


Publications with reviews

Submitted/In revision

  1. Morita, M., Kajita, H., Okazaki, A., Ueda, N., Umeda, K., Yamaoka, K., Uchida, E., Kawahata, H., Evaluation of Bicarbonate Flux through Groundwater and River Water at the Western Foothill of Mt. Choka, submitted to Geochemical Journal
  2. Ishidoya, S., Sugawara, S., Okazaki. A., First detection of variations in present day’s delta-18O of atmospheric O2 and its application to evaluate changes in oxygen, carbon, and water cycles. submitted to ACP EGUsphere
  3. Otsuka, T., Okazaki, A., Masaki, O., Kotsuki, S., A feasibility study of quantitative weather control by convex optimization of initial condition perturbation. in prep.
  4. Cheng, J., Cauquoin, A., Yang, Y., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K., Unravelling the contrasting impacts of ENSO on stable water isotopes in precipitation over the northern versus southern Tibetan Plateau. submitted to JC
  5. Okazaki, A., On the observation errors in climate proxies in paleoclimate reconstruction with data assimilation, in prep.
  6. McKinney, M. and Okazaki. A., Intercomparison of the paleoclimate reconstruction products with data assimilation over the last millennium. in prep.
  7. Cauquoin, A., Maksym, G., Hayoung, B., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K., Modeling of tritium release into the atmosphere during the Fukushima accident. in prep.

