1.1 Data Set Identification.
Surface Shortwave and Longwave Radiation Fluxes.
(Monthly Mean Fluxes ; NASA/LaRC)
1.2 Data Base Table Name.
Not applicable.
1.3 CD-ROM File Name.
Where nnnn is the last four characters of the parameter directory name
(The Langley radiation data has 5 types of parameters, see table below).
Note: capital letters indicate fixed values that appear on the CD-ROM
exactly as shown here, lower case indicates characters (values) that
change for each path and file.
The format used for the filenames is: YyyMmm.sfx, where yy is the last
two digits of the year (e.g., Y87=1987), and mm is the month of the year
(e.g., M12=December). The filename extension (.sfx), identifies the
parameter in the file. Below is the list of actual filenames
extensions, directory names and full parameter names:
Parameter Description Parameter Directory Name Extension
Surface Shortwave Downward Flux SUR_SWDN SSD
Surface Shortwave Net Flux SUR_SWNT SSN
Surface Longwave Downward Flux SUR_LWDN SLD
Surface Longwave Net Flux SUR_LWNT SLN
Surface Total Net Radiation Flux SUR_TONT STN
1.4 Revision Date Of This Document.
April 5, 1995.
2.1 Investigator(s) Name And Title.
Mr. Wayne Darnell
Radiation Sciences Branch
NASA Langley Research Center
2.2 Title Of Investigation.
Application of Long-Term Surface Radiation Data for Climate Studies
2.3 Contacts (For Data Production Information).
| Contact 1 | Contact 2 | Contact 3 |
2.3.1 Name |Mr. Wayne L. Darnell|Ms. Nancy Ritchey |Dr. Shashi Gupta |
2.3.2 Address |Radiation Sciences |Lockheed Engineering |Lockheed Engineering|
|Branch |& Sciences Co. |& Sciences Co. |
|NASA/LaRC |144 Research Dr | 144 Research Dr |
City/St.|Hampton, VA |Hampton, VA |Hampton, VA |
Zip Code|23681-0001 |23666 |23666 |
2.3.3 Tel. |(804)864-5685 |(804)766-9655 |(804)766-9653 |
2.3.4 Email |w.l.darnell@larc. |ritchey@solir.larc. |gupta@solir.larc. |
| | | |
2.4 Requested Form of Acknowledgment.
Please cite the following publication when these data are used:
Darnell, W. L., W. F. Staylor, S. K. Gupta, N. A. Ritchey, and A. C.
Wilber, 1992. Seasonal variation of surface radiation budget
derived from ISCCP-C1 data. J. Geophys. Res., 97:15741-15760.
3.1 Objective/Purpose.
The objective of this study was to produce daily and monthly averages of
surface radiative fluxes over the entire globe for climate and other
3.2 Summary of Parameters.
This work was a study of radiative fluxes at the Earth's surface. The
data set contains downward and net fluxes of LW and SW radiation as well
as total net (LW + SW) flux.
3.3 Discussion.
The surface fluxes were computed using meteorological data available from
the ISCCP, TOA clear-sky albedos from ERBE, and radiation schemes
developed by the prencipal investigator and his coworkers. The
essentials of the method are given in Darnell et al. (1992). For greater
details of the methodology the user is referred to Darnell et al. (1988),
Gupta (1989), Gupta et al. (1992), and Whitlock et al. (1993).
No measurements were made directly by the investigators. The necessary inputs
all came from satellite sources. ISCCP-C1 data sets were chosen as inputs
here because most of the meteorological data for these data came from
operational satellite sources. Also, the cloud parameters derived by ISCCP
are about the best currently available. The data coverage is global.
For an explanation of the ISCCP C1 data see Brest and Rossow (1992), Desormeux
et al. (1993), Rossow and Garder (1993a), Rossow and Garder (1993b), Rossow et
al. (1993), Rossow and Schiffer (1991), Schiffer and Rossow (1983), Schiffer
and Rossow (1985). The angular models used in the inference model are
described in Suttles et. al., (1988).
The basic instruments which made the measurements for ISCCP were the visible
and infrared imaging radiometers on-board geostationary and polar Sun-
synchronous satellites which were operational during the data period. However
for the SRB project, only the final ISCCP-C1 products were used. The details
of the various satellite missions are beyond the scope of the SRB project.
Therefore, the various subsections of Sec. 5 do not apply to this project.
5.1 Instrument Description.
Not applicable.
