
E34) Evaluation of the ERA5 Reanalysis Precipitation Dataset over Chinese Mainland
Qin JIANG, Weiyue LI, Zedong FAN, Xiaogang HE, Weiwei SUN, Sheng CHEN, Jiahong WEN, Jun GAO, and Jun WANG
E33) Rational Planning of Land Use Can Maintain Water Yield Without Damaging Ecological Stability in Upstream of Inland River: Case Study in the Hei River Basin of China
Tongxuan SU, Baoqing ZHANG, Xiaogang HE, Rui SHAO, Yao LI, Jie TIAN, Biao LONG, and Chansheng HE
E32) Global Evaluation of Seasonal Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts from NMME
Tirthankar ROY, Xiaogang HE, Peirong LIN, Hylke BECK, Christopher CASTRO, and Eric F. WOOD
E31) Identification of Uncertainty Sources in Quasi-global Discharge and Inundation Simulations Using Satellite-based Precipitation Products
Zhongwang WEI, Xiaogang HE, Yonggen ZHANG, Ming PAN, Justin SHEFFIELD, Liqing PENG, Dai YAMAZAKI, Abdul MOIZ, Yaping LIU, and Koji IKEUCHI
E30) Contrasting Influences of Human Activities on Hydrological Drought Regimes over China based on High-resolution Simulations
Xiaoli YANG, Mengru ZHANG, Xiaogang HE*, Liliang REN*, Ming PAN, Xiaohan YU, Weizhong WEI, and Justin SHEFFIELD
E29) Lagged Compound Occurrence of Droughts and Pluvials Globally Over the Past Seven Decades
Xiaogang HE and Justin SHEFFIELD
E28) The Optimal Multi-model Ensemble of Bias-corrected CMIP5 Climate Models over China
Xiaoli YANG, Xiaohan YU, Yuqian WANG, Xiaogang HE, Ming PAN, Mengru ZHANG, Yi LIU, Liliang REN, and Justin SHEFFIELD
E27) Projected Seasonal Changes in Large-scale Global Precipitation and Temperature Extremes based on the CMIP5 Ensemble
Wang ZHAN, Xiaogang HE, Justin SHEFFIELD, and Eric F. WOOD
E26) Satellite-based Operational Real-time Drought Monitoring in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River Basin
Xuejun ZHANG, Yanping QU, Miaomiao MA, Hui LIU, Zhicheng SU, Juan LV, Jian PENG, Guoyong LENG, Xiaogang HE, and Chongli DI
E25) A Global Drought and Flood Catalogue from 1950 to 2016
Xiaogang HE, Ming PAN, Zhongwang WEI, Eric F. WOOD, and Justin SHEFFIELD
E24) Robust Increases in Extreme Pacific North American Events Under Greenhouse Warming
Zhongfang LIU, Xiaogang HE, Wentao MA, and Yue WANG
E23) From Sustainable Drinking Water to Tsunami Hazards: Modeling Water Science for Impact
Xiaogang HE, Jillian STUDENT, and Carolien KROEZE
E22) Solar and Wind Energy Enhances Drought Resilience and Groundwater Sustainability
Xiaogang HE, Kairui FENG, Xiaoyuan LI, Amy B. CRAFT, Yoshihide WADA, Peter BUREK, Eric F. WOOD, and Justin SHEFFIELD
Top 25 Earth and Planetary Sciences Articles in 2019
E21) Integrated Approaches to Understanding and Reducing Drought Impact on Food Security Across Scales