Published/In print

  1. Kino, K., Cauquoin, A., Okazaki. A., Oki, T. and Yoshimura, K., Heavy Water Isotope Precipitation in Inland East Antarctica Accompanied by Strong Southern Westerly Winds during the Last Glacial Maximum, Geophys. Res. Let., 2024. GRL Accepted
  2. Cauquoin, A., Fourre, E., Landais, A., Okazaki, A., Yoshimura, K., Modeling natural tritium in precipitation and its dependence on decadal variations of solar activity using the atmospheric general circulation model MIROC5-iso, JGR-Atmos, 2024. JGR-A
  3. Bong,H., Cauquoin, A., Okazaki, A., Chang, E.-C., Werner, M., Wei, Z., Yeo, N., and Yoshimura, K., Process-based inter-comparison of water isotope-enabled models and reanalysis nudging effects, JGR-Atmos, 129, e2023JD038719, 2024. JGR-A
  4. Li. Y., Cauquoin, A., Okazaki. A., and Yoshimura, K., Development of the isotope version of the fully coupled climate model MIROC6-iso, JJSCE,12, 2, 23-16035, 2024. JJSCE
  5. Shoji, S., Okazaki, A., Yoshimura, K., Impact of proxies and prior estimates on data assimilation using isotope ratios for the climate reconstruction of the last millennium, Earth and Space Science, 9, e2020EA001618, 2022. ESS
  6. Zhang, Y., Sieron, S. B., Lu, Y., Chen, X., Nystrom, R. G., Minamide, M., Chan, M.-Y., Hartman, C. M., Yao, Z., Ruppert J. H., Okazaki, A., Greybush, S. J., Clothiaux, E. E., Zhang, F., Ensemble-Based Assimilation of Satellite All-Sky Microwave Radiances Improves Intensity and Rainfall Predictions for Hurricane Harvey (2017). Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL096410, 2021. GRL
  7. Kino, K., Okazaki, A., Cauquoin, A., Yoshimura, K., Contribution of the Southern Annular Mode on variations in water isotopes of daily precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica, JGR-Atmos, 126, e2021JD035397, 2021. JGR-A
  8. Okazaki, A., Miyoshi, T., Yoshimura, K., Greybush, S. J., and Zhang, F., Revisiting online and offline data assimilation comparison for paleoclimate reconstruction: an idealized OSSE study, 126, e2020JD034214, JGR-Atmos, 2021. JGR-A
  9. Taylor, J., Okazaki, A., Honda, T., Kotsuji, S., Yamaji, M., Kubota, T., Oki, R., Iguchi, T. and Miyoshi, T., Oversampling Reflectivity Observations from a Geostationary Precipitation Radar Satellite: Impact on Typhoon Forecasts within an OSSE Framework, JAMES, 2021. JAMES
  10. Shoji, S., Okazaki, A., Yoshimura, K., Comparative study towards millennium reanalysis by data assimilation using isotope ratios of proxies, JJSCE, 65, I_121-126, 2020. JJSCE
  11. Kotsuki, S., Pensoneault, A., Okazaki, A., Miyoshi, T. Weight structure of the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter: A case with an intermediate atmospheric general circulation model. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 146, 3399–3415, 2020. QJRMS
  12. Okazaki, A., Honda, T., Kotsuki, S., Yamaji, M., Kubota, T., Oki, R., Iguchi, T., and Miyoshi, T., Simulating precipitation radar observations from a geostationary satellite, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 3985-3996, 2019. AMT
  13. Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K., Global evaluation of proxy models for stable water isotopes with realistic atmospheric forcing, JGR-Atmos, 124, 8972– 8993, 2019. JGR-A
  14. Shoji, S., Okazaki, A., and Yoshimura, K., Study on spatiotemporal characteristic of observation impact in proxy data assimilation, JJSCE, 74 (5), I_49-I_54, 2018. JJSCE
  15. Hydro 2k Consortium, Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era, Clim. Past., 13, 1851-1900, 2017. CP
  16. Okazaki, A., and K. Yoshimura, Development and evaluation of a system of proxy data assimilation for paleoclimate reconstruction, Clim. Past, 13, 379-393, 2017. CP
  17. Wei, Z., K. Yoshimura, A. Okazaki, K. Ono, W. Kim, M. Yokoi, C.-T. Lai, Understanding the variability of water isotopologues in near-surface atmospheric moisture over a humid subtropical rice paddy in Tsukuba, Japan, J. Hydrology, 533, 91-102, 2016. J. Hydrology
  18. Wei, Z., K. Yoshimura, A. Okazaki, W. Kim, Z. Liu, M. Yokoi, Partitioning of evapotranspiration using high frequency water vapor isotopic measurement over a paddy field, Water Resour. Res., 51(5), 3716-3729, 2015. WRR
  19. Okazaki, A., Y. Satoh, G. Tremoy, F. Vimeux, R. Scheepmaker, and K. Yoshimura, Interannual variation of vapor isotope in West Africa and its relation to ENSO, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3193-3204, 2015. ACP
  20. Wei, Z., A. Okazaki, H. Maeda, Y. Satoh, M. Kiguchi, K. Noda, M. Koike, W. Kim, Z. Liu, and K. Yoshimura, Investigating vegetation-atmosphere water exchange by using high frequency spectroscopy vapor isotope observations, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1, 70, 181-186, 2014. JJSCE
  21. Okazaki, A., P. J.-F. Yeh, K. Yoshimura, M. Watanabe, M. Kimoto, and T. Oki, Changes in Flood Risk under Global Warming Estimated Using MIROC5 and the Discharge Probability Index, J. Meteor Soc. Japan, 90(4), 509-524, 2012. JMSJ
  22. Ozawa, T., Fujibayashi, M., Okazaki, A., Chiba, N., Nomura, M., Nakano, K., Nishimura, O., マルタニシ(Cipangopaludina cheinensis laeta)における触角異常の実態調査, Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 28 (69), 2008.

Presentation (selected only)

