Dai YAMAZAKI's website


7th Mar, 2007, Trevelin, Argentina

Old Posts


Paper publised on ERL: Sea level rise enhances inland river flooding

-- Modeling complex flow dynamics of fluvial floods exacerbated by sea level rise in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta

-- Hiroaki Ikeuchi, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Dai Yamazaki, Masashi Kiguchi, Sujan Koirala, Takanori Nagano, Akihiko Kotera and Shinjiro Kanae

-- Absstract in ERL

-- Environmental Research Letters, 2015, vol.10, p.124011, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/12/124011

10 Dec, 2015


Co-authored paper on Thailand Flood Modelling is accepted on WRR

We've developed a coupled modelling system of reservoir operation and floodplain inundation, and tested it for the Chao Phraya River in Thailand.

-- Assessing the impacts of reservoir operation to floodplain inundation by combining hydrological, reservoir management, and hydrodynamic models

-- Cherry May Mateo, Naota Hanasaki, Daisuke Komori, Kenji Tanaka, Masashi Kiguchi, Adisorn Champathong, Thada Sukhapunnaphan, Dai Yamazaki, Taikan Oki

-- Absstract in WRR

-- Water Resources Research, vol.50, accepted, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR0141845

7 Aug, 2014

Paper published in WRR: Global River Width Database

The description paper on the Global Width Database for Large Rivers (GWD-LR) is published in Water Resources Research

-- Development of the Global Width Database for Large Rivers

-- Dai Yamazaki, Fiachra O'Loughlin, Mark A. Trigg, Zachary F. Miller, Tamlin M. Pavelsky, & Paul D. Bates

-- Absstract in WRR

-- Water Resour. Res., vol.50, published online, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014664

14 Apr, 2014


CaMa-Flood ver3.4.4

The new version of the CaMa-Flood global river model is now ready to be distributed.

-- CaMa-Flood webpage

19 Nov, 2013

Paper published in WRR: Speed up global river models

A paper on the improvement on computational efficiency of global river models is published on Water Resources Research

-- Improving computational efficiency in global river models by implementing the local inertial flow equation and a vector-based river network map

-- Dai Yamazaki, Gustavo A. M. de Almeida, & Paul D. Bates

-- WRR webpage

-- Water Resour. Res., vol.49(11), pp.7221-7235, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014664

19 Nov, 2013

Poster Presentation at EGU 2013 General Assembly

I'll join the EGU 2013 General Assembly in Vienna, 7-12 April. I'll have a poster in the large river hydrology session on Wednesday.

13 Mar, 2013

WRR paper on calibration of river model parameters by Dr. Getirana (Co-authored)

Automatic parameterization of a flow routing scheme driven by radar altimetry data: Evaluation in the Amazon basin

-- Augusto Getirana, Aaron Boone, Dai Yamazaki, and Nelly Mognard

-- WRR webpage

-- Water Resources Research, in print

29 Jan, 2013


Paper published in WRR: Water Level Dynamics

A paper on the accuracy of water surface elevations simulated by CaMa-Flood is published in Water Resources Research.

-- Analysis of the water level dynamics simulated by a global river model: A case study in the Amazon River

-- Dai Yamazaki, Hyongki Lee, Douglas E. Alsdorf, Emanuel Dutra, Hyungjun Kim, Shinjiro Kanae, & Taikan Oki

-- WRR webpage

-- Water Resour. Res., vol.48, W09508, 2012, DOI: 10.1029/2012WR011869

19 Sep, 2012

J.Hydromet paper on flood modelling by Dr. Getirana (Co-authored)

The Hydrological Modeling and Analysis Platform (HyMAP): evaluation in the Amazon basin

-- Augusto Getirana, Aaron Boone, Dai Yamazaki, Bertrand Decharme, Febrice Papa, and Nelly Mognard

-- J.Hydromet webpage

-- Journal of Hydrology, vol.436-437, pp.81-91, 2012

19 Sep, 2012

JSPS oversea fellowship: two years visit to Bristol UK

My research proposal is accepted for the JSPS oversea fellowship funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. I'm visiting University of Bristol in United Kingdom for two years from June 2012.

