沖 大幹の主要出版物 1996-2000
Researcher ID
- 査読つき論文: 5/29 for 1996-2000,
16/40 for 1987-2000.
- 要旨等: 33/70 for 1996-2000,
92/158 for 1987-2000.
2000 (0/8)
生駒 栄司, 新井 崇之, 金 元植, 沖 大幹, 喜連川 優,
水文・水資源学会誌, 13, No.4, 291-303, July, 2000.
仲江川 敏之, 瀬戸 心太, S. A. Romshoo,
小池 雅洋, 弘中 貞之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 20, No.2, 39-52, 2000.
K. Miyaoka, H. Matsuyama, and T. Oki,
Validation of the output from JMA-SiB using
the combined water balance method and a river
routing scheme -- A case study in the Mackenzie river basin,
J. Geophys. Res., 104, No.D24, 31,199-31,206, 2000.
鼎 信次郎, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
--- 単純化した森林伐採が降水に与える影響 ---,
水工学論文集, 44, 37-42, March, 2000.
新井 崇之, 金 元植, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
水工学論文集, 44, 175-180, March, 2000.
平林 由希子, 瀬戸 心太, 鼎 信次郎, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
水工学論文集, 44, 259-264, March, 2000.
- T. Nakaegawa, Taikan Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
The effects of heterogeneity within an area on areally averaged evaporation,
Hydrological Processes,
14, 465-479, 2000.
仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
土木学会論文集, No.642/II-50, 1-18, February, 2000.
1999 (2/6)
T. Oki, T. Nishimura, and P. Dirmeyer,
Assessment of annual runoff from land surface models
using Total Runoff
Integrating Pathways (TRIP), J. Meteor. Soc. Japan,
77, 235-255, Mar. 1999.
R. D. Koster, T. Oki, and M. J. Suarez,
Assessing success in the offline validation
of land surface models,
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 257-263, 1999.
渡辺 哲平, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
水文・水資源学会誌, 12, 221-230, 1999.
沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
水工学論文集, 43, 151-156, 1999.
仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, A. S. Herath, 虫明 功臣,
水工学論文集, 43, 109-114, 1999.
瀬戸 心太, 仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
TRMM-PR を用いた土地被覆ごとの後方散乱係数特性,
水工学論文集, 43, 223-226, 1999.
1998 (1/9)
仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
ついて ---粗度因子の提案---,
11, 603--606, 1998.
- 鼎 信次郎, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
水文・水資源学会誌, 11, 482--491, 1998.
鼎 信次郎, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
気候システムにおける土壌水分, 水文・水資源学会誌,
11, 508--514, 1998.
原田 周平, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
11, 371-381, 1998.
仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
線形化モデルによる地表面熱フラックスの集約化 I: 領域平均地表
11, 201-209, 1998.
仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
線形化モデルによる地表面熱フラックスの集約化 II: 不均一な領
11, 210-220, 1998.
T. Oki and Y. C. Sud,
Design of Total Runoff Integrating Pathways
(TRIP) A global river channel network,
Earth Interactions,
2, Jan. 1998.
[Abstract is Here]
鼎 信次郎, 江守 正多, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
42, 85-90, 1998.
仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
Philip 式による浸透量の領域平均算定式と集約化規範の導出,
42, 175-180, 1998.
1997 (2/6)
虫明 功臣, 小池 雅洋, 沖 大幹, 仲江川 敏之,
能動型マイクロ波リモートセンシングによる表層土壌水分計測 I: 室内実験,
577-587, 1997.
虫明 功臣 and 仲江川 敏之 and 小池 雅洋 and 沖 大幹,
能動型マイクロ波リモートセンシングによる表層土壌水分計測 II: 屋外実験,
588-596, 1997.
虫明 功臣, 沖 大幹, 仲江川 敏之, 小池 雅洋,
III: 合成開口レーダ搭載衛星検証実験と土壌水分分布図の作成,
597-606, 1997.
沖 大幹, 鼎 信次郎,
371-374, 1997.
沖 大幹, 西村 照幸, ポール ディルマイヤー,
10, 416-425, 1997.
[Abstract is Here]
仲江川 敏之, 三枝 修平, 池田 聡司, 虫明 功臣, 小池 雅洋, 沖 大幹,
41, 927-932, 1997.
1996 (0/0)
2000 (8/30)
Shakil A. Romshoo, T. Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Ground Based Multi-frequency Radar System (L-, C-, and X-bands) for
Soil Mositure Determination Under Wheat Canopy,
Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Remote Sensing and GIS/GPS
(ICORG2000), 1-4, December, 2000.
