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Comment: CREATOR: XV Version 3.10a Rev: 12/29/94 Quality = 75, Smoothing = 0
IMG_1302 * 2048 x 1536 * (1.4MB)

IMG_1905 * 2048 x 1536 * (1.66MB)

IMG_1922 * 2048 x 1536 * (1.27MB)

IMG_4943 * 1536 x 2048 * (1.18MB)

R0010787 * 1024 x 768 * (386KB)

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RIMG1152 * 1024 x 768 * (361KB)

RIMG1198 * 1024 x 768 * (338KB)

RIMG1202 * 1024 x 768 * (354KB)

RIMG1205 * 1024 x 768 * (221KB)

RIMG1210 * 1024 x 768 * (334KB)

R0010850.JPG - 768 x 1024 - (136KB)
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01/05/06 22:38
BluPlusPlus skin for JAlbum 4.4 created by Armond Avanes
Album last updated on 05/12/18 23:23
Copyright (2004) Oki Family