Diurnal Variation of Precipitation over Northern Thailand
?Radar Observation?
- Slide 1 Diurnal Variation of Precipitation over Northern Thailand?Radar Observation?
- Slide 2 Working Hypothesis
- Slide 3 Radar Sites
- Slide 4 Averaged Variation
- Slide 5 Echo area (over 10 DBZ) in each stripe; MAY to JUL 1999
- Slide 6 Echo area (over 10 DBZ)in each stripe; October 1999
- Slide 7 Tracking process of radar echoes
- Slide 8 Test of the tracking algorism
- Slide 9 An example of the echo tracking
- Slide 10 Contribution of each region to echo area of the specified region (May ? Jul, f98 ? f00)
- Slide 11 Contribution of each region to echo area of the specified region(Oct, f98 ? f00)
- Slide 12 Contribution of smaller echoes i< 800km2 28x28kmj (May ? Jul, f98 ? f00)
- Slide 13 Contribution of larger echoesi> 800km2 28x28km) (May ? Jul, f98 ? f00)
- Slide 14 Diurnal variation of radar echoes ~ diurnal variation of precipitation
- Slide 15 Andeach region has each diurnal variation
- Slide 16 Thus we started 3D simulations
Mailto the Author : mdy@kobe-u.ac.jp
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