Taikan Oki
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Prof. Taikan Oki, Ph.D
Prof. Taikan Oki is a Special Advisor to the President,
and a Professor at Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo.
His previous academic positions include
Associate Professor with the Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo and Associate Professor with
the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
He was also affiliated as the Senior Vice-Rector,
United Nations University, Japan,
and an Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations for 2016-2021.
His areas of expertise are global hydrology and
the sustainability of world water resources
including the virtual water trade and water footprint.
He was one of the coordinating lead authors for the chapter
"Freshwater Resources" of the IPCC WGII AR5.
He got many awards such as the Biwako Prize for Ecology in 2011,
and the Japan Academy Medal in 2008.
He is the first Japanese AGU Fellow in its Hydrology Section (2014).
He became a full member of the Club of Rome and
the Science Council of Japan since October 2020.
2021 International Hydrology Prize (Dooge medal) winner,
2023 John Dalton Meal (EGU) winner.
2024 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, Medal with Purple Ribbon.
President of the Japan Society for Hydrology and Water Resources (2022-24).
See more detailes at researchmap https://researchmap.jp/TaikanOki?lang=en.
Twitter Account: TaikanOki
Publications: Recent publications
Please apply for university-recommended MEXT scholarship
without the pre-consent of the host professor.
After all the application documents are submitted,
they will be handled by FSO, evaluated by experts,
and the selection will be made based on that evaluation.
Video on the discussions in the event held during the Stockholm World Water Week
in the morning on 28 August 2024, when the ceremony and the Royal Banquet were held.
Precious photos in early days were displayed.
My entire research career is packed into 15 minutes.
- Shedding Light on the Global Water Cycle:
Oki Taikan / Professor, Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
- https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/shows/2105152/
- It is in English.
It will be broadcast on NHK World from time to time over the next three years.
If you see it please contact me.
I have already received a message today saying that the person happened
to be watching NHK World while on a business trip and
the program was on air.
- "Suntory, Nippon Koei and the University of Tokyo Launch Water Security Compass"
- A dialogue with Executive Senior Vice President Miyazaki Katsura of JICA.
- It was announced that I will get awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon
in Spring in 2024.
- Former UNU Senior Vice-Rector Taikan Oki to Receive Japan's
Medal with Purple Ribbon
- https://unu.edu/news/former-unu-senior-vice-rector-taikan-oki-receive-japans-medal-purple-ribbon
Please refer Medals of Honor (Japan)
- Announced on web pages!
- The University of Tokyo
- Professor Taikan Oki wins the Stockholm Water Prize
- https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/focus/en/articles/z0104_01383.html
- Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
- Stockholm Water Prize 2024
- https://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/waterprize2024
- Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo
- Prof. Taikan Oki becomes 2024 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
- https://ifi.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/news/12504/
- The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research
- Hydrologist Taikan Oki becomes 2024 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
- https://www.tokyofoundation.org/news/detail.php?news_id=2751
- United Nations University
- Former UNU Senior Vice-Rector Prof. Taikan Oki Awarded 2024 Stockholm Water Prize
- https://unu.edu/news/former-unu-senior-vice-rector-prof-taikan-oki-awarded-2024-stockholm-water-prize
- Future Earth
- Future Earth Member Taikan Oki Wins Stockholm Water Prize 2024
- https://futureearth.org/2024/03/25/future-earth-member-taikan-oki-wins-stockholm-water-prize-2024/
- The Club of Rome
- Taikan Oki wins the 2024 Stockholm Water Prize
- https://www.clubofrome.org/news/oki-stockholm-water-prize/
- Stockholm International Water Institute
- 2024: Professor Taikan Oki, Japan
- https://siwi.org/stockholm-water-prize/laureates/2024-professor-taikan-oki
- Water Environment Federation
- Hydrologist Taikan Oki Becomes 2024 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate
- https://www.wef.org/publications/news/wef-news/oki-2024-swp-laureate/
- Stockholm water Prize laureate Oki Taikan Oki, professor of the School of Engineering at the
- https://www.imago-images.com/st/0442211491
- H2O
- Japanse hydroloog Taikan Oki wint Stockholm Water Prize
- https://www.h2owaternetwerk.nl/h2o-mensen/personalia/japanse-hydroloog-taikan-oki-wint-stockholm-water-prize
- I won the Stockholm Water Prize 2024.