  1. Okazaki, A., Kotsuki, S., Carrio, D., Yoshimura, K., Climate reconstruction with observation errors estimated by innovation statistics, JpGU Meeting 2023, Chiba, Japan, 21-26 May 2023. (Invited poster)
  2. Okazaki, A., Observation Error Estimation for Climate Proxies with Innovation Statistics, DA Seminar, RIKEN R-CCS, Kobe, Japan, 14 Nov. 2022. (Invited)
  3. Okazaki, A. and Yoshimura, K., Paleoclimate Reconstruction with Isotope-Enabled GCM and Proxy System Models, IsoNet 2022, Virtual Seminar, 6 Oct. 2022.(Invited)
  4. 岡崎淳史、データ同化とイノベーション統計を用いた古気候復元 と気候プロキシに含まれる誤差の推定、日本地球化学第69回年会、高知、7-9 Sep 2022. (Invited)
  5. Okazaki, A. and Yoshimura, K., Evaluation of proxy system models for stable water isotopes and introduction of their application to paleoclimate studies, JpGU2021, 4 Jun. 2021. (Invited)
  6. Okazaki, A., Honda, T., Kotsuki, S., Miyoshi, T., Precipitation radar data assimilation with an ensemble Kalman filter: an observing system simulation experiment for a typhoon case, ADAPT seminar, PSU, PA, US, Mar 29 2019. (invited)
  7. 2018 May, Okazaki, A., Miyoshi, T., Yoshimura, K., Zhang, F., Toward online data assimilation for the millennium reanalysis, A-CC29, JpGU 2018, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, May 20-24 2018. (invited)
  8. 2017 May, Atsushi Okazaki, Development and evaluation of isotopic proxy data assimilation system, First workshop of the PAGES working group on Paleoclimate Reanalyses, Data Assimilation and Proxy System modelling (DAPS), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 29 May-1 Jun 2017. (invited)
  9. 2017 May, Yoshimura, K., Okazaki, A., and Neluwala, P., Challenges for millennium reanalysis, JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari, Japan, 20-25 May, 2017. (invited)
  10. 2016 Oct., Okazaki, A., Basics of data assimilation and its application to paleoclimate, Kongju National University, Gongju, Korea, 17-21 Oct., 2016. (invited)

Full list is available at HERE


  1. 2024-2025, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)(Publicly Offered Research), Ultra-high spatiotemporal resolution climate reconstruction: Toward development of historical meteorology, 24H00920, PI, 7,200,000JPY.
  2. 2023, JAXA contract research, , PI, 500,000JPY.
  3. 2023-2026, JST Moonshot Goal 8, Artificial generation of upstream maritime heavy rains to govern intense-rain-induced disasters over land, JPMJMS2389-4-1, PI (PM: S. Kotsuki@Chiba Univ.), 91,500,000JPY.
  4. 2023-2024, MLIT Kasensabo-Gijutsu, Basin-scale impact-based risk assessment of the climate change, PI, 4,000,000JPY.
  5. 2022-2026, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), Generation of Millennium Atmospheric Reanalysis Product, 22H04938, Co-PI (PI: K. Yoshimura@Univ. Tokyo), 37,700,000JPY.
  6. 2022-2024, JST Moonshot Goal 8, Quantifying Weather Controllability and Mitigatable Flood Damage Based on Ensemble Weather Forecast, JPMJMS2284, PI (PM: S. Kotsuki@Chiba Univ.), 23,400,000JPY.
  7. 2022-2024, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, Development of Stable Water Isotopes Dataset for Atmospheric Science by Fusing Model Simulations and Observations, 22K14095, PI, 4,680,000JPY.
  8. 2022-2024, JAXA 3rd Research Announcement on the Earth Observations: EO-RA3, Advances and applications of satellite data assimilation of clouds, precipitation, and the ocean, CI (PI: T. Miyoshi@RIKEN R-CCS).
  9. 2022-2023, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A)(Publicly Offered Research), High-resolution Climate Reconstruction Toward Expansion of Historical Socio-Hydrology in Japan, 22H05228, PI, 3,770,000JPY.
  10. 2021-2024, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Exploring Real-time Rainfall and Flood Predictions in Fugaku Era with the State-of-the-art Data Science, 21H04571, Co-PI (PI: S. Kotsuki@Chiba Univ.), 4,420,000 JPY.
  11. 2021, Start-Up Grant for Young Scientists, Hirosaki University, PI, 930,000 JPY.
  12. 2021, Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Grant for Young Scientists, Hirosaki University, Co-PI (PI: T. Takano@Hirosaki Univ.), 750,000 JPY.
  13. 2018-2020, Grant-in-Aid for RIKEN Special Postdoctoral Researcher, PI, 3,000,000 JPY
  14. 2017-2021, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Development of a data assimilation method toward high-accuracy paleoclimate reconstruction, 17K14397, PI, 3,120,000 JPY.
  15. 2013-2014, Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 13J09182, PI, 2,000,000 JPY.

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Paper reviewer

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