5.1.1 Platform (Satellite, Aircraft, Ground, Person...).
Not applicable.
5.1.2 Mission Objectives.
Not applicable.
5.1.3 Key Variables.
Not applicable.
5.1.4 Principles of Operation.
Not applicable.
5.1.5 Instrument Measurement Geometry.
Not applicable.
5.1.6 Manufacturer of Instrument.
Not applicable.
5.2 Calibration.
For an explanation of the ISCCP C1 data calibration, see Brest and Rossow
(1992), Desormeux et al. (1993).
5.2.1 Specifications.
Not applicable. Tolerance.
Not applicable.
5.2.2 Frequency of Calibration.
Not applicable.
5.2.3 Other Calibration Information.
Not applicable.
6.1 Data Acquisition Methods.
The data sets described in this document were acquired by the Goddard
Distributed Active Archive Center (GDAAC) from W. L. Darnell NASA
Langley Research Center. The ISCCP-C1 data are currently available
from User and Data Services at the Langley DAAC, NASA Langley Research
6.2 Spatial Characteristics.
The original data was supplied on an ISCCP equal-area grid that had a
spatial resolution of 280 by 280 km. The Goddard DAAC converted this data
to a 1 x 1 degree lat/lon equal-area grid (see section 9.3.1 for
6.2.1 Spatial Coverage.
The coverage is global. Data in each file are ordered from North
to South and from West to East beginning at 180 degrees West and
90 degrees North. Point (1,1) represents the grid cell centered
at 89.5 N and 179.5 W (see section 8.4).
6.2.2 Spatial Resolution.
The data are given in an equal-angle lat/long grid that has a
spatial resolution of 1 X 1 degree lat/long.
6.3 Temporal Characteristics.
6.3.1 Temporal Coverage.
January 1987 through December 1988.
6.3.2 Temporal Resolution.
Monthly mean.
7.1 Field Notes.
Not applicable.
8.1 Table Definition With Comments.
Not applicable.
8.2 Type of Data.
| 8.2.1 | | | |
|Parameter/Variable Name | | | |
| | 8.2.2 | 8.2.3 | 8.2.4 | 8.2.5 |
| |Parameter/Variable Description |Range |Units |Source |
|SUR_LWDN | | | |
| |Surface longwave downward |min = 50., |[Watts] |Computed |
| |radiation flux |max = 750., |[m^-2] |from |
| | |missing = -999.| |ISCCP-C1 |
|SUR_LWNT | | | |
| |Surface longwave net radiation |min = -250., |[Watts] |computed |
| |flux |max = 50., |[m^-2] |from |
| | |missing = -999.| |ISCCP-C1 |
|SUR_SWDN | | | |
| |Surface shortwave downward |min = 0., |[Watts] |Computed |
| |radiation flux (insolation) |max = 500., |[m^-2] |from |
| | |missing = -999.| |ISCCP-C1 |
|SUR_SWNT | | | |
| |Surface shortwave net radiation |min = 0., |[Watts] |Computed |
| |flux (absorbed) |max = 500., |[m^-2] |from |
| | |missing = -999.| |ISCCP-C1 |
|SUR_TONT | | | |
| |Surface total net radiation flux |min = -100., |[Watts] |Computed |
| |(LW_NET + SW_NET) |max = 300., |[m^-2] |from |
| | |missing = -999.| |ISCCP-C1 |
8.3 Sample Data Base Data Record.
Not applicable.
8.4 Data Format.
The CD-ROM file format is ASCII, and consists of numerical fields of
varying length, which are space delimited and arranged in columns and
rows. Each column contains 180 numerical values and each row contain 360
numerical values.
Grid arrangement
90N - | - - - | - - - | - - - | - -
| (1,1) | (2,1) | (3,1) |
89N - | - - - | - - - | - - - | - -
| (1,2) | (2,2) | (3,2) |
88N - | - - - | - - - | - - - | - -
| (1,3) | (2,3) | (3,3) |
87N - | - - - | - - - | - - - |
180W 179W 178W 177W
8.5 Related Data Sets.
Surface and TOA shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active
radiation data set's. (on this CD-ROM.)
ISCCP-C1 data, see section 14.3.
ERBE-S4 data, see section 14.3.
Surface Shortwave Down Radiation NASA/LaRC, ECMWF Hybrid (on CD-ROM
Vol. 5).
Surface Longwave Down Radiation NASA/LaRC, ECMWF Hybrid (on CD-ROM
Vol. 5).
