Lecture "Monsoon system study in GAME-T Project" by Prof. Matsumoto
Mar. 25, 2003. TMD, Bangkok, Thailand

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On March 25, 2003, Prof. Matsumoto, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan made a lecture on latest research result on Asian Monsoon system and current status of GAME-T2 at Thai Meteorological Agency (TMD) in Bangkok.

The title of the speech was "Monsoon system study in GAME-T Project" and its contents are:

Prof. Matsumoto kindly provided us part (41 slides) of his presentation file used in his speech. He allowed us to make it opened to public.

Presentation Materials Used

Part of presentation material was deleted because it contained non-public results.

Original was MS Powerpoint file. PDF file was made by Adobe Acrobat 5.0 from the original file.

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