Dynamic Meteorology and Climatology for Southeast Asia

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  1. Slide 1 Dynamic Meteorology and Climatology for Southeast Asia
  2. Slide 2 Chapter 1 Basic principles and applications to SE-Asia
  3. Slide 3 1.1. Why atmospheric dynamics is necessary?
  4. Slide 4 1.2. General principles governing planetary fluid
  5. Slide 5 Mathematical formulation of basic principles
  6. Slide 6 1.3 Problems in applications to SE-Asia
  7. Slide 7 Indochina-Sumatera sector
  8. Slide 8 1.4. How to learn/educate atmospheric dynamics
  9. Slide 9 Curriculum in Dept. of Earth-Planetary Science, Kobe University
  10. Slide 10 Chapter 2 Statics of moist atmosphere in tropics
  11. Slide 11 2.1. Hydrostatic equilibrium
  12. Slide 12 2.2. Radiative-convective equilibrium
  13. Slide 13 2.3. Moisture and conditional instability
  14. Slide 14 OLR longterm monthly mean
  15. Slide 15 Chapter 3 Zonal-mean dynamics and meridional circulations
  16. Slide 16 Axi-symmetric dynamics
  17. Slide 17 Zonal-mean temperature and zonal wind
  18. Slide 18 Meridional Circulations
  19. Slide 19 Monsoon and Hadley circulations
  20. Slide 20 Seasonal-vertical variations Zonal Wind                 Meridional Wind
  21. Slide 21 Stratospheric response to tropospheric convection
  22. Slide 22 Chapter 4 Equatorial wave dynamics and ENSO
  23. Slide 23 4.1. Equatorial waves
  24. Slide 24 4.2. Matsuno-Gill pattern and Walker circulation
  25. Slide 25 Walker Circulation
  26. Slide 26 4.3. Atmosphere-ocean interaction and ENSO
  27. Slide 27 SOI by BOM
  28. Slide 28 Interannual variation of surface wind over Equatorial Pacific
  29. Slide 29 Interannual variations of OLR over equatorial Pacific
  30. Slide 30 Indonesian Rainfall and SOI
  31. Slide 31 QBO/ENSO related U,V variations over Indonesia
  32. Slide 32 Interannual Variations
  33. Slide 33 Chapter 5 Cloud convection dynamics and tropical cyclone
  34. Slide 34 5.1. Horizontal convection and local circulation
  35. Slide 35 Kototabang rainfall records
  36. Slide 36 5.2. Vertical convection and cloud dynamics
  37. Slide 37 5.3. CISK and tropical cyclone
  38. Slide 38 Typhoon as a “mini-earth” with different heating distribution
  39. Slide 39 5.4. Cloud organization and intraseasonal variation
  40. Slide 40 TBB by GMS
  41. Slide 41 Kototabang Rawinsonde
  42. Slide 42 Intraseasonal 1
  43. Slide 43 Remarks
  44. Slide 44 Conclusion

Mailto the Author : mdy@kobe-u.ac.jp

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