I will continuously work on the global hydrodynamic modeling with Prof. Paul Bates.

[Jp] 日本学術振興会の海外特別研究員として2012年6月から英国ブリストル大学に2年間滞在します。

2nd Jun, 2012

IGARSS 2012 in Munich, Oral Presentation

I'm going to have a oral presentation at IEEE IGARSS 2012 in Munich during 22-27 July.


-- Dai Yamazaki, Calum A. Baugh, Paul D. Bates, Shinjiro Kanae, Douglas E. Alsdorf, and Taikan Oki

-- Radar Remote Sensing of Wetlands I

6 April, 2012

Paper on DEM adjustment published in JoH

-- Adjustment of a spaceborne DEM for use in floodplain hydrodynamic modelling

-- Dai Yamazaki, Calum A. Baugh, Paul D. Bates, Shinjiro Kanae, Douglas E. Alsdorf, & Taikan Oki

-- Abstract in JoH

-- Journal of Hydrology, vol.436-437, pp.81-91, 2012, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.02.045

6 Apr, 2012

HRL letter on 2012 Thai Flood analysis by Dr. Komori (Co-authored)

Characteristics of the 2011 Chao Phraya River flood in Central Thailand

-- Daisuke Komori, Shinichirou Nakamura, Masashi Kiguchi, Asako Nishijima, Dai Yamazaki, Satoshi Suzuki, Akiyuki Kawasaki, Kazuo Oki Taikan Oki 1

-- HRL webpage

-- Hydrological Research Letters, vol.6, 41-46, 2012

24 Apr, 2012

[jp]地球惑星科学連合2012大会 でポスター発表


-- 氾濫原水動態モデリングに必要な衛星地形データの誤差解析と修正

-- 山崎太, C.A. Baugh, P.D. Bates, 鼎信次郎, D.E. Alsdorf, 沖大幹

-- A-CG36 地球環境関連データセット展覧会

6 April, 2012



22 Mar, 2012

AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle

*** I could not attend the conference due to a health problem

-- Adjustment of a spaceborne DEM for use in floodplain hydrodynamic modelling

-- Dai Yamazaki, Calum Baugh, Paul D. Bates, Shinjiro Kanae, Douglas E. Alsdorf, and Taikan Oki

18th Feb, 2012


Paper on Congo water storage was published in RSE.

My co-authored paper on the water storage variation in the Congo River basin was published in Remote Sensing of Environment.

-- Characterization of terrestrial water dynamics in the Congo Basin using GRACE and satellite radar altimetry

-- Hyongki Lee, R. Edward Beighley, Douglas Alsdorf, Hahn Chul Jung, C.K. Shum, Jianbin Duan, Junyi Guo, Dai Yamazaki, Konstantinos Andreadis

-- Rem. Sens. Env., vol.115(12), 3530-3538, 2011

abstract in RSE

14th Nov, 2011

Short paper on the Proceeding of IGARSS 2011 Vancouver

-- Toward global-scale data assimilation using SWOT: Requirements for global hydrodynamics models

Dai Yamazaki, Douglas Alsdorf, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki and Konstantinos Andreadis

IGARSS 2011 Proceeding

14th Nov, 2011

[jp] 水文・水資源学会2011研究発表会に登録


-- 全球河川氾濫原モデルによる大陸河川の水位変動の予測可能性:アマゾン川流域における潮汐現象を対象としたケース・スタディ

山崎大, 沖大幹, 鼎信次郎

31st May, 2011

Presentation at IGARSS 2011 @ Vancouver

I submitted one abstract for IGARSS 2011 meeting at Vancouver (Canada) in 24-29 July.