9.1 Formulas.
For various formulas and details of the algorithm, the user is referred
to Darnell et al. (1992).
9.1.1 Derivation Techniques/Algorithms.
The LW technique:
The LW radiative fluxes (both LWDN and LWNT) are computed using
a fast parameterization which is based on detailed radiative
transfer computations (Gupta 1989; Gupta et al. 1992). The inputs
for the computation are taken from the ISCCP-C1 data sets. LWDN
is computed as
LWDN = F1 + F2 * AC,
where F1 is the clear-sky LWDN, F2 is the cloud forcing factor,
and AC is the fractional cloud cover. LWNET is computed as
where SIGMA is the Stefan-Boltzman constant (=5.67E-08 [W][m^-2]
[K^-4]), and TS is the surface temperature.
Details of the development and application of the
parameterizations of F1 and F2 in terms of the meteorological
parameters available from ISCCP-C1 data are given in Gupta (1989)
and Gupta et al. (1992). A very brief description of the
parameterizations is presented here.
The clear-sky LWDN (F1) is computed as
F1 = ( A0 + A1 * V + A2 * V^2 + A3 * V^3 ) * TE^3.7,
where V = ln W, and W is the total water vapor burden of the
atmosphere. TE is an effective emitting temperature of the lower
troposphere, and is computed as
TE = KS*TS + K1*T1 + K2*T2,
where TS is the surface temperature, T1 is the mean temperature of
the first layer in the ISCCP-C1 data (surface to 800[mb]), and T2
is the same for the second layer (800[mb] to 680[mb]). KS, K1,
and K2 are weighting factors with values of 0.60, 0.35, and 0.05
respectively. The regression coefficients A0, A1, A2, and A3 have
the following values:
A0 = 1.791E-07,
A1 = 2.093E-08,
A2 = -2.748E-09,
A3 = 1.184E-09.
The cloud forcing factor (F2) is computed as
F2 = TCB^4 / ( B0 + B1 * WC + B2 * WC^2 + B3 * WC^3 ),
where TCB is the cloud-base temperature, WC is the water vapor
burden below the cloud base, and B0, B1, B2, and B3 are regression
coefficients with the following values:
B0 = 4.990E+07,
B1 = 2.688E+06,
B2 = -6.147E+03,
B3 = 8.163E+02.
All fluxes represented here are in [W][m^-2], temperatures in deg.
K, and water vapor burdens in [kg][m^-2]. Cloud-base pressure is
obtained by combining cloud-top pressure (available from ISCCP-C1
data) with climatological estimates of cloud thickness which
depend upon cloud height and latitude. TCB and WC are computed
from the available ISCCP-C1 data using the procedure described in
Gupta (1989). The above equation for F2 is used as such when the
pressure difference between the surface and cloud base is greater
than 200 [mb]. When the pressure difference is greater than or
equal to 200 [mb], a modified form of this equation, as described
in Gupta et al. (1992), is used.
The SW technique:
The shortwave algorithm was developed at NASA Langley Research
Center by W. F. Staylor. It is a parameterized/physical model
that utilizes ISCCP-C1 data (Rossow and Schiffer, 1991) as its
primary input data. The current model is a modified version of an
earlier model by Darnell et al. (1988). A recent application of
the method is given in Darnell et al. (1992).
Instantaneous downward SW at the surface (insolation) can be
estimated using the model presented in Darnell et al. (1988).
Downward SW flux at the surface is the product of insolation at
the TOA, clear-sky atmospheric transmittance and cloud
Daily insolation requires time integration of the instantaneous
values from sunrise to sunset. Insolation at the TOA is a product
of the cosine of the solar zenith angle and the distance-corrected
solar flux, which is calculated daily using 1365 [W][m^-2] as the
solar flux and 1[astronomical units] as the Earth-Sun distance.
Atmospheric transmittance is a function of surface pressure,
surface albedo, aerosols, and the effective clear-sky atmospheric
optical depth. The first three terms account for the atmospheric
backscatter of surface reflected rays. The effective clear-sky
atmospheric optical depth is a vertical attenuation factor for
solar energy and it is the sum of all absorption and scattering
processes. These processes include absorption and scattering due
to gases and aerosols. The broadband absorption due to water
vapor and ozone, and Rayleigh attenuation are estimated using
Lacis and Hansen (1974). The broadband absorption due to oxygen
and carbon dioxide are approximated using Yamamoto (1962).
