[10]SOIL-VEG.-ATM. MICROWAVE RADIATIVE TRANSFER MODEL A set of fixed variables and an estimation algorithm ATMOSPHERE (Liu, 1999) Standard VEGITATION (Lakshmi, 2000) Physical Temperature=300K LAI SAI=0.2 Vegetation Water Content=0.2 Leaf Inclination Index=0 Leaf Thickness=0.1mm Branch Stem Ratio=5.0 Polarization Mixing Ratio(Leaf)=0.5 Polarization Mixing Ratio(Branch)=1.0 SOIL Physical Temperature=300K Soil Water Content Soil Roughness=0.3 Dobson's Parameter(α)=0.65 Dobson's Parameter(β)=1.331 Dry Soil Density=1.15 Bulk Soil Density=2.65 Polarization Mixing Ratio(Soil)=1.0 10GHzPD 37GHzPD ↓ minimum of the year ↓ (SWC=0.0) LAI ↓ (observed PD) Soil Moisture