沖 大幹、安形 康、牛山 素行、
水文・水資源学会誌, 13, No.5, 406-407, 2000.
沖 大幹、西元 正明、鼎 信次郎、
日本気象学会秋季大会要旨集, 78, 159, October, 2000.
瀬戸 心太、沖 大幹、虫明 功臣、
日本気象学会秋季大会要旨集, 78, 103, October, 2000.
Perapol BEGKHUNTOD, Dawen Yang, and Taikan Oki,
Comparison Spatial Estimation of Rainfall in Thailand by Rain Gauges and
Proc. Met. Soc. Japan Fall Meeting, 78, 103, October, 2000.
里村 雄彦、沖 大幹、
日本気象学会秋季大会要旨集, 78, 88, October, 2000.
渡辺 明、他18名、
日本気象学会秋季大会要旨集, 78, 256, October, 2000.
Shakil A. Romshoo, D. Yang, T. Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Soil Moisture Estimation Using Microwave Remote Sensing Techniques and
Simulation Modeling,
水文・水資源学会, 京都, p146-147, August, 2000.
Pham Thai Nam, Daweng Yang, Taikan Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Estimation of global soil erosion by using RUSLE,
水文・水資源学会, 京都, p202-203, August, 2000.
Daweng Yang, Katumi Musiake, Shinjiro Kanae, and Taikan Oki,
Use of the Pfafstetter basin numbering system in hydrological modelling,
水文・水資源学会, 京都, p200-201, August, 2000.
平林 由希子, 瀬戸 心太, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
水文・水資源学会, 京都, p30-31, August, 2000.
大手 信人, 杉本 敦子, チャッチャイ タンタスリン, ニポン タンサム,
パンヤ ポルサン, 沖 大幹,
水文・水資源学会, 京都, p24-25, August, 2000.
小池 雅洋, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣, 澤田 裕介,
水文・水資源学会, 京都, p22-23, August, 2000.
T. Oki, S. Seto, and K. Musiake,
Land Surface Monitoring by Backscattering Coefficient from TRMM/PR 2A21,
Proc. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,
IEEE, Honolulu, Hawai, 2032-2034, July, 2000.
Shakil A. Romshoo, T. Nakaegawa, T. Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Geostatistical Approaches to Characterize the Soil Moisture Patterns Using
Remote Sensing Data and Field measurements,
Proc. 2nd Intl. Summer Symposium, JSCE, 28, July, 2000.
Taikan Oki, Shinta Seto, and Katumi Musiake,
Land Surface Monitoring by the Backscattering Coefficient from Precipitation
Radar on the TRMM Satellite,
Greenn Age, Petroleum Energy Center, 21,
p3-7, July, 2000.
鼎 信次郎、沖 大幹、小池 雅洋、大手 信人、澤田 祐介、虫明 功臣、
169-174, July, 2000.
Taikan Oki, Katumi Musiake, and Tetsuzo Yasunari,
Water and energy cycles in the south east Asia from the intensive
observation of GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment (GAME),
Eos, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, 81, No.22, 41, 2000.
(Proceedings of the 2000 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 27-30,
2000, Tokyo, Japan.)
Shakil Ahmad Romshoo, Tosiyuki Nakaegawa, Masahiro Koike, Taikan Oki, and
Katumi Musiake,
Understanding the influences of surface and vegetation parameters on
soil moisture scattering in light of theory and experimental data,
Eos, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, 81, No.22, 41, 2000.
(Proceedings of the 2000 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 27-30,
2000, Tokyo, Japan.)
Shinta Seto, Yukiko Hirabayashi, Taikan Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Land surface monitoring using TRMM/PR backscattering coefficients,
Eos, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, 81, No.22, 42, 2000.
(Proceedings of the 2000 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 27-30,
2000, Tokyo, Japan.)
Wonsik Kim, Takashi Arai, Shinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Application of the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB2) to paddy field
in GAME-Tropics,
Eos, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, 81, No.22, 47, 2000.
(Proceedings of the 2000 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 27-30,
2000, Tokyo, Japan.)
Koji Dairaku, Sinjiro Kanae, Taikan Oki, Kowit Punyatrong,
and Wathana Sukarnjanase,
Rainfall Characteristics in the Tropical Mountainous Region,
the Southeast Asia,
Eos, Trans., Amer. Geophys. Union, 81, No.22, 47, 2000.
(Proceedings of the 2000 Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, June 27-30,
2000, Tokyo, Japan.)
