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Hydrology 2020 Member's Page
- keeping the pressure on the drafting process of the

- [2004/November 10]
Outcomes from the Calgary Meeting in October 27-29, 2004.
- Report of the meeting
- Final Table of Contents Developed:
- Vision, Key Messages, and Recommendations
- [2004/June 23]
Now we are under the stage of writing. Guide line
for IAHS publications can be obtained from the link below.
- [2003/August 26]
Outputs from the Sapporo/Toya meeting in Japan in July 2003.
- Short Report submitted for IAHS News Letter by Stefan, Kate,
and Caterina
- Long Report for internal communication among H2020 members
by Stefan, Kate, and Caterina
- Break up gruop discussion
- "what is the uniqness of hydrology?" by Stefan and Kate
- "what will be the advances in technology relevant for hydrology?"
by Stewart and Caterina
- "what will be the demands from society for hydrology?"
by Jeanna and Taikan
- "what will be the critical bottlenecks? by Susan and Pierre
- [2003/July 9]
Open workshop on Hydrology in 2020 during
General Assembly in Sapporo.
- Date: Wednesday 9th July, 15:00-18:00
- Place: Site C, Sapporo Education and Culture Hall, Seminar Room 302
- Flyer: PDF(290KB)
- Intermediate Report (PDF files)
- Summary of the second meeting (September 5, 2002, by Pierre Etchevers)
- Presentation Materials at 6th Kovacs Colloquium, Paris, June 2002.
- for "Global hydrological and geochemical process"
by Jeanna Balonishnikova [60KB]
- for "Ecohydrological processes in the surficial environment"
by Kate Heal [290KB]
- for "Groundwater resources at risk" by Susan Hubbard [37KB]
- for "Strategies for water resources management in emergency and
conflicting situations" by Johan Kuylenstierna [600KB]
- for "Integrated water resources management in arid and semi-arid zones" by Harouna Karambiri [58KB]
- for "Humid tropics hydrology and water management" by Fu Guobin [455KB]
- for "Integrated urban water management" by Caterina Valeo [246KB]
- for "Transfer of Knowledge, Information and Technology (KIT)"
by Stefan Uhlenbrook [364KB]
- for "General debate" by Taikan Oki [1.3MB]
- Flyer 2002 (May 24, 2002)

- Summary of the first meeting (February 16, 2002)
- Draft of an article submitted for IAHS News Letter
(Short Version):
- Long version,
detailed description on the bottle neckes discussed
in Edinburgh.
Quick minutes of the first meeting in Edinburgh by Taikan Oki
(January 29, 2002)
Action Items
- Prepare intermediate report (tentative executive summary)
to be presented in Sapporo.
- the uniqueness of hydrology
- the needs of society
- advances in technology
- critical bottlenecks
- Determine the detailed schedule in July, 2003.
- Taikan will abbreviate the IAHS News Letter Article
into the draft for EOS article. Circulate it and submit.
- Redbook structure (tentative)
- Executive Summary:
- Messages from Hydrology 2020 working group
- Uniqueness of hydrology
- Needs of society
- Advances in technology
- Critical bottlenecks
- Scientific Implementation Plan (Road map) toward 2020
- Critical Reviews:
Contributions from each of us summarizing critical reviews
on past and current researches of each sub-discipline in
hydrology. May include personal perspectives for future.
- Record of the Hydrology 2020 working group
- meeting summaries
- copy of brochure
- group photo etc.
- [2001/July/25-30]
The formation of Hydrology 2020 working group and the
members are officially approved by IAHS in the
general assembly in Maastricht.
- [2002/January/23-25]
The 1st meeting of the Working Group at Edinburgh University, Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK.
- [11-12/June/2002]
2nd meeting in UNESCO, Paris.
- [13-15/June/2002]
Participate to the Kovacs meeting of
- IAHS Publication No.171. ``Hydrology 2000''
- John's mail
asking the nomination of the H2020 members
- IAHS Newsletter 71 (January 2001)
Comment on H2020 in the article "From the President."
- IAHS Newsletter 73 (November 2001)
Comment on H2020 in the article "From the President."
- IAHS Newsletter 74 (April 2002):
Summary article on page 11-12 with our group photo on the cover page.
- IAHS Newsletter 76 (November 2002):
Summary from the 2nd meeting on page 4.
What is Hydrology 2020 Working Group?
Hydrology 2020 Working Group was established under IAHS
supported by UNESCO and WMO
for identifying the hydrology 2020.
Young scientists in the field of hydrology was nominated
by each commission under IAHS together with nominations by
WMO and UNESCO as well, and selected by the IAHS office.
Twelve members consists:
NAME | Country |
Jeanna Balonishnikova | Russia |
Wolfgang Diernhofer | Austria |
Pierre Etchevers | France |
Stewart Franks | Australia |
Fu Guobin | China |
Kate Heal | United Kingdom |
Susan Hubbard | United States |
Harouna Karambiri | Burkina Faso |
Johan Kuylenstierna | Sweden |
Taikan Oki | Japan |
Stephan Uhlenbrook | Germany |
Caterina Valeo | Canada |
Mission Statement (Version February 14, 2002)
"We will explore how hydrological sciences can evolve into a
discipline capable of meeting the world water challenges that are expected
to prevail by 2020. We will undertake a broad range of tasks, from
identifying knowledge gaps and hydrological research priorities to
determining ways to improve communication between hydrological scientists
and those involved with developing and implementing water policies. Our
intention is to formulate a vision that will be embraced by practising
hydrological scientists and will also persuade younger scientists to become
involved in hydrological science research."
(synthesized by Kate Heal)
Feedback to hydrology2020@hotmail.com
or to Taikan Oki
taikan@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp) will be highly appreciated.
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