Global Water Resource Archive : Annual River Discharge by GSWP2 B0-1



  1. LSM output (106m3) to River Channel
  2. TRIP River Discharge (106m3) and height of runoff(mm. Area is obtained from Oki-Kanae method):
  3. Discharge Difference between GSWP1 and GSWP2 (106m3)
  4. Change in River Discharge by double CO2(106m3: 2060 - 1990 (CCSR/NIES 2001 version)
  5. Estimated 2050 river discharge
    ==> (Now Printing)
  6. TRIP River Discharge per capita (m3/person)
  7. Sigma-D : discharge from upstream (106m3/year)
  8. Available River Discharge at each alpha


Discharge : Each Year

LSM output into River Channel

Discharge : Unit is 106m3/year.

Discharge : Average (1986-1995)

Discharge : Unit is 106m3/year.

Change in River Discharge Between GSWP2-B0-1 and GSWP1

Height of Runoff (Average)

Height of Runoff : Unit is mm/year. Drainage Area is calculated by Oki-Kanae Method (See Basemap)

Change in River Discharge Between GSWP2-B0-1 and GSWP1

Change in River Discharge by Double CO2 (CCSR/NIES AGCM 2001)

Difference in GCM-calculated river discharge between double CO2 state and present(1990). Unit is 106m3/year. This is NOT the difference between GCM output and observation.

Ratio of GCM-calculated river discharge under double CO2 state to that of present(1990) state. Unitless. For gridcells where GCM river discharge in present condition is zero, the ratio is not calculated (filled with missing_value). This is NOT the difference between GCM output and observation.

Estimated river dischrage at 2050 : CCSR-NIES-AGCM result ver.1

Currently we are re-estimating future (2050 or 2060) river flow. There are mainly two methods: Q(future) = Q(now) + δQ (difference in Q. shown above) and Q(future) = Q(now) * f (ratio of Q, shown above))

'Diff' Method

'Ratio' Method

Diff. between two methods (Ratio method minus Diff method)

Estimated river dischrage at 2050 : MRI-GCM result ver.1 (2004Feb)

'Diff' Method

'Ratio' Method

Diff. between two methods (Ratio method minus Diff method)

River Discharge per capita

Unit is m3/person/year. TRIP version population data was used for 1995 calculation.

1995 2050
color (Now Printing)

Discharge from Upstrem (Sigma-D)

Unit is 106m3/year.

Available River Discharge for each Alpha

Unit is 106m3/year.