-- Toward global-scale data assimilation using SWOT: Requirements for global hydrodynamics models

Dai Yamazaki, Douglas Alsdorf, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki and Konstantinos Andreadis

Advances in Earth Sensing and Applications II: Poster (Wed, 27Jul)

31st May, 2011

[jp] JpGUで発表


-- 河川・氾濫原モデリングのための「河道網」と「氾濫原地形」データセットの構築

-- 山崎大, 鼎信次郎, 沖大幹

-- 地球環境関連データセット展覧会

27th May, 2011

Short visit to U.K.

5-6th May @ University of Bristol with Paul Bates, and 9-13th @ ECMWF for the meeting on floodplain modeling.

5th May, 2011

Two presentations at EGU 2011

(1) Improvement of streamflow prediction skill in large catchments: the effect of floodplain parameterization using a spaceborne DEM

-- Dai YAMAZAKI, Doug Alsdorf, Shinjiro KANAE, and Taikan OKI

-- HS6.4 Catchment hydrology and remote sensing: parameter retrieval and integration with models


(2) Impact of climate change on the flood risks in the Mekong River basin: prediction of future flooding extent using a continental-scale hydrodynamics model

-- Dai YAMAZAKI, Pokhrel YADU, Hyungjun KIM, Shinjiro KANAE, and Taikan OKI

-- NH1.3/HS12.7 Flood risk and uncertainty

3th Apr, 2011

Paper published in WRR: River-Floodplain model

A paper on the development of the global river-floodplain model, CaMa-Flood, is accepted for Water Resources Research.

-- A physically-based description of floodplain inundation dynamics in a global river routing model

-- Dai Yamazaki, Shinjiro Kanae, Hyungjun Kim, & Taikan Oki

-- Water Resour. Res., vol.47, W04501, 2011, DOI: 10.1029/2010WR009726

1st Apr, 2011


Presentation at AGU Fall Meeting

I registered for a presentation at AGU fall meeting 2010. It will be a talk on the floodplain water storage in the Amazon.

-- Seasonal water storage on the Amazon floodplain: a comparison between satellite measurement and model simulation

-- Dai Yamazaki, Douglas E Alsdorf, Shin-Chan Han, Taikan Oki

-- H66. The Remote Sensing of Rivers

10th September, 2010

CGCM description paper accepted

-- Improved climate simulation by MIROC5: Mean states, variability, and climate sensitivity

-- Masahiro Watanabe, Tatsuo Suzuki, Ryouta O'ishi, Yoshiki Komuro, Shingo Watanabe, Seita Emori, Toshihiko Takemura, Minoru Chikira, Tomoo Ogura, Miho Sekiguchi, Kumiko Takata, Dai Yamazaki, Tokuta Yokohata, Toru Nozawa, Hiroyasu Hasumi, Hiroaki Tatebe, and Masahide Kimoto

-- J. Climate, 23, 6312-6335, 2010.

-- abstract in J. Climate

10th September, 2010

Visiting the Ohio State University

I visited the Ohio State University from July to December, 2010. I stayed at Doug Alsdorf's laboratory, and study about microwave remote sensing of surface waters using SWOT satellite mission.

17th June, 2010

OSTST-Hydro meeting in Lisbon, Portugal

I'm going to attend OSTST-Hydro meeting, 18-22th October, 2010.

-- Prediction of water surface elevation by a global river model: a case study for tidal effect in Amazon River.

-- Dai Yamazaki, Taikan Oki and Doug Alsdorf

17th June, 2010

Paper Accepted

The paper on nitrogen transport in the river by Dr. He Bin is accepted on Journal of Environment Management. I'm one of the coauthors.

-- Estimating monthly total nitrogen concentration in streams by using artificial neural network

-- He B, Oki T, Sun F, Komori D, Kanae S, Wang Y, Kim H, Yamazaki D.