沖 大幹・虫明 功臣・金 元植・新井 崇之 (2000),
日本気象学会春季大会要旨集, 77, 110, May, 2000.
Shakil A. Romshoo, T. Nakaegawa, T. Oki, and K. Musiake,
Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Spaceborne SAR Data and Scattering Models,
Proc. 28th Remote Sensing Society of Japan Conference,
Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21, May, 2000.
T. Oki and K. Musiake,
Rivers in Global Water Cycles,
Proc. Korea Water Resources Association, 11-19,
Seoul, Korea, May 27, 2000.
Wonsik Kim, T. Arai, S. Kanae, T. Oki, K. Musiake, and Hojoon Lee,
Application of the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB2) to Paddy Field in
Proc. Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Korea, 63,
Seoul, Korea, May, 2000.
T. Oki, S. Seto, and K. Musiake,
Land surface monitoring by sigma note from TRMM/PR 2A21,
News letter, Euro. Geophys. Soc., 74, 282, 2000.
(Proceedings of the EGS XXV General Assembly, April 25-29, 2000,
Nice, France.)
新井 崇之, 金 元植, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣, 青木 正敏,
GAME News Letter, 5, 12-14, February, 2000.
生駒 栄司, 喜連川 優, 新井 崇之, 金 元植, 沖 大幹,
GAME News Letter, 5, 9-12, February, 2000.
T. Arai, W. Kim, T. Oki and K. Musiake,
Application of SiB2 to GAME-Tropics IOP98 Data,
GAME Letter, 1, 7-9, 2000.
1999 (11/22)
沖 大幹, 地球環境問題と河川,
(社)日本河川協会, 5-69, 1999.
沖 大幹, グローバルな水循環と河川, 陸面過程の研究の現状と将来,
気象研究ノート, 195, 日本気象学会, 53-71, 1999.
T. Oki,
"Global Water Cycle,"
Chapter 1.2 in Global Energy and Water Cycles,
K. Browning and R. Gurney Eds,
Cambridge University Press, 10-27, 1999.
Xue, Y., D.B. Clark, T. Oki, and R.J. Harding, Biosphere feedback on
rainfall, Surface temperature, and runoff in West Africa. Proceedings of
the workshop on the West African Monsoon variability and predictability,
WMO/TD No.1003, 39-42, 1999.
Eiji Ikoma, Taikan Oki, and Masaru Kitsuregawa,
Development of an earth environmental database system which interacts
with application software,
Proc. of 1999 International Symposium on Database Applications in
Non-Traditional Environments (DANTE99), 252-255, Nov., 1999.
Taikan Oki,
What GSWP contributed to the validation of the variability of land-surface
Processes and how it can be extended,
Proc. on GEWEX/INSU International Workshop on Modelling Land-surface
Atmosphere Interactions and Climate Variability,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 107-114, Oct., 1999.
Taikan Oki and Katumi Musiake,
Utilization of global river discharge data for the validation of land surface
models through total integrating pathways (TRIP),
Abstracts of IUGG 1999, Birmingham, UK, A-287, July 1999.
Taikan Oki, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa, and Katumi Musiake,
Water and energy cycles in the tropical south east Asia from the
intensive observation of GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment in Tropics in 1998,
Abstracts of IUGG 1999, Birmingham, UK, B-34, July 1999.
S. Kanae, T. Oki, and K. Musiake,
Relationship between rainfall and deforestation in Thailand,
Abstracts of IUGG 1999, Birmingham, UK, B-34, July 1999.
Wonsik Kim, Taikan Oki, and Katumi Musiake,
Simulation of paddy field using the SiB2 in GAME-T,
Abstracts of IUGG 1999, Birmingham, UK, B-32, July 1999.
S. Kanae, T. Oki, and K. Musiake,
Relationship between rainfall and deforestation in Thailand,
The Third International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy
and Water Cycle, Beijing, China, 235, June, 1999.
T. Oki, S. Kanae, and K. Musiake,
GAME-Tropics studies on deforestation in Indochina,
GEWEX News, 9,
WCRP, International GEWEX Project Office,
1,4,12, May, 1999.
T. Oki, T. Nishimura, and P. A. Dirmeyer,
Validation of runoff by land surface models in major river basins of
the globe using TRIP,
Proc. 14th Conf. on Hydrology, Amer. Met.Soc.,
Dallas, Texas, 222-223, January, 1999.
中川 一, 玉井 信行, 沖 大幹, 吉村 佐, 中山 修,
京都大学防災研究所年報, 42, B-2, 273-290, April, 1999.
