YEAR MONTH ROFF1 RORIV DOH BALO ROFF2 IRR_GW GSOIL GWRIV DGH BALG ROFF1 : Surface runoff (mm) RORIV : Surface flow to river channel (mm) DOH : Surface ponding depth change (mm) BALO = ROFF1 - RORIV - DOH ROFF2 : Water infiltration to Groundwater (mm) IRR_GW: Irrigation infiltration to groundwater (mm) GSOIL : Water uptaken from groundwater to soil water (mm) GWRIV : Base flow to river channel (mm) -> responsing to FLQQ (10^6m^3) DGH : Groundwater depth change (mm) BALG = ROFF2 + IRR_GW - GSOIL - GWRIV + DGH