$ wgrib
Portable Grib decoder for NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis etc.
   it slices, dices    v1.8.1.0b (5-10) Wesley Ebisuzaki
                DWD-tables 2,201-205 (11-28-2005) Helmut P. Frank
                spectral: Luis Kornblueh (MPI)
   usage: /data4/akira/tools/wgrib/wgrib [grib file] [options]

Inventory/diagnostic-output selections
   -s/-v                   short/verbose inventory
   -V                      diagnostic output (not inventory)
   (none)                  regular inventory
   -PDS/-PDS10             print PDS in hex/decimal
   -GDS/-GDS10             print GDS in hex/decimal
   -verf                   print forecast verification time
   -ncep_opn/-ncep_rean    default T62 NCEP grib table
   -4yr                    print year using 4 digits
   -min                    print minutes
   -ncep_ens               ensemble info encoded in ncep format
Decoding GRIB selection
   -d [record number|all]  decode record number
   -p [byte position]      decode record at byte position
   -i                      decode controlled by stdin (inventory list)
   (none)                  no decoding
   -text/-ieee/-grib/-bin  convert to text/ieee/grib/bin (default)
   -nh/-h                  output will have no headers/headers (default)
   -dwdgrib                output dwd headers, grib (do not append)
   -H                      output will include PDS and GDS (-bin/-ieee only)
   -append                 append to output file
   -o [file]               output file name, 'dump' is default
   -cmc [file]             use NCEP tables for CMC (dangerous)