Presentation at HESSS2

I had a oral presentation at HESSS2, 22-25th June, 2010 @ IIS U-Tokyo, Japan

-- Representation of floodplain inundation dynamics in a global river routing model

-- G5. Advancement in Hydrologic Modeling

29th June, 2010



-- 潮汐がアマゾン川の地表水動態に及ぼす影響:広域氾濫原モデルによる解析

-- 山崎大・鼎信次郎・沖大幹

-- A-HW017 水循環・水環境

8th March, 2010


日時:2010年3月15日(月)10 :00〜17 :00。場所:東京大学生産技術研究所A棟4階 An 401/402

-- 地表水の貯留・輸送過程に関する衛星観測の現状

-- 山崎 大(東大生研)

8th March, 2010


第19回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用フォーラム」日時:平成22年3月11(木),12日(金)。場所:東京大学生産技術研究所(駒場Uキャンパス) D棟大セミナー室Dw601

-- 高解像度DEMを用いた全球河川モデルにおけるサブグリッド地形の表現

-- 山崎大

8th March, 2010

[jp]Awarded! 水工学論文奨励賞を受賞!


-- グローバルな河川モデルのための河道網の自動構築

-- 山崎大、沖大幹、鼎新次郎

-- 水工学論文集, 53, 445-450, 2009

19th January, 2010



-- GEWEX/iLEAPS合同国際会議参加報告

-- 萬和明, 山崎大, 吉田龍平, 新田友子, Yadu Pokhrel, 辻本久美子, 平林由紀子, 田中賢治, 檜山哲哉

-- 水文・水資源学会誌, 23(1), 83-91, 2010

25th January, 2010

[jp]水・水若手会 in 札幌


19th January, 2010



-- 超高解像度水文地形データを用いた全球河川・氾濫原シミュレーション

-- 山崎大、鼎新次郎、沖大幹

-- 水工学論文集, 54, 2010 in print

19th January, 2010

[jp]1/16 東大若手【水勉強会】映画鑑賞会

1月16日に水勉強会で映画鑑賞会を開催しました。For the Love of Water: FLOWDVDをもっていますので興味がある方は一声おかけください。

19th January, 2010

River network map for T42, T85, T106, T213

I have prepared river network maps for AOGCM at the resolutions of T42, T85, T106, and T213. If you have interest, please notice.

KAKUSHIN ProgramのMIROC5向けに河道網を整備しました。

19th January, 2010


The AGU fall meeting 2009

I joined the AGU fall meeting 2009. Poster presentation: 'Diffusive modeling of global river and floodplain dynamics using 1km-resolution DEM'.

-- Poster in PDF

14th December, 2010

Publication on HESS

-- Deriving a global river network map and its sub-grid topographic characteristics from a fine-resolution flow direction map

-- Dai Yamazaki, Taikan Oki, & Shinjiro Kanae

-- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., vol.13, pp.2241-2251, 2009, DOI: 10.5194/hess-13-2241-2009

-- abstract in HESS

14th December, 2009

Field Trip to Cambodia

I have traveled to Thailand and Cambodia from 29 Sep to 4 Oct, mainly to see the conditions of inundation in Tonle-Sap Lake. Photos are available on Picasa.

5rd October, 2009

Poster presentation @ GEWEX

'Simulation of floodplain inundation dynamics with high resolution global river routing model'. GEWEX & iLEAP Joint Session A. on 25th Aug, in Melbourne, Australia.

31st Aug, 2009

[jp]8月19-21日 水文・水資源学会

8月19日に口頭発表です。河川湖沼セッション(15)「超高解像度水文地形データを用いた全球河川流下モデルへの氾濫原浸水過程の導入」研究発表会は8月19日〜21日に石川県金沢市 石川県文教会館にて開催されます。

12th August, 2009



1st Apr, 2009



23rd Mar, 2009

[jp] 水工学講演会 3/5 @芝浦工科大学


5th Mar, 2009

[jp] 修士論文発表・古市賞受賞


13th Feb, 2009


Oral Presentation at APHW

I joined the 4th conference of the Asia Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW) on 3-5th November, 2008 at Beijing, CHINA. webpage. Title of presentation is 'An Improved Upscaling Method to Construct a Global River Map'.

5th Nov, 2008

[jp] 水文・水資源学会ポスター発表


26th Aug, 2008

[jp] IPCC第4次報告書の和訳公開


29th Feb, 2008