Xiaogang HE, Lyndon ESTES, Megan KONAR, Di TIAN, Daniela ANGHILERI, Kathy BAYLIS, Tom P EVANS, and Justin SHEFFIELD
E20) Water Security Implications of Coal-Fired Power Plants Financed Through China's Belt and Road Initiative
Xiaogang HE, Meir ALKON, Aubrey R. PARIS, Wenying LIAO, Thomas HODSON, Niko WANDERS, and Yaoping WANG
E19) Annual Precipitation and Daily Extreme Precipitation Distribution: Possible Trends from 1960 to 2010 in Urban Areas of China
Weiyue LI, Xiaogang HE, Marco SCAIONI, Dongjing YAO, Chunrong MI, Jing ZHAO, Yu CHEN, Kaihang ZHANG, Jun GAO, and Xin LI
E18) Improving CHIRPS Daily Satellite-precipitation Products Using Coarser Ground Observations
Weiyue LI, Weiwei SUN, Xiaogang HE, Marco SCAIONI, Dongjing YAO, Yu CHEN, Jun GAO, Xin LI, and Guodong CHENG
E17) Evaluating Three Satellite-based Precipitation Products of Different Spatial Resolutions in Shanghai based on Upscaling of Rain Gauge
Weiyue LI, Xiaogang HE, Weiwei SUN, Marco SCAIONI, Dongjing YAO, Jing FU, Yu CHEN, Bin LIU, Jun GAO, Xin LI, and Guodong CHENG
E16) Evaluation of Groundwater Simulations in Benin from the ALMIP2 Project
Mehnaz RASHID, Rong-You CHIEN, Agnes DUCHARNE, Hyungjun KIM, Pat J.-F. Yeh, Christophe PEUGEOT, Aaron BOONE, Xiaogang HE, Luc SEGUIS, Yutaro YABU, Moussa BOUKARI, and Min-Hui LO
E15) Future Increases in Irrigation Water Requirement Challenge the Water-Food Nexus in the Northeast Farming Region of China
Hanqing XU, Zhan TIAN, Xiaogang HE, Jun WANG, Laixiang SUN, Gunther FISCHER, Dongli FAN, Honglin ZHONG, Edward POPE, Chris KENT, and Junguo LIU
E14) Hydrology in A Coupled Human-natural System: Research, Innovation and Practices
Ganquan MAO, Jun XIA, Xiaogang HE, Yu TANG, and Junguo LIU
E13) Impacts of Climate Change on Peanut Yield in China Simulated by CMIP5 Multi-Model Ensemble Projections
Hanqing XU, Zhan TIAN, Honglin ZHONG, Dongli FAN, Runhe SHI, Yilong NIU, Xiaogang HE, and Maosi CHEN
E12) Streamflows over A West African Basin from the ALMIP-2 Model Ensemble
Augusto GETIRANA, Aaron BOONE, Christophe PEUGEOT and the ALMIP-2 Working Group (including X.-G. HE)
E11) Modelling Surface Runoff and Water Fluxes over Contrasted Soils in Pastoral Sahel: Evaluation of the ALMIP2 Land Surface Models over the Gourma Region in Mali
Manuela GRIPPA, Laurent KERGOAT, Aaron BOONE, Christophe PEUGEOT, Jerome DEMARTY, Bernard CAPPELAERE, Laetitia GAL, Pierre HIERNAUX, Eric MOUGIN, Martha ANDERSON, Christopher HAIN and the ALMIP-2 Working Group (including X.-G. HE)
E10) Intensification of Hydrological Drought in California by Human Water Management
Xiaogang HE, Yoshihide WADA, Niko WANDERS, and Justin SHEFFIELD
E9) Forecasting the Hydroclimatic Signature of the 2015-16 El Nino Event on the Western U.S.
