Qds = Qus + Qrf + Pr + Tr - Er - Sa - Qsb | (1) |
Discharges at the upstream boundary (Qus) are from records of two national hydrometric stations. Return flow to the river (Qrf) consists of agricultural and municipal drainage. Records of agricultural drainage, where available, were obtained from the Water and Salt Monitoring Project. However the agricultural drainage is mixed with spring water. Therefore these data are considered uncertain. Then the estimated agricultural drainage was used in this study, and the available drainage data were used to calibrate the irrigation model of sub-areas. There were no records of municipal water deliveries available, so the municipal water use is estimated from estimated per capita consumption, population, GDP, etc. The population and GDP data were obtained from the local statistics bureau. Estimations of municipal effluent discharge to the river were based on the assumption that 35% of municipal water use became effluent discharge to the river. It is worth mentioning that the volume of municipal drainage water (8×106 m3/year) is small in comparison with the volume of water discharged at the upstream boundary (8,000×106 m3/year).
Precipitation to rivers (Pr) is calculated from averaged precipitation records of the three hydrometric stations and open water surface area from the CBERS-1 images. The tributary runoff (Tr) is usually generated from mountainous area outside the plain, and flows into the study area as mountain torrent and spring. There are not gauged precipitation data for the runoff generating area, thus the results of the mountain torrent and spring ravines investigation in 1999 were used as the basis of the tributary runoff. The Akesu Hydrological Bureau (AHYB) estimated runoff by extending the runoff isopleth map to the mountainous area and correlating this with an extended isohyetal map to project an annual tributary runoff of 600×106 m3. The projection is roughly consistent with the result of the investigation in 1999 (560×106 m3). Therefore, the spatial and temporal distributions of annual runoff were taken from the 1999 investigation and were scaled to fit the projection of AHYB (600×106 m3/year). Evaporation from river open water surface (Er) is calculated from averaged pan evaporation records of the three hydrometric stations and open water surface area from the CBERS-1 images. Estimation of change in storage in the alluvial aquifer ( Sa) was based on an assumption that the storage change is in direct proportion to the averaged stream flow as follow:
Sa = | (2) |