Menaka Revel, Ph.D.

Okutama Dam
Tokyo, Japan
Dec, 2020


I am currently working as a Project Researcher in Global Hydrodynamics Lab in Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.In Global Hydrodynamics Lab, we are working on fresh water dynamics in global scale using modelling, remote sensing, and model data integration. Please visit Global Hydrodynamics Lab here.

Research Intrests

My major research intersts are in modelling water in global scale. Recenlty I have been working on data assimilation to hydrodynamic modeling using satellite altimetry data. A novel apporach has been proposed for hydrological data assimilation using a phsically based apporach. The methods developed can be used to integrate satellite altimetry observations from satellites such as Surface Water and Ocean Topograpy (SWOT) mission into hydrodynamic models. Furthermore, I am also invloved on developing CaMa-Flood hydrodynamic model for better representation of globa fresh water.

Recent Updates

29 Mar, 2022
A Journal paper has been published in Water Resourses Reasearch.
Correction of river bathymetry parameters using the stage-discharge rating curve, A method to correct river bathymetry parameter using satellite and insitu data using stage-discharge relationship was prposed.
8 Dec, 2020
A Journal paper has been published in Water Resourses Reasearch.
A framework for estimating global-scale river discharge by assimilating satellite altimetry, A framwork for global-scale discharge estimation using data assimilation of SWOT satellite data was prposed.
01 Oct, 2019
Strated working as a Project Researcher in Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
20 Sept, 2019
Graduated Ph.D. from Tokyo Institute of Technology
19 April, 2019
A Journal paper has been published in Water. A Physically Based Empirical Localization Method for Assimilating Synthetic SWOT Observations of a Continental-Scale River: A Case Study in the Congo Basin, A novel apporach to hydrological data assimilation was prposed.