Niko WANDERS, Alexis BACHAS, Xiaogang HE, Huilin HUANG, Akash KOPPA, Zelalem MEKONNEN, Brianna PAGAN, Liqing PENG, Noemi VERGOPOLAN, Kimberly WANG, Mu XIAO, Shengan ZHAN, Dennis LETTENMAIER, and Eric F. WOOD
E8) Evaluating the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Representation in West African Monsoon Region with Different Convection Schemes
Xiaogang HE, Hyungjun KIM, Pierre-Emmanuel KIRSTETTER, Kei YOSHIMURA, Weijie LIU, Zhongwang WEI, Eun-Chul CHANG, Yang HONG, and Taikan OKI
E7) Development of a Coupled Hydrological-geotechnical Framework for Rainfall-induced Landslides Prediction
Xiaogang HE, Yang HONG, Humberto VERGARA, Ke ZHANG, Pierre-Emmanuel KIRSTETTER, Jonathan J. GOURLEY, Yu ZHANG, Gang QIAO, and Chun LIU
E6) Spatial Downscaling of Precipitation using Adaptable Random Forests
Xiaogang HE, Nathaniel W. CHANEY, Marc A. SCHLEISS, and Justin SHEFFIELD
E5) Responses of Land Evapotranspiration to Earth's Greening in CMIP5 Earth System Models
Zhenzhong ZENG, Zaichun ZHU, Xu LIAN, Laurent Z X LI, Anping CHEN, Xiaogang HE, and Shilong PIAO
E4) The Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Regional Spectral Model Simulations over West Africa: Sensitivities to Resolution and Cumulus Schemes
Xiaogang HE, Hyungjun KIM, Pierre-Emmanuel KIRSTETTER, Kei YOSHIMURA, Eun-Chul CHANG, Craig R. FERGUSON, Jessica M. ERLINGIS, Yang HONG, and Taikan OKI
E3) Predictability of A Physically-based Model for Rainfall-induced Shallow Landslides: Model Development and Case Studies
Yang HONG, Xiaogang HE, Amy B. CERATO, Ke ZHANG, Zhen HONG, and Zonghu LIAO
E2) Landslides Susceptibility Mapping in Oklahoma State Using GIS-based Weighted Linear Combination Method
Xiaogang HE, Yang HONG, Xiaodi YU, Amy B. CERATO, Xinhua ZHANG, and Marko KOMAC
E1) Solar Cycle Modulation of the Pacific-North American Teleconnection Influence on North American Winter Climate
Zhongfang LIU, Kei YOSHIMURA, Nikolaus H. BUENNING, and Xiaogang HE
C2) Prediction of Monthly Inflow to the Danjiangkou Reservoir Based on Distributed Hydrological Model and Hydro-climatic Teleconnections
(in Chinese with English abstract)
Xiaogang HE, Tongtiegang ZHAO, and Dawen YANG
C1) Bias Error Induced by Concentration Gradient in Sediment-laden Flow Measurement
(in Chinese with English abstract)
Jian SHI, Bo GUO, Fuyuan GONG, Xiaogang HE, and Danxun LI
Public Science Writing
P1) Climate Change: A Looming Threat to Southeast Asia's Water-Food-Energy Future
Xiaogang HE
Media Coverage
1) PNAS Journal Club
"In some cases, water management practices exacerbated California drought, according to model"
2) Princeton News
"Solar and wind energy preserve groundwater for drought, agriculture"
3) Stanford News
4) IIASA News
"Switching to solar and wind will reduce groundwater use"
5) Courthouse News
"Study: Switching to solar and wind power will reduce groundwater use"
6) pv magazine
"Saving water with solar and wind"
7) MEA WorldWide
8) grist
"Wind and solar can save the planet - can they save our water supply, too?"
