File Name Convention


Each global grid files (*.asc) has simple metadata information on their own filename. The convention is :


Following is a presice description and list of each values:

ITEM: Data Item

Item Name Meaning
Pop Population
Area Area of GridCell
DArea Drainage Area of gridcell
Qtotal LSM output value: Runoff into river channel.
Dis River discharge
SpecDis Specific River Discharge / Height of Runoff
DisDiff Difference in River discharge
DisRatio Change ratio in River discharge
DisPC Discharge per capita
Desal Desalinized water supply
WithTotal Total Withdrawal
WithAgr Agricultural withdrawal
WithIndus Industrial Withdrawal
WithDomes Domestic Withdrawal
Rws (WithTotal - Desal) / (Dis)

VERSION : Version / metadata info.

Version Name Description Related item(s)
GSWP1a Result of GSWP River Discharge, LSM Output, Rws etc.
GSWP2-${MODEL_NAME}-1Deg-1 Result of GSWP2 experiments. TRIP routing was done by Mr. Hanasaki with 1-deg grid (2004 Feb). MODEL_NAME= CLM2-TOP | ISBA | LaD | NSIPP-CATCH | SSiBCOLA | SiBUC | VISA | Bucket
Calc. duration is 1986-95 for bucket, and 1987-88 for others
River Discharge, LSM Output, Rws etc.
GSWP2-B0-${SUB_VERSION} Result of GSWP2 experiments. TRIP routing was done by Mr. Hanasaki with 0.5-deg grid .
Input for TRIP routing is mean of output from various LSMs submitted to GSWP2 project. Calc. duration is 1986-1995. Sub-Version :
  • 1 = 20040922
  • Dam-1 : B0 with Dam (beta version, Hanasaki, 2004Nov01) . TRIP Data = ver.'GSWP2', Dam position=Hanasaki Original (not completely adjusted to TRIP network!), Routing = 'NO Groundwater Tank' method, Reservoir Operation = with Irrigation demand (without Industrial and Domestic water use),1-deg estimation, No outflow adjustment. This dataset needs to be checked more precisely (e.g. Rnet calculation, Dam position etc.) and should be regarded as a kind of BETA version.
River Discharge, LSM Output, Rws etc.
MRI-GCM-{number} Result of MRI GCM. number is ...
  • 1:ver.1, February, 2004
River Discharge, LSM Output, Rws etc.
CCSR-NIES-GCM-{number} Result of CCSR/NIES GCM. number is ...
  • 1:ver.1, Distributed in 2001 (T42?)
  • 2:ver.1, March, 2004, 1deg.
River Discharge, LSM Output, Rws etc.

TIMEINT : Time interval of data

- unspecified / time-slice
y Annual
m Monthly

TIME : Time or period

For single time slice...

  1. If TIMEINT is 'y' (annual) or '-' (unspecified/time slice), 4-digit year is given. Ex. '2002'
  2. If TIMEINT is 'm' (monthly) , 4-digit year followed by 2-digit month is given. Ex. '200203'

For values indicating some change between two periods...

  1. If TIMEINT is 'y' (annual) or '-' (unspecified/time slice), two 4-digit year connected by '-' is given. Ex. '2050-1995'

UNIT : Unit of data values

m3 m3
106m3 106m3
mm mm
person person
103person 1000person
- unitless
km2 km2