## input period to get 10min.averaged N0 &"¦Ã"(gannma) 10/11'15 offline exec for 2015/4/8 9/6'15 check exec about D-N graph. 10/18'14 go.pl :: just print one data. 9/15'14 mkinpho.pl modified dealing CCYYMM 9/5'14 NG out_dsd.09 -- no data included o_out.t ::: messsage from DSD draw program(mkgdata/c_grads) 9/3'14 draw 2011/9/21 6/29'14 dtc file in '/home/koshida/jobs/2010/mpx/RD80/mk_dtc/TMP' 6/24'14 re-check c_go.x ( 5/21 05:47 c_go.x.bk5 ) >> exec program is '/home/koshida/jobs/2013/prg/rd_dsd/main.run' >>> input file "mkdata/input" ---> 'inp.tes' made by manually. >>>> program check in /home/koshida/jobs/2013/prg/rd_dsd 5/21'14 mkdata/c_mkinp3ho.pl used DISDROMET/CCYYMM ( backupe data ) 1/9'13 ## c_go.x2 ::: use CCYYMMDD/dsd data 12/21'13 c_go.x CCYYMMDD(return) :: excuted in BACKUP/c_dsd #6/2'9 c_go.x (return) get DSD-time series ### get dsd profile ### offline and get_dsd file 7/15'8 Go to prg/rd_dsd 1. Time series 1.http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~koshida/obs_mrr/PS/DSD/RD_TimeSeries/ X-axis use GMT. This process is necessary to make DSD-plot. 2 D.vs.N graph 2.go to http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~koshida/obs_mrr/PS/RD2_PNG/ HH.png for DSD-profiles calc in mkgdata Move to Backup/CCYYMMDD c_go:: just make GRADS.file GRADS/grads.ctl rg_total 1 99 sum of 1min.rg(observed RA) [mm/10min.] katamuki 1 99 Lambda by calculated 'xykaik' [#/mm] seppen 1 99 seppen of Number distribution [#/(m^3*mm)] sokan 1 99 correlation about observed DSD and supposed DSD [Nan] ** DSDrecord in "out_rgrr.tmp"(written in input.file) 10/25'8 test grads.ctl grads.data out_dsd.21 :: defined in "inp.test" Then following program can give you the time-series. Just 'c_tseries' OK to get GRADS.GRAPH as 'tst01.jpg'. /net/rainbow/usr/local/bin/grads -pbc "run grads.gs" /net/rainbow/usr/local/bin/gxps -c -i grads.meta -o test.ps gs510 -sDEVICE=png256 -r100 -sOutputFile=tst%02d.png test.ps ## plot 10min.ave.N0,ramda.Rg ## c_go.x :: make every 3hour.figure ----- called from ~/public_html/Meguro/BACKUP/c_dsd 1.set request date: set CCYYMMDD = ???????? 2.exec. c_go.x ---- main output is o_out.1 3.You can get figures in ./GRADS 4.y-axis NG of ramda. 7/16'8 5.You can get DSD.file in out_dsd.HH 6.You can get DSD.graph at ./mkgdata 6/2'9 1/31'8 how to USE: --> if there is no rain. ND.code should be written. 10/21'7 to make 10min. averaged rr to put out csv format "out_rgrr.tmp" every 10min. DropSize Distribution. 11/15'7 data out it(5)[end time] N0, ramuda, Rg 11/18'7 output grads.dat which including N0,ramuda,rg_sum,corr. 7/19'11 change to /export/nas12/mrr/DISDROMET