9) The Hill: Changing America
"Solar and wind energy: a secret weapon for keeping water in the ground"
E36) Quantifying Changing Characteristics of Water Available for Groundwater Recharge Under Climate Change (Oral)
Xiaogang HE, Tara MORAN, Zhongwang WEI, Benjamin P. BRYANT, Courtney WAGNER, Katharine J MACH and David L FREYBERG
E35) Addressing Network Autocorrelation Issue in Environmental Migration Flow Modeling using Eigenvector Spatial Filtering and a Network Model (Oral)
Tingyin XIAO, Michael OPPENHEIMER, Xiaogang HE and Marina MASTRORILLO
E34) Integrating Climate Change into Groundwater Planning: Assessment of Draft Groundwater Sustainability Plans under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (Poster)
Courtney WAGNER, Xiaogang HE and Tara MORAN
E33) Integrated Approaches for Navigating the Water-Food-Energy Trilemma in California (Invited)
Xiaogang HE
E32) Investigating Climate Impacts on South African Internal Migration through Flow Network Analysis (Oral)
Tingyin XIAO, Michael OPPENHEIMER, Xiaogang HE and Marina MASTRORILLO
E31) Lagged Coincidence in Global Floods and Droughts over the Past 60 Years (Invited)
Justin SHEFFIELD and Xiaogang HE
E30) Natural Variation and Human-Induced Changes of Drought Pattern in China (Poster)
Xiaoli YANG, Mengru ZHANG, Xiaogang HE, Ming PAN, Justin SHEFFIELD, Zhongwang WEI and Liliang REN
E29) Integrated Approaches for Navigating the Water-Food-Energy Trilemma in California (Invited)
Xiaogang HE
E28) Impacts of Climate Change on Internal Migration in South Africa through An Inferential Network Analysis Approach (Poster)
Tingyin XIAO, Michael OPPENHEIMER, Xiaogang HE and Marina MASTRORILLO
E27) Improved Seasonal Drought Prediction in China Using Statistical-dynamical Approaches (Poster)
Zengchao HAO, Xinying WU, Xiaogang HE, Xuan ZHANG and Fanghua HAO
E26) Identifying Robust Development Pathways to Manage the Groundwater-Food-Energy Trilemma in California Through Penetration of Renewable Energy Generation (Oral)
Xiaogang HE, Kairui FENG, Jim W. HALL, Yoshihide WADA, Peter BUREK, Ning LIN, Eric F WOOD and Justin SHEFFIELD
E25) Spatiotemporal Uncertainties of Remote Sensing Precipitation Datasets and Their Impacts on Global Flood Simulations (Poster)
Zhongwang WEI, Xiaogang HE, Yonggen ZHANG, Ming PAN, Justin SHEFFIELD, Liqing PENG, Dai YAMAZAKI, Akiyuki KAWASAKI and Koji IKEUCHI
E24) Solar and Wind Energy Enhances Drought Resilience and Groundwater Sustainability (Invited)
Xiaogang HE
E23) Solar and Wind Energy Enhances Drought Resilience and Groundwater Sustainability (Invited)
Xiaogang HE
E22) Solar and Wind Energy Enhances Drought Resilience and Groundwater Sustainability (Invited)
Xiaogang HE
E21) Solar and Wind Energy Enhances Drought Resilience and Groundwater Sustainability (Invited)
Xiaogang HE
E20) The Impact of Human Activities on Flood and Drought Severity (Oral)
Justin SHEFFIELD, Xiaogang HE, Yoshihide WADA, and Niko WANDERS
E19) Spatial Patterns of Summer Rainstorms in the Mountainous Three Gorges Region and Their Implications for Flash Floods Modeling (Poster)
Zhe LI, Youcun QI, Xiaogang HE and Qiuhong TANG
E18) Anatomy of Human Interventions on the Alteration of Drought Risk over the Conterminous US (Oral)
Xiaogang HE, Yoshihide WADA, Niko WANDERS and Justin SHEFFIELD
E17) Large-scale Modeling on the Fate and Transport of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Multimedia over China (Poster)
Yanping HUANG, Min LIU, Yoshihide WADA, Xiaogang HE and Xun SUN
E16) Integrating An Agent-based Model into A Large-scale Hydrological Model for Evaluating Drought Management in California (Oral)
Justin SHEFFIELD, Xiaogang HE, Yoshihide WADA, Peter BUREK, Taher KAHIL, Eric F WOOD and Michael OPPENHEIMER
E15) A Global Drought and Flood Catalogue for the Past 100 Years (Invited)
Justin SHEFFIELD, Xiaogang HE, Liqing PENG, Ming PAN, Colby K FISHER and Eric F WOOD
E14) Effects of Human Water Management on California Drought Risk (Oral)
Xiaogang HE, Yoshihide WADA, Niko WANDERS and Justin SHEFFIELD
E13) A Seamless Global Hydrological Monitoring and Forecasting System for Water Resources Assessment and Hydrological Hazard Early Warning (Oral)
Justin SHEFFIELD, Xiaogang HE, Eric WOOD, Ming PAN, Niko WANDERS, Wang ZHAN and Liqing PENG
