## to get Himawari figures ## you must exec script in 24hours. 11/27'13 exec c_gms.bio on cron. name as comCCYYMMDDHH ##-- ~/public_html/activity08/GET_GMS set ccyymmdd :: target manual time set exec Meguro/c_gms ### 6/16'9 then save data IN SAVE/ And you move gotten figure by using SAVE/c_mv. (5/30'9) c_mvb ### 6/15'9 Two script merged 10/25'9 "c_gms CCYYMMDD" is enough. (in public_html/Megur)@5/5'13 2/16'16 modified to get new.himawari (high freq) 4/20'16 use ordinary himawari 5/1'16 try get high freq himawari. use input. 5/5'16 get data about 5/3'16 -- change end time. 5/14'16 ir NOT saved automatically. Just old file in COM 3/27'18 error correction about hzk.pl