Archival site for MAHASRI

Monsoon Asian Hydro-Atmosphere Scientific Research and Prediction Initiative

(In Japanese) モンスーンアジア水文気候研究計画

The web server of MAHASRI, whose URL was, is out of service.

Its contents, which have been rescued, are placed here.

Contents of years 2006-2008

The contents of the MAHASRI web site before converting to "Wiki" style are stored here. It contains reports of activities in years 2006-2008 (and a report of a session in the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) meeting in 2009 in the Japanese language section).

(In Japanese) MAHASRIウェブサイトの、ウィキ形式に移る前の内容が、 このリンク先にあります。 2006-2008年の活動の報告です。 日本語版のみ、2009年の地球惑星科学連合(JpGU)大会セッションの報告も含みます。

Contents of years 2009-2016

The contents were stored in a "Wiki"-style software. They have been converted into simple web pages.

Start date of the archival site: 2016-04-29; Latest update: 2016-10-01
This site is maintained by MASUDA Kooiti (e-mail address)