Diurnal Wind Change at KMITL(Bangkok)
Fig. 1 Horizontal wind data are averaged in rainy season (from Apr to Sep) at each local time and each height. Arrows show horizontal wind vectors. Red (Blue) arrows indicate positive (negative) easterly wind.
Fig. 2 Same as FIg. 1, but in dry season (from Oct to Mar).

Fig. 3 Vertical wind averaged throughout the year (from Jan 1994 to Mar 1997). Contour interval is 2 cm/s and red (blue) contours indicate upward (downward) and black contours indicate 0 cm/s.

Fig. 4 Daily-averaged vertical wind at each height are subtaracted from Fig. 3.

Created by Yuichi Ohno (ohno@crl.go.jp)
Ver. 2.1 : Apr 2002