It's an overwhelming honor.
Joined in the Earth Commission
as a commissioner
from Oct. 2023.
- An introduction of the new initiative on climate and society
at UTokyo.
Announcement of the John Dalton Medal 2023 of EGU is now
on the web by the Graduate School of Engineering.
I am really humbled but very happy to receive
the John Dalton Medal 2023 of EGU.
I will continue to dedicate myself for research so as not to spoil the honors of the splendid seniors of the medal.
The member list of
Jury of 100 to nominate
Planet Prize in Sustainability Science"
by Frontiers
Research Foundation
is on the web.
- The
Jury of 100: is composed of 100 world-leading
sustainability scientists from a spectrum of academic disciplines.
I am one of them.
- A book was published. I contributed "3.18 Water Shortages" in Part 3.
(Oct. 27th, 2022)
Nature Water will be launched at the beginning of 2023. A webinar to introduce the editorial process of the new water journal will be held.
I'll be on a panel discussion.
(Oct 6th, 2022)
Nobel Prize Dialogue Tokyo 2022 "Water Matters" will be held.
- https://npd-tokyo.jsps.go.jp/en/
- Date: Oct 23rd, 2022 (Sunday), 10-17 JST
- Organized by Nobel Prize Outreach AB and JSPS.
- I will give a talk on "The Earth's Water Cycle in the Anthropocene"
- 500 people can join onsite. Registration necessary.
Online streaming is also planned.
- Please register
Register Page
(Oct 3rd, 2022)
- An article was published!
(Aug. 10th, 2022)
- An article was published.
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01548-3
- Misako Hatono, Masashi Kiguchi, Kei Yoshimura,
Shinjiro Kanae, Koichiro Kuraji, and Taikan Oki, 2022:
- A 0.01-degree gridded precipitation dataset for Japan, 1926-2020,
- Scientific Data, 9, 422.
- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01548-3
(Jul. 20th, 2022)
- An article was published.
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30729-2
- Yusuke Satoh, Kei Yoshimura, Yadu Pokhrel, Hyungjun Kim,
Hideo Shiogama, Tokuta Yokohata, Naota Hanasaki, Yoshihide Wada,
Peter Burek, Edward Byers, Hannes Muller Schmied, Dieter Gerten,
Sebastian Ostberg, Simon Newland Gosling,
Julien Eric Stanslas Boulange, and Taikan Oki, 2022:
- The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought
under climate change.
- Nature Communications, 13, 3287.
- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30729-2
(Jun. 28th, 2022)
- An article was published.
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00475-w
- Prakat Modi, Naota Hanasaki, Dai Yamazaki,
Julien Eric Stanislas Boulange, and Taikan Oki, 2022:
- Sensitivity of subregional distribution of socioeconomic
conditions to the global assessment of water scarcity
- Communications Earth & Environment, 3, 144.
(Jun. 25th, 2022)
- I am on the IIASA Science Advisory Committee as a member since December 2021.
- I became a member of
The Future Earth Governing Council since Sep. 2021.
Conversation series "My Water, Our Water" is now on
- Recorded: 18:30-19:30, Monday, March 22, 2021
- Language: English
- Speakers:
- Mr Robin Lewis, co-founder of mymizu
- In 2019, Mr Lewis co-founded mymizu, Japan's first
water refill app, as an initiative to reduce consumption of
single-use plastics.
With nearly 200,000 water refill spots around the world,
the app includes cafes and restaurants, public spaces
like airports and train stations,
as well as spring water sources in areas
like Nagano and Hokkaido, Japan.
To commemorate World Water Day, Mr Lewis and Prof. Oki,
one of Japan's leading hydrologists,
discussed what water means to them, current trends
in global water issues, and promising initiatives
to help overcome water-related challenges.
- URL: https://youtu.be/8uURxBea9nc
(March 24, 2021)
An interview article is available on Nature website.
SDG Perspectives from Japan: Insights from Taikan Oki, a global hydrologist
(Feb 22, 2021)
A short video on the event "Nature 150 Anniversary" on April 4th, 2019
at the Yasuda Auditorium of The University of Tokyo:
You can see me without a voice.
(May 16th, 2019)
- I'll be on an online symposium by Springer-Nature.
SDGs Symposium 2021: Interdisciplinary science solutions
for food, water, climate and ecosystems Sustainable Development Goals.
