
Source Code

Source code archive

The source code of FLOW method is distributed in tar archive. When you unfold the tar archive, you can find following directories:

DirectoryIMG Source code directories

Library setup

Make in $FLOW/lib

For the first step, source code in library should compiled. In 'lib/' directory, please modify 'Makefile' according to the environment of your computer system. Then, just type:

% cd $FLOW/lib/
% make all

'$FLOW' is your FLOW directory.


Make in $FLOW/1deg/src and execute scripts

A coarse-resolution river network map and its sub-grid topographic parameters are delineated in this step. Go to '1deg/src/' directory and modify 'Makefile' according to the environment of your computer system. Then, you should type:

% cd $FLOW/1deg/src/
% make all
% chmod 755
% ./
% chmod 755
% ./

'$FLOW' is your FLOW directory.

Temporary file for each continents are stored in '1deg/data/' directory, and final output is stored in '1deg/map/' directory.


Illustration using GMT

The upscaled river network map can be illustrated using GMT (the Generic Mapping Tools). For this purpose, go to '1deg/gmt/', and you can find script for drawing figures. Go to '1deg/gmt/bin/' directory and edit 'Makefile' according to the environment of your computer system.

You can draw the river network map by '' script. Please modify the size of the output map by editing the numbers in '' if needed, and then:

% cd $FLOW/1deg/gmt/bin
% make all
% cd $FLOW/1deg/gmt/
% chmod 755

'$FLOW' is your FLOW directory. Please input longitude (east-edge), latitude (north-edge), and output file name as an arguments for './draw-fd $LON $LAT $PSFILE' respectively.

You can choose whether GDBD 1-km rivers are drawn or not. You can also decide the way of illustrating river network map; (left) connecting outlet pixels of each grid-box, or (right) connecting center of each grid-box.

Illustration by ''

If you want to draw catchment elements, please use '' script. Please modify the size of the output map by editing the numbers in '' if needed. You should choose the area (continent) you are going to draw.

% cd $FLOW/1deg/gmt/
% chmod 755

'$FLOW' is your FLOW directory. Please input longitude (east-edge), latitude (north-edge), and output file name as an arguments for './draw-fd $LON $LAT $PSFILE' respectively.

Illustration by ''

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