E12) Low Flow Risk Analysis Using A Novel Geostatistical Framework under Non-stationarity (Poster)
Xiaogang HE, Marc SCHLEISS and Justin SHEFFIELD
E11) Effects of Human Water Use on the Hydrological Drought over California (Oral)
Xiaogang HE and Justin SHEFFIELD
E10) Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of An Ensemble-based Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide Modelling System Using Remote Sensing Forcing (Poster)
Ke ZHANG, Yang HONG, Jonathan J GOURLEY, Xianwu XUE and Xiaogang HE
E9) Translating the Potential of Hydrological Forecasts into Improved Decision Making in African Regions (Oral)
Justin SHEFFIELD, Xiaogang HE, Niko WANDERS, Eric F WOOD, Abdou ALI, Luke OLANG, Lyndon D ESTES and Kelly K CAYLOR
E8) Statistical Precipitation Downscaling Using Random Forests -- Synthetic Experiments over Southeast United States (Oral)
Xiaogang HE, Nathaniel W. CHANEY, Justin SHEFFIELD, Ming PAN and Eric F. WOOD
E7) Statistical Precipitation Downscaling Using Random Forests (Poster)
Xiaogang HE and Justin SHEFFIELD
E6) Characterization of Unconfined Aquifer Storage Variations by Baseflow Recession Analysis (Oral)
Pat J.-F. YEH and Xiaogang HE
E5) Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in West African Monsoon (WAM) Region (Poster)
Xiaogang HE and Hyungjun KIM
E4) Model Configuration for MATSIRO Land Surface Model (Oral)
Xiaogang HE, Hyungjun KIM and Taikan OKI
E3) Characterization of Catchment Storage-Discharge Relationship Through Water Table Depth Data and Baseflow Recession Analysis (Oral)
Pat J.-F. YEH, Xiaogang HE and Taikan OKI
E2) Propagation of Precipitation Uncertainty in Terrestrial Hydrological Modeling - Case Study over West Africa (Poster)
Xiaogang HE, Hyungjun KIM, Pat J.-F. YEH and Taikan OKI
E1) Evaporation at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve Using Pan Data and Hydrometeorological Estimates (Poster)
Xiaogang HE and David L. FREYBERG
Research Experiences
11) Graduate Research Assistant
Supervisor: Prof. Eric F. WOOD & Prof. Justin SHEFFIELD
10) PEI-STEP Fellow
Supervisor: Prof. Michael OPPENHEIMER
9) Visiting Postgraduate Research Student
Supervisor: Prof. Justin SHEFFIELD
8) Young Scientists Summer Program Fellow
Supervisor: Dr. Yoshihide WADA
7) Visiting Research Scholar
Project 1: Advancing Multi-scale Landslide Hazard Prediction by Integrating High Resolution Remote Sensing Data and Subsurface In-situ Monitoring
Project 2: Real-time Monitoring of Slope Stability in Eastern Oklahoma
With Prof. Yang HONG
6) International Project Member
AMMA Land Surface Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (ALMIP2)
Supervisor: Prof. Taikan OKI
5) Graduate Research Assistant
Estimation of Groundwater Storage Variations based on Baseflow Recession Analysis
Supervisor: Prof. Pat J.-F YEH
4) Undergraduate Research Assistant
Long-term Streamflow Prediction in Hanjiang River
Supervisor: Prof. Dawen YANG
3) Undergraduate Research Assistant
Evaporation at Jasper Ridge Using Pan Data and Hydrometeorological Estimates
Supervisor: Prof. David L. FREYBERG
2) Undergraduate Research Assistant
Quantification of the Bias Error Induced by Velocity and Concentration Gradients
Supervisor: Prof. Danxun LI
1) 15th Structure Design Contest of Tsinghua University
Honors and Awards
20) School of Engineering and Applied Science Award for Excellence
2018, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University
19) Mary and Randall Hack '69 Award
2018-2019, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University
18) Perkins Fellow in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP)
2017-2019, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University
17) Princeton Energy and Climate Scholars
2017-2019, Princeton Environmental Institute, Princeton University
16) School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) Travel Funds
2017;2018, Princeton University
15) Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP) Fellowship
2017, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
14) Peter B. Lewis Fund for Student Innovation in Energy and the Environment
2016, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University
13) Princeton Graduate Fellowship
2014, Princeton University