Aerosol attenuation is based on World Climate Program models
(World Climate Research Program, 1983) and is a function of
aerosol optical depth, an asymmetry factor and the single-
scattering albedo. It should be noted that the Rayleigh and
aerosol attenuation terms are concerned only with backscattering
and/or absorption, but not with forward scattering of flux which
reaches the surface.
Cloud transmittance is based on a threshold technique which
relates boundary values of TOA reflectances for overcast and
clear-sky conditions and actual measured conditions (from ISCCP).
Overcast reflectances are estimated from a model by Staylor (1985)
using the cosines of viewing zenith angle and solar zenith angle,
and overcast coefficients. These coefficients are determined
monthly for each ISCCP satellite using data for non-snow covered,
totally overcast regions having mean cloud optical depths within
the top 5 percentile of all observations. Clear-sky reflectances
are determined by one of several methods depending on the snow
cover and surface type. Over oceans, the cosines of viewing
zenith angle and solar zenith angle, along with clear-sky
coefficients are used. These coefficients are determined for
totally-clear oceans for each satellite every month. For snow-
free land regions or land regions in which the snow cover does
not fluctuate by more than 10 percent during the month, daily TOA
clear-sky reflectance values are computed from the clear-sky
pixels. The monthly minimum value is used for the entire month.
If the snow cover changes by more than 10 percent during the month
(determined for 5-day intervals), then the above procedure is
applied to the 5-day periods. Measured instantaneous reflectances
are the pixel-weighted average of the clear and cloudy
reflectances. If no value exists for a day (occurs most
frequently in polar regions), a fill value is provided by one of
two methods. If a value exists for a longitudinally adjacent
region for that day, it is used. If it does not exist, then the
previous day's value is used. This procedure is expanded
spatially, then temporally until a non-fill value is found.
Daily surface albedo for all-sky conditions is a function of the
daily overcast albedo, the daily clear-sky albedo and cloud
transmittance. Data from Budyko (see Payne 1972) and
Ter-Markariantz (see Kondratyev 1973) were used to estimate
clear-sky surface albedos over oceans. Estimates of daily
overcast albedos over oceans are based on the fact that under
overcast conditions the effective zenith angle of the diffuse rays
is about 53 [degrees] for all zenith angles (cosine = 0.6) and
therefore is a constant value of 0.065. Clear-sky ERBE TOA
albedos were used to estimate clear-sky surface albedos over land.
This approach avoided the need for spectral conversions from
narrowband to broadband and from radiances to albedos (Staylor and
Wilber 1990). Overcast albedos over land are estimated using the
clear-sky land albedo and the cosine of the solar zenith angle.
Total net flux:
Total net flux is the sum of net LW flux and net SW flux.
For further information, the user is referred to Darnell et
al. (1992).
9.2 Data Processing Sequence.
Details of processing are discussed in Darnell et al. (1992).
9.2.1 Processing Steps and Data Sets.
Details of processing are discussed in Darnell et al. (1992).
9.2.2 Processing Changes.
This is the first version of this data set.
9.3 Calculations.
The user is referred to Darnell et al. (1992).
9.3.1 Special Corrections/Adjustments.
Below is a description of the re-gridding process done by the
Goddard DAAC:
Physical Lay Out of Original Data: 24 files, with each file
representing the monthly means for the entire globe. Within each
file, each line consists of a grid index, latitude index,
longitude index, followed by the five radiation parameters. The
data are gridded using the ISCCP method of equal area gridding.
The equal area map is defined by the area of a 2.5 x 2.5 degree
cell at the equator. There are 6596 cells in this map grid. All
map cells are determined by a constant 2.5 degree increment in
latitude and a variable longitude increment. The longitude
increment is selected to provide an integer number of cells in a
latitude zone and to give a cell area as close to that of the
equatorial cell as possible.
Logical Lay Out of Original Data: Within each file, the data
start at the 0 deg. longitude, and -90 deg. latitude, progressing
eastward to 360 deg. longitude, and then northward to 90 deg.
Processing Steps done by the Goddard DAAC: Regrid each latitude
and longitude band of data by implementing the following steps:
1) Replicated every data value in each latitude band 360 times,
assigning them to a temporary array. For latitude band #1,
there were 3 values, each value is replicated 360 times
producing a temporary array of 1080 data values. The number of
original values in a latitude band increases as you move toward
the equator, where there were 144 data values. If the
latitude band originally had 144 data values, this would also
be replicated 360 producing a temporary array of 51840 data
2) For latitude band #1 the first three (temporary array) data
values are summed and then divided by the number of original
values (3) for that latitude band. This was repeated 359 more
times, for every three (temporary array) data values, in affect
performing a linear interpolation of the data within the
latitude band. If the latitude band had 144 data values, every
144 (temporary array) data values would be summed and then
divided by 144.
