General info:
Basic shot info:
Focal Length13.3 mm; equivalent: 65 mm
Aperture ValueF3.1
FlashFlash did not fire
Shutter Speed Value1/128 sec
Advanced shot info:
Exposure Bias Value0
Max Aperture ValueF2.5
Brightness Value4.8
Exif-related info:
Exif Version2.10
Exif Image Width1024 pixels
Exif Image Height768 pixels
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG compression
Copyright(C) by RDC-7 User
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RIMG1460 * 1024 x 768 * (363KB)

RIMG1514 * 1024 x 768 * (346KB)

RIMG1515 * 1024 x 768 * (329KB)

RIMG1547 * 1024 x 768 * (365KB)

RIMG1715 * 1024 x 768 * (324KB)

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RIMG1916 * 1024 x 768 * (373KB)

RIMG1921 * 1024 x 768 * (371KB)

RIMG2415 * 1024 x 768 * (390KB)

RIMG2544 * 1024 x 768 * (355KB)

RIMG2868 * 1024 x 768 * (366KB)

RIMG1887.JPG - 1024 x 768 - (242KB)
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02/03/16 14:58
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Album last updated on 05/12/18 23:32
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