12) Nishino Akiyo Prize for Japanese Language Study
2012, Civil Engineering, the University of Tokyo, top 2 among 20 foreign students
11) Monbukagakusho Scholarship, Japanese Government (MEXT)
2011-2013, for master student at the University of Tokyo
10) Outstanding Thesis Award of Tsinghua University
2011, top 5%, Tsinghua University, Rank 1st among 85 students in Hydraulic Engineering
9) Outstanding Graduate Award of Tsinghua University
2011, top 5%, Tsinghua University
8) Third Prize, 28th "Challenge Cup" National Contest of College Students' Scientific Technological Work
2010, Tsinghua University
7) "Zhang Guangdou Funding" Scholarship for Highly Promising Students
2008-2009, first prize, top 5%, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
6) Tsinghua-Agilent Technology Fellowship
2008-2009, first prize, top 5%, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
5) Outstanding Student Leader of Students Association for Science and Technology
2008-2009, Tsinghua University
4) Excellent Member of the 60th Anniversary of the National Day Parade
3) National Scholarship for Encouragement
2007-2008, first prize, top 5%, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2) Tsinghua-Agilent Technology Fellowship
2007-2008, first prize, top 5%, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
1) Bronze Award of College Students' Social Practice
2008, Tsinghua University
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
International Association of Chinese Youth in Water Sciences (CYWater)
Professional Service
Editoral Board Member
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
Guest Editor
"Modelling Water for Science Impact" Special Issue for Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences
with Prof. Carolien Kroeze (Editor in Chief, Wageningen University)
Journal Review
Geophysical Research Letters
Water Resources Research
Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
Journal of Hydrology
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Hydrological Processes
Scientific Reports
Weather and Forecasting
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Advances in Meteorology
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Journal of Water and Climate Change
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Synergistic Activities
Session Convener and Chair (with Frances C O'Donnell, Ted Veldkamp and Martin A Medina-Elizalde), H51K. Drought: Dynamics, Impacts, Resilience, and Mitigation I, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2018.
Session Convener and Chair (with Frances C O'Donnell, Ted Veldkamp and Martin A Medina-Elizalde), H42C. Drought: Dynamics, Impacts, Resilience, and Mitigation II, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2018.
Session Convener (with Yoshihide Wada, Michael Joseph Puma and Michelle T.H. van Vliet), GC035. Global and regional water-food-energy security under changing environments, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2017.
Session Chair (with Yoshihide Wada), GC44A. Global and regional water-food-energy security under changing environments I, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2017.
Session Chair (with Yoshihide Wada), GC31D. Global and regional water-food-energy security under changing environments II, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2017.
Chinese (mother language), English (fluent), Japanese (elementary)
Computer programming
(General) Python, MATLAB, Fortran 77/90/95, C, C++
(Parallel Computing) MPI, OpenMP
(Database) MS-SQL 2000
(Statistics) R
(OS) Linux
(Document) LaTex
Software Packages
Extracurricular Experience
6) 2015/03-2016/03
Logistics chair, Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Princeton University
5) 2010/09-2011/05
Core member, Tsinghua University Centenary Celebration Volunteer Center Planning Group
4) 2010/09-2011/05
Practice group director, Youth League Committee of Tsinghua University
3) 2008/09-2009/07
Head of Student Administration Office, Students Association for Science and Technology, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2) 2008/09-2009/07
Commissary in charge of studies, Class 71 of Hydraulic Engineering
1) 2007/09-2011/07
Active member, Class 71 Football Team