Calibration Criteria

5 statistical measures listed below are adopted to determine the calibration results.

  Residual Bias Mean Absolute Error (MAE) Relative Root Mean Square Error (RRMSE) Coefficient of Efficiency (EF) Coefficient of Determination (CD)
Unit Same as O & P Same as O & P Dimensionless Dimensionless Dimensionless
Optimal Value 0 0 0 1 1
Range Any > 0 > 0 -infinity < EF < 1 0 < CD < infinity
Remarks Measures the bias of prediction (P). Not relative measure, only suitable for one calibration objective. A measure of the overall spread with respect to the mean value. Nash & Stucliffe (1970), measure the spread difference between the observation and prediction and the variance of observation.
(Goodness of fit)
Measure the scatter of the predicted and observed values around the mean of observation. (Peak)