3) Step 1 and 2 were repeated until all latitude bands have been
4) A similar method, discussed above, was used for regridding each
longitude band of data. The difference was that the number of
data values in each longitude band did not vary (there were
always 144 data values), and the replication was 180.
5) The resulting array of data values were then split and shifted
from 0 longitude -> 360 longitude to -180 longitude -> 180
6) These data were then flipped from -180 longitude, -90 latitude
to -180 longitude, 90 latitude.
9.4 Graphs and Plots.
The user is referred to Darnell et al. (1992).
10.1 Sources of Error.
Errors in the fluxes come from the radiation modeling and from the
meteorological data. Modeling errors are systematic and are generally
small. Errors from meteorological data are both random and systematic.
For a detailed analysis of errors the reader is referred to Gupta et al.
10.2 Quality Assessment.
10.2.1 Data Validation by Source.
The SW fluxes obtained with this model were validated with
insolation measurements obtained from a large number of sites.
See Darnell et al. (1988) for details. The LW fluxes obtained
with the model used here were validated with surface
measurements from 4 sites in the United States. See Darnell et
al. (1986) for details of LW validation.
10.2.2 Confidence Level/Accuracy Judgment.
While larger sources of errors are identified and quantified,
smaller sources, e.g. the occurrence of fog, are difficult to
quantify. These definitely contribute some to the bias in the
10.2.3 Measurement Error for Parameters and Variables.
Random errors on monthly average SW and LW fluxes are about
10-12 [W] [m^-2]. No estimates are available for systematic
10.2.4 Additional Quality Assessment Applied.
11.1 Known Problems With The Data.
There are no known gaps in these data sets.
11.2 Usage Guidance.
Errors in polar regions may be larger than those quoted in Section 10.
11.3 Other Relevant Information.
12.1 Satellite/Instrument/Data Processing Documentation.
ERBE Data Management Team, 1991. "ERBE Data Management System, The
Regional, Zonal and Global Averages, S-4 Users Guide." NASA/Langley,
Hampton, Virginia.
Rossow, W. B. L. C. Garder, P. J. Lu and A. Walker, 1988. International
Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP): Documentation of cloud
data, Tech. Doc. WMO/TD 266, 75 pp., World Climate Research
Programme, Geneva.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1984. Solar radiation and
radiation balance data, July 1983, World Radiat. Data Center,
Voeikov Main Geophys. Observ., St. Petersburg, Russia.
12.2 Journal Articles and Study Reports.
Brest, C.L., and W.B. Rossow, 1992. Radiometric calibration and
monitoring of NOAA AVHRR data for ISCCP. Int. J. Remote Sensing,
Darnell, W. L., S. K. Gupta, and W. F. Staylor, 1986. Downward longwave
surface radiation from Sun-synchronous satellite data: Validation
of methodology. J. Clim. Appl. Meteorol., 25:1012-1021.
Darnell, W. L., W. F. Staylor, S. K. Gupta, and F. M. Denn, 1988.
Estimation of surface insolation using Sun-synchronous satellite
data. J. Climate, 1:820-835.
Darnell, W. L., W. F. Staylor, S. K. Gupta, N. A. Ritchey, and A. C.
Wilber, 1992. Seasonal variation of surface radiation budget
derived from ISCCP-C1 data. J. Geophys. Res., 97:15741-15760.
Desormeaux, Y., W.B. Rossow, C.L. Brest and G.G. Cambell, 1993.
Normalization and calibration of geostationary satellite radiances
for ISCCP. J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 10:304-325.
Gupta, S. K., 1989. A parameterization for longwave surface radiation
from Sun-synchronous satellite data. J. Climate, 2:305-320.
Gupta, S. K., W. L. Darnell, and A. C. Wilber, 1992. A parameterization
of longwave surface radiation from satellite data: Recent
improvements. J. Appl. Meteorol., 31:1361-1367.
Gupta, S. K., A. C. Wilber, W. L. Darnell, and J. T. Suttles, 1993.
Longwave surface radiation over the globe from satellite data: An
error analysis. Int. J. Remote Sens., 14:95-114.
Lacis, A. A. and J. E. Hansen, 1974. A parameterization for the
absorption of solar radiation in the earth's atmosphere. J.
