, abcdBALRV.txt abcd: name of discharge gauges It gives monthly water balance of river channel in the upper stream of the discharge gauge abcd. Data description: BALRV.txt , abcdBALOG.txt abcd: name of discharge gauges It gives monthly water balance of ground water reservoir in the upper stream of the discharge gauge abcd. Data description: BALOG.txt , abcdBALCS.txt abcd: name of discharge gauges It gives monthly water balance of land surface (canopy, surface storage, unsaturated soil zone) in the upper stream of the discharge gauge abcd. Data description: BALCS.txt , abcdBALEN.txt abcd: name of discharge gauges It gives monthly water balance of energy components in the upper stream of the discharge gauge abcd. Data description: BALEN.txt |
Monthly water balance check is done for each sub-basin controlled by the discharge gauges in the output gauge list. The components for which the monthly water balance are check include river channel, groundwater, land surface (canopy, surface storage, unsaturated soil zone), and energy balance. |
Water Balance Check |
Developed by Qiuhong Tang |
Distributed Biosphere-Hydrological Model System |
The University of Tokyo |
E-mail: qiuhong (at) hydro.washington.edu |
To contact the model maker: |
DBH Model Output Files |
Q. Tang, T. Oki, and S. Kanae |
, MMYYYY_xxxx.asc MMYYYY: month and year xxxx: water or energy component, below list the components ETmass_h: evapotranspiration (mm) tprec_h: precipitation (mm) roff_h: runoff (mm) dSiB: water change in land surface (canopy, surface storage, unsaturated soil zone) (mm) GWdep_h: groundwater depth (m) wreq: water withdrawals requirement (mm) wthd: actual water withdrawals (mm) fshort: actual water withdrawals / water withdrawals requirement tgwir: direct irrigation infiltration to groundwater (mm) retnfw: direct return flow (mm) assimn: canopy assimilation flux (mol m-2 s-1) ( monthly averaged) tc: canopy temperature (K) tg: ground surface temperature (K) td: deep soil temperature (K) raet: latent heat (radiation for evaporation, w m-2) raht: radiation for sensible heating (w m-2) |
Monthly distributed simulated results are output with ArcInfo ASCII format. Both water and energy components are exported. |
Distributed Simulated Results |
, abcd_k.asc abcd: station name of the discharge gauges k: the time step (h: hourly; d: daily; m: monthly; y: annual) Hourly file ASCII file with five columns (year, month, day, hour, simulated discharge [m3/s] ): i_y i_m i_d i_h Qh Daily file ASCII file with five columns (year, month, day, simulated discharge [m3/s], observed discharge [m3/s]): i_y i_m i_d Qd Qd_obv Monthly file ASCII file with four columns (year, month, simulated discharge [m3/s], observed discharge [m3/s]): i_y i_m Qm Qm_obv Annual file ASCII file with three columns (year, simulated discharge [m3/s], observed discharge [m3/s]): i_y Qy Qy_obv , abcd_P_DOS_K.txt abcd: station name of the discharge gauges K: the time step (D: daily; M: monthly; Y: annual) ASCII file with three columns (precipitation [mm], observed runoff [mm], simulated runoff [mm]).
Simulate discharge is compared to observations at the discharge gauges in different time step. The mean precipitation and runoff depth over the drainage are controlled by the discharge gauges are output. |
Discharge comparison |
, Ver_kkk.asc kkk: verification time step and method (day: daily; month: monthly; year: annual; month_spe: averaged monthly) Line 1: time step and method Line 2: items (station name, MSSS, RMSE, RRMSE, the proportion of overall bias error, amplitude error, and phase error in mean square error [refer to (Murphy, 1988) doi: 10.1175/1520-0493(1988)116<2417:SSBOTM>2.0.CO;2] ) Day Station MSSS rmse rrmse mean amplitude phase |
The mean square skill score (MSSS), root mean square error (RMSE), relative root mean square error (RRMSE) etc are used to evaluate the model performance. |
Model verification |
, abcd_loca.asc abcd: station name of the discharge gauges ArcInfo ASCII file, give the area controlled by the discharge gauge , interval.asc Flow interval (Hydrotopes) map , iumd.asc Identify upper stream, middle stream, and downstream of the river basin. (Currently, the 5th and 11th gauge stations are used to divide upper-middle and middle-down streams. It should be reset according to different river. ) , appcoff1.asc, bppcoff1.asc, and cppcoff1.asc ArcInfo ASCII file, give a, b, c parameter for precipitation distribution , RivB.asc, RivH.asc, and RivN.asc ArcInfo ASCII file, give river channel width (B), river channel height (H), and river channel roughness (N) , B_exp.asc, K_s.asc, Porosity.asc, Psi_s.asc, and Soil_slp.asc ArcInfo ASCII file, give soil parameters soil characteristic curve parameter b (B_exp.asc), Saturated hydraulic conductivity (K_s.asc), Porosity (Porosity.asc), Saturated soil moisture potential (Psi_s.asc) and averaged slope derived from soil map (Soil_slp.asc). , stnctl_area.asc ASCII file, give the area controlled by the discharge gauges and the irrigation area in the drainage area which is controlled by the discharge gauges. , xxxx_in.txt ASCII file, give spatially averaged atmospheric forcing data (daily) and vegetation condition data (monthly) over the entire river basin. xxxx: atmospheric forcing items ET: reference evapotranspiration from FAO Penman-Monteith equation RSUM: precipitation SUN: sunshine duration TM: daily mean temperature TMAX: daily maximum temperature TMIN: daily minimum temperature UM: relative humidity FSM: wind speed FPAR: Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation LAI: Leaf Area Index , areairr.txt Irrigation area data |
The input parameters are output. It is highly recommended to check all the input parameters and make sure the model parameters is reasonable. The distributed maps are provided in ArcInfo ASCII file format. The file is put at directory ./Derive_D/ (default setting of the DBH model system). |
Input check |