AGATASHI's Archive

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Software Archive

Name Description Language/Environment Last Modified
GETPATH ISLSCP Initiative I Easy Access routines set FORTRAN/C
gSiB Modified SiB2 (implemented paddy scheme, ALMA I/O etc.) Fortran90 (UNIX)
ps2img Converting *.ps to *.gif/*.png, with some smoothing (if you have AFDL ghostscript ver.7 or later, you'd better use it...) Shell script
zipzip Making both zip and gzip (or tar.gz, if multiple files are speicied to be compressed) from files Shell script 2001/10/26
GSWP Tools Small utilities for obtain GSWP result file from GSWP data center perl, sh 2001/10/29
netCDF_VB netCDF DLLs for VB VC++ / Visual Basic / VBA
HDF_VB HDF DLLs for VB VC++ / Visual Basic / VBA
PPT2HTML Make Simple HTML Slide Files and GIF Images from Powerpoint Presentations (Japanese) Powerpoint Addin 2002/6/14
SEQ2XLS Reading *.SEQ (Pulse Logger Record ) files into Excel Worksheet(in Japanese) Excel Addin 2002/2/16
XLS2HTMLTable Converting selected area of Worksheet into HTML table (in Japanese) Excel Addin 2002/8/6
uniq macro Hidemaru Macro which is almost the same as 'uniq' command of UNIX Hidemaru Editor Macro
tabtext2htmltable Converts tabbed text to HTML table Hidemaru Editor Macro
initcap Converts letters on the top of each words to capital and other letters to lowercase Hidemaru Editor Macro
HTML_tolower Converts all HTML element name to lower case Hidemaru Editor Macro