Atmos. Sci., 31:118-133.
Kondratyev, K. Y., 1973. Radiation characteristics of the atmosphere
and the Earth's surface. NASA TTF-678, 580pp.
Payne, R. E., 1972. albedo of the sea surface. J. Atmos. Sci.,
Rossow,W.B., and L.Garder, 1984. Selection of a map grid for data
analysis and archival. J.Climate and Appl. Meteor., 23:1253-57.
Rossow, W. B., and R. A. Schiffer, 1991. ISCCP cloud data products.
Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 72:2-20.
Rossow, W.B., and L.C. Garder, 1993a. Cloud detection using satellite
measurements of infrared and visible radiances for ISCCP. J.
Climate, 6:2341-2369.
Rossow, W.B., and L.C. Garder, 1993b. Validation of ISCCP cloud
detections. J. Climate, 6:2370-2393.
Rossow, W.B., A.W. Walker and L.C. Garder, 1993: Comparison of ISCCP
and other cloud amounts. J. Climate, 6:2394-2418.
Staylor, W. F., 1985. Reflection and emission models for clouds
derived from Nimbus 7 Earth radiation budget scanner
measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 90:8075-8079.
Staylor, W. F., and A. C. Wilber, 1990. Global surface albedos
estimated from ERBE data. Proceedings of AMS Conf. on Atmospheric
Radiation, July 23-27, 1990, San Francisco, CA, pp 231-236.
Whitlock, C. H., T. P. Charlock, W. F. Staylor, R. T. Pinker, I. Laszlo,
R. C. DiPasquale, and N. A. Ritchey, 1993. WCRP Surface Radiation
Budget Shortwave Data Product Description - Version 1.1. NASA
Technical Memo 107747, NTIS, Springfield, Virginia.
World Climate Research Program, 1983. Experts meeting on aerosols
and their climate effects. A. Deepak and H. E. Gerber editors,
WCP-55, 107 pp.
Yamamoto, G., 1962. Direct absorption of solar radiation by
atmospheric water vapor, carbon dioxide, and molecular oxygen.
J. Atmos. Sci., 19:182-188.
12.3 Archive/DBMS Usage Documentation.
Contact the EOS Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) at NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt Maryland (see Section 13 below).
Documentation about using the archive or information about access to the
on-line information system is available through the GSFC DAAC User
Services Office.
13.1 Contacts for Archive/Data Access Information.
GSFC DAAC User Services
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 902.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301) 286-3209
Fax: (301) 286-1775
13.2 Archive Identification.
Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 902.2
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Telephone: (301) 286-3209
FAX: (301) 286-1775
13.3 Procedures for Obtaining Data.
Users may place requests by accessing the on-line system, by sending
letters, electronic mail, FAX, telephone, or personal visit.
Accessing the GSFC DAAC Online System:
The GSFC DAAC Information Management System (IMS) allows users to
ordering data sets stored on-line. The system is open to the public.
Access Instructions:
Node name:
Node number:
Login example: telnet
Username: daacims
password: gsfcdaac
You will be asked to register your name and address during your first
Ordering CD-ROMs:
To order CD-ROMs (available through the Goddard DAAC) users should
contact the Goddard DAAC User Support Office (see section 13.2).
13.4 GSFC DAAC Status/Plans.
The ISLSCP Initiative I CD-ROM is available from the Goddard DAAC.
14.1 Tape Products.
14.2 Film Products.
14.3 Other Products.
ISCCP-C1 and ERBE-S4 data, can be acquired from the Langley DAAC. The
Langley DAAC User and Data Services Office may be contacted as follows:
User and Data Services
Langley DAAC
Mail Stop 157B
NASA Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-0001
Telephone: (804) 864-8656
FAX: (804) 864-8807
CD-ROM Compact Disk (optical), Read Only Memory
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center
ERBE Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
EOS Earth Observing System
GCM General Circulation Model of the atmosphere
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
IDS Inter Disciplinary Science
ISLSCP International Satellite Land Surface Climotology Project
LaRC Langley Research Center
LW Longwave Radiation
LWDN Longwave Radiation Downward Flux
LWNT Longwave Net Radiation Flux
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
PI Principal Investigator
SRB Surface Radiation Budget
SW Shortwave Radiation
SWDN Shortwave Radiation Downward Flux
SWNT Shortwave Net Radiation Flux
TOA Top-Of-Atmosphere
TONT Total Net Radiation Flux