Fuji Volcano - Mountain of Fire, Mountain of Water -

UP 1 Level


  1. Slide 1 Fuji Volcano - Mountain of Fire, Mountain of Water -
  2. Slide 2 Background : 5th ICG
  3. Slide 3 Field Trips [1]
  4. Slide 4 Field Trips [2]
  5. Slide 5 Field Trips [3]
  6. Slide 6 Field Trips [3 cont'd]
  7. Slide 7 Fujisan in brief
  8. Slide 8 Location of Fujisan
  9. Slide 9 Volcanic activities
  10. Slide 10 Mountain of Water
  11. Slide 11 Age of volcanoes and water resource
  12. Slide 12 Excursion Course
  13. Slide 13 Natural history of northern foot
  14. Slide 14 Three connected lakes
  15. Slide 15 Isotope study - precipitation
  16. Slide 16 Isotope study -Springwater recharge height-
  17. Slide 17 Isotope study -Origin of Groundwater-
  18. Slide 18 Invitation to Fujisan

Mailto the Author : agata@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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