沖 大幹,
水工学シリーズ, 99, A-2, 土木学会水理委員会・海岸工学委員会,
A-4-1〜A-4-20, July, 1999.
- 沖 大幹,
土木学会・水理委員会, 東京, 17-26, February, 1999.
- 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
54, 652-653, 1999.
- 鼎 信次郎, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
54, 736-737, 1999.
- 岡田 康, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣, 仲江川 敏之,
54, 444-445, 1999.
- 瀬戸 心太, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
54, 18-19, 1999.
- 小林 広道, 仲江川 敏之, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣, 加藤 照之, 瀧口 博士,
54, 34-35, 1999.
- 鼎 信次郎, 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
1999年春季大会講演予稿集, 日本気象学会, 77, 1999.
1998 (4/5)
T. Oki and Y. Xue,
Investigation of river discharge variability
in Sahel desertification experiment,
Proc. 9th Symp. on Global Change Studies,
Amer. Met. Soc., 259--260, Phoenix, AZ, 1998.
T. Oki, T. Nakaegawa, and K. Musiake,
Determination of Z-R relations by
weighted quasi-linear regression method,
Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Hydrological
Applications of Weather Radar,
Hanover, Germany,
94-103, 1998.
- 松山 洋, 宮岡 健吾, 沖 大幹,
気候システム変動の謎に挑む, 気候システム研究叢書, 3,
東京大学気候システム研究センター, 93-105, 1998.
- 沖 大幹, 虫明 功臣,
土木学会第53回年次学術講演会講演概要集, 53, 114-115, 1998.
- 沖 大幹, Y. Xue,
水文・水資源学会1998年研究発表会要旨集, 100-101, 1998.
1997 (4/5)
T. Oki,
Validating the runoff from LSP-SVAT models
using a global river routing network by one degree mesh,
Proc. 13th Conf. on Hydrology,
American Meteorological Society, LongBeach, California,
319-322, 1997.
T. Oki and K. Musiake,
Interannual variation of rainfall
during southwest Asian monsoon and rice yield in Thailand
related to the variation of SST and SOI,
Proc. 13th Conf. on Hydrology,
American Meteorological Society,
J50-J51, 1997.
- 沖 大幹, 西村 照幸, Paul Dirmeyer,
1997年秋季大会講演予稿集, 日本気象学会, 416-425, 1997.
- 安成哲三、鼎信次郎、遠藤伸彦、谷田貝亜紀代、
天気, 44, 日本気象学会, 181-188, 1997.
- 沖 大幹,
村井 俊治編, 日本リモートセンシング研究会, 202-224, 1997.
1996 (6/8)
T. Oki, S. Kanae, and K. Musiake,
River routing in the global water cycle,
GEWEX News, 6,
WCRP, International GEWEX Project Office,
4-5, 1996.
T. Oki and K. Musiake,
Interannual variation of SST, SOI, Rainfall with
Southwest Asian Monsoon and rice yield in Thailand",
EOS Supplement, 77, p.W43, 1996.
(Proc. of Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Brisbane, Australia,
23-27 July, 1996)
T. Oki, S. Kanae, T. Nakaegawa, and K. Musiake,
Hydrological Aspects and Modelling Strategy for the
GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment in Tropics (GAME-T),
EOS Supplement, 77, p.W29, 1996.
(Proc. of Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Brisbane, Australia,
23-27 July, 1996)
T. Oki, S. Kanae, and K. Musiake,
Development of a meso-scale nested climate
model for runoff simulation,
Proc. Second International Scientific Conference on
the Global Energy and Water Cycle,
Washington D.C., USA,
135-136, 1996.
S. Kanae, T. Oki, and K. Musiake,
The water cycle in major river basins of the
globe as estimated by atmospheric water balance and
a GCM,
Proc. Second International Scientific Conference on
the Global Energy and Water Cycle,
Washington D.C., USA,
180-181, 1996.
N. Ohte, T. Oki, and Y. Morimoto,
Large scale estimation of water budget in the Aral Sea basin by atmospheric
water balance,
Proc. Int. Conf. On Water Resour. and Environ. Res.,
Vol. 1, 221-228, 1996.
- T. Oki, S. Kanae, and K. Musiake,
Water cycle in large river basins of the earth estimated by atmospheric
water balance and atmospheric general circulation model,
International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research:
Towards the 21st Century, II,
Kyoto, Japan, 547-554, October 29-31, 1996.
- 沖 大幹、松山 洋、渡部 雅浩、
天気, 43, No.1, 61-67, 1996.
(Last updated at
Monday, 04-Apr-2016 18:40:28 JST,
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