- Date: Friday, 26 March 2021, 16:30-19:00
- Zoom Webiar
- Language: English
(Simultranslation to/from Japanese will be available)
- Keynote Speach:
- Philip Campbell (Editor in Chief, Springer Nature)
"How researchers, their institutions and their publishers
can boost their impacts on major societal challenges"
- Taikan Oki (Professor, The University of Tokyo)
"Data and curiosity driven earth system science for the SDGs"
- Presentation:
- Linking of ocean science and SDGs throughby numerical simulations
(Hiroyasu Hasumi)
- Unraveling the sustainability trade-offs of commercial agriculture
in Sub-Saharan Africa in the context
of the Sustainable Development Goals (Alexandros Gasparatos)
- How do we reconcile a long-term climate goal and
sustainable development? (Tomoko Hasegawa)
- Panel Discussion
- Moderator: Hiroko Kuniya (journalist)
- Please refer https://www.springernature.com/jp/campaign/20210326-E for details.
Please register for free from here.
(Feb. 3rd, 2021)
Club of Rome,
known by its publication "The Limits to Growth" in 1972, still exists,
and I'll be a full member of it from Oct. 1, 2020 through Sep 30, 2025.
The invitation letter says:
You are invited to become a Full Member not only because of
your outstanding achievements, established reputation and
intellectual acuity, but also because we highly value your interest in
revitalizing the presence and visibility of the Club of Rome
in Japan and also more broadly in Asia
and your expertise as a top negotiator with Asian national
and metropolitan governments on climate change adaptation.
I feel I'm obliged to further develop my researches on
water, climate, and sustainability, and also support
implementing adaptation to climate change and achieving SDGs.
(September 25, 2020)
A short video on the event "Nature 150 Anniversary" on April 4th, 2019
at the Yasuda Auditorium of The University of Tokyo:
You can see me without a voice.
(May 16th, 2019)
Please find our latest Analysis
entitled as "How global targets on drinking water
were developed and achieved" published online on Nature Sustainability at
(view-only version)
or at
Hope you like this piece.
(April 15th, 2019)
I'm on a PR video of Japanese Government on Youtube.
- Human Capacity Development
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkciURu8DSM
- Human resources are the foundation of nation building.
Based on its own experience of development,
Japan is actively engaged in capacity building
in developing countries.
Creating various opportunities for vocational
training and professional education,
Japan and its partners will raise a future generation
of leaders towards a better and more resilient future.
(Prime Minister's Office of Japan YouTube Channel is operated by the Government of Japan.)
It is in English!
(April 9th, 2019)
IR3S was reorganized into Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI),
The University of Tokyo on April 1st, 2019:
Institute for Future Initiatives(IFI),
The University of Tokyo.
Then, my affiliations are:
- Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University
- Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations
- Special Advisor to Preseident, The University of Tokyo
- Professor at IFI, The University of Tokyo
- Professor at IIS, The University of Tokyo
I'll keep using the e-mail address at IIS, at least for a while,
and my education responsibility at
The Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
remains the same.
(April 1st, 2019)
Under the cross-appointment system,
my major affiliation is at UNU since October 2016.
The United Nations University (UNU) is an international community of
scholars engaged in policy-relevant research on pressing global issues,
specialised postgraduate training and capacity building,
and the dissemination of knowledge.
UNU functions as a think tank for the United Nations system.
It operates as a global network of institutes and programmes,
coordinated by UNU Centre in Tokyo.
I am a Senior Vice-Rector at UNU,
and also an Assistant Secretary-General for United Nations.
I would like to strengthen collaboration with
The University of Tokyo and other academic institutions in Japan and Asia
with the UN system,
promote transdisciplinary research, and
contribute to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
I'll keep my affiliation as a special adviser to the president
and a professor at Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo,
and continue management, education, and research.
Hope this opportunity will enhance our communications and collaborations.
(October 3rd, 2016)
- Please enjoy my contribution for the AGU Hyddrology
Section Newsletter:
AGU Hydrology Section Newsletter (July 2015)
Opportunities and Fortunes in Global Hydrology (1 MB PDF)
It is a record of my award for AGU Fellow of 2014.
(July 22nd, 2015)
- UTokyo Research:
Lessons learned from 2011 Thailand flood and preparation for the next
(November 2014)
Publications in English
- Papers, books, abstracts in English:
Papers and Abstracts published in 2006-2018.
Papers and Abstracts published in 2001-2005.
Papers and Abstracts published in 1996-2000.
Papers and Abstracts published in 1991-1995.
Refer publications also by
Researcher ID
at http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-5778-2010.
- B.S., Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1987.
- M.Eng., Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, 1989.
- Ph.D., University of Tokyo, 1993.
Professional Interests
- Global water balance and world water resources
- Climatic Variation and the Asian Monsoon
- Land-atmosphere interaction and its modelling
- Remote sensing in hydrology
- Temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall
Welcome to the home page of Taikan Oki,
at a laboratory for
Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering,
Institute of Industrial Science,
University of Tokyo.
He is involved in or related to:
- 1989-1995 Research Associate,
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
- 1995-1997 Assistant Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
- 1997-2002 Associate Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
- 2002-2003 Associate Professor,
Research Institute for Humanity and
- 2003-2006 Associate Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
- November 2006 - March 2018, Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
- October 2016 - September 2021, Senior Vice-Rector,
United Nations University.
Assistant Secretary-General,
United Nations. (cross-appointment)
- April 2020-, Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,
Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
- CONCURRENT (time sharing) POSITIONS (mostly unpaid):
- 1995-97: Visiting Scientist,
Climate and Radiation Branch,
Goddard Space Flight Center
- 1998-: researcher at
Frontier Research System for Global Change/
Hydrological Cycle Research Program.
- 1998-: Visiting researcher at
National Institute for
Environmental Studies
- 1999-: Visiting researcher at Earth
Science and Technology Organization
- 2000-: Senior Specialist for Scientific Research,
at Science and International Affairs Bureau,
Ministry of
Education, Science, Sports and Culture.
- 2001-2003 Associate Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science,
University of Tokyo.
- June 2016 -, Special Advisor to the President,
The University of Tokyo.
- April 2018 - March 2020, Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo.
- April 2018 - March 2019, Professor,
Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science(IR3S),
The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study(UTIAS). (cross-appointment)
- April 2019-, Professor,
Institute for Future Initiatives(IFI),
The University of Tokyo
- 2024 Stockholm Water Prize, August 2024.
- 2023 EGU John Dalton Medal, April 2023.
- 2021 International Hydrology Prize Dooge Medal, announced March 2021.
- 2014 (Dec.) AGU Fellow, American Geophysical Union
(First Japanese AGU Fellow in Hydrology Section)
- 2014 (Oct.) JICA President Award
- 2011 (Jul.) Biwako Prize for Ecology, The Ecological Society of Japan
- 2009 (Aug.) JSHWR Paper Award,
Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources
- 2009 (Jul.) Ocean Research Promotion Award, Cabinet Office
- 2008 (Nov.) Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award, Nikkei News Paper
- 2008 Science and Technology Prize, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, & Technology.
- 2008 Japan Academy Medal, The Japan Academy.
- 2008 JSPS PRIZE, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- 2005 Award in the field of Environment, JSCE.
- 2004 Incentive Award, Japan Water Award.
- 2003 IAHS Tison
- 2000 Award for the Paper on the Annual Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE.
- 2000 Selected as one of the Future
Water Leaders by the
International Water Resources
Association, the Stockholm International
Water Institute, and the Third World
Centre for Water Management as
potential water leaders of the future.
- 1998 Scientific Award from
Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources
(winning with Prof. K. Musiake, Dr. T. Nakaegawa, and M. Koike).
- 1996 Award for the Paper on Journal of Hydraulic, Coastal
and Environmental Engineering, JSCE.
- 1995 Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad from
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
- 1992 Award for the (Student/Young) Paper on the Annual Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE.
- Organizer/Secretariat
- Secretariat for the Fifth International Symposium on Hydrological
Applications of Weather Radar --Radar Hydrology--, November 19-22,
2001, Heian-Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan
- Convener for the International Symposium S5; Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere
Transfer Schemes and Large-Scale Hydrological Models
during the Sixth Scientific Assembly of the International Association
of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) at Maastricht, The Netherlands,
18-27 July 2001.
- E-mail:
Feedback to Taikan Oki
(taikan @ iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
- Phone: +81 (3) 5452-6382
- Fax.: +81 (3) 5452-6383
- Postal Mail: 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan
(There were
accesses to this page in
March 2025