c The Program can code the drainage basin by Pfafstetter coding system (3 levels). c Input: acctxt, dirtxt c Output: basin0, basin1, basin2, basin3 c Contact with: (TANG, Qiuhong) tangqh@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp character*5 ncols,nrows character*9 xllcorner,yllcorner character*8 cellsize character*12 nodata real*4 x0,y0 integer s, znodata,nc,nr integer acc(5000,5000), dir(5000,5000) integer maxtmp, outi, outj, max1i,max1j,surround(8,3),max1 integer suboutlet(4,5),mintmp integer suboutlet2(4,5),suboutlet3(4,5) integer outlet(5000,2),id,basin(5000,5000) integer basin2(5000,5000),basin3(5000,5000) integer i,j,k,m,n,tmpi,tmpj integer outi2, outj2, stopi2, stopj2, avoidi3, avoidj3 integer stopi3, stopj3,outi3, outj3 common /acc/dir c read input file acc and dir file from ArcGIS open(1, file= 'acctxt' ,status='old') read(1,'(A5, i18)') ncols,nc read(1,'(A5, i18)') nrows,nr read(1,'(A, f)') xllcorner,x0 read(1,'(A, f)') yllcorner,y0 read(1,'(A, i)') cellsize,s read(1,'(A, i)') nodata,znodata do i=1,nr read(1,*) (acc(i,j), j=1,nc) end do close (1) open(1, file= 'dirtxt' ,status='old') read(1,'(A5, i18)') ncols,nc read(1,'(A5, i18)') nrows,nr read(1,'(A, f)') xllcorner,x0 read(1,'(A, f)') yllcorner,y0 read(1,'(A, i)') cellsize,s read(1,'(A, i)') nodata,znodata do i=1,nr read(1,*) (dir(i,j), j=1,nc) end do close (1) c search the outlet (Max of accumulation) maxtmp=0 do i=1,nr do j=1,nc if (acc(i,j).gt.maxtmp) then maxtmp= acc (i,j) outi=i outj=j end if end do end do c print *, 'outlet acc =', maxtmp, ' outi=',outi, ' outj=', outj id=1 outlet(1,1)=outi outlet(1,2)=outj do while (upgrids(acc,dir,basin,outlet,id).ne.1) end do open(1,file='basin0',status='unknown') write(1,'(A, i)') ncols,nc write(1,'(A, i)') nrows,nr write(1,'(A, f15.3)') xllcorner,x0 write(1,'(A, f15.3)') yllcorner,y0 write(1,'(A, i)') cellsize,s write(1,'(A, i)') nodata,0 do i=1,nr do j=1,nc write (1,'(i5,$)') basin(i,j) basin(i,j) = 0 end do write (1,*) end do close(1) do i=1,5000 outlet(i,1)=0 outlet(i,2)=0 end do c search for the the four largest tributary (intersections with main stem) c level 1 c get outlet of sub-basin (in array suboutlet, no order) call getsubout(acc,dir,outi,outj,-1,-1,suboutlet) c according to suboutlet, search sub-basin 1-9 call getsub (acc,dir,outi,outj,-1,-1,-1,-1,suboutlet,basin) c output to ascii file open(1,file='basin1',status='unknown') write(1,'(A, i)') ncols,nc write(1,'(A, i)') nrows,nr write(1,'(A, f15.3)') xllcorner,x0 write(1,'(A, f15.3)') yllcorner,y0 write(1,'(A, i)') cellsize,s write(1,'(A, i)') nodata,0 do i=1,nr do j=1,nc write (1,'(i5,$)') basin(i,j) c basin(i,j) = 0 end do write (1,*) end do close(1) do i=1,5000 outlet(i,1)=0 outlet(i,2)=0 end do print *, 'level 1 OK!' c level 2 do i=1,9 call getsub2(acc,dir,outi,outj,-1,-1,-1,-1, * suboutlet,suboutlet2,basin2,i) c level 3 if (i.le.4) then outi3=suboutlet(i,2) outj3=suboutlet(i,3) stopi3=-1 stopj3=-1 avoidi3=-1 avoidj3=-1 else k=i-4 if (k.eq.1) then outi3=outi outj3=outj stopi3=suboutlet(k,4) stopj3=suboutlet(k,5) avoidi3=-1 avoidj3=-1 else if (k.eq.5) then outi3=suboutlet(k-1,4) outj3=suboutlet(k-1,5) stopi3=-1 stopj3=-1 avoidi3=suboutlet(k-1,2) avoidj3=suboutlet(k-1,3) else outi3=suboutlet(k-1,4) outj3=suboutlet(k-1,5) stopi3=suboutlet(k,4) stopj3=suboutlet(k,5) avoidi3=suboutlet(k-1,2) avoidj3=suboutlet(k-1,3) end if end if do j=1,9 c if (i.eq.5.and.j.eq.7) then c print *, 'input: ',outi3,outj3,stopi3,stopj3,avoidi3,avoidj3 call getsub2(acc,dir,outi3,outj3,stopi3,stopj3,avoidi3,avoidj3, * suboutlet2,suboutlet3,basin3,j) c end if end do end do c output to ascii file open(1,file='basin2',status='unknown') open(2,file='basin3',status='unknown') write(1,'(A, i)') ncols,nc write(1,'(A, i)') nrows,nr write(1,'(A, f15.3)') xllcorner,x0 write(1,'(A, f15.3)') yllcorner,y0 write(1,'(A, i)') cellsize,s write(1,'(A, i)') nodata,0 write(2,'(A, i)') ncols,nc write(2,'(A, i)') nrows,nr write(2,'(A, f15.3)') xllcorner,x0 write(2,'(A, f15.3)') yllcorner,y0 write(2,'(A, i)') cellsize,s write(2,'(A, i)') nodata,0 do i=1,nr do j=1,nc write (1,'(i5,$)') basin(i,j)*10+basin2(i,j) if (basin3(i,j).eq.-1) then write (2,'(i5,$)') basin(i,j)*100+basin2(i,j)*10+0 else write (2,'(i5,$)') basin(i,j)*100+basin2(i,j)*10+basin3(i,j) end if basin(i,j) = 0 end do write (1,*) end do close(1) close(2) do i=1,5000 outlet(i,1)=0 outlet(i,2)=0 end do print *, 'level 2,3 OK!' end c get level 2 sub- basins subroutine getsub2(acc,dir,outi,outj,stopi,stopj,avoidi,avoidj, * suboutlet,suboutlet2,basin2,j) integer avoidi,avoidj integer outi,outj,outi2,outj2,stopi,stopj,avoidi3,avoidj3 integer suboutlet(4,5),suboutlet2(4,5) integer basin2(5000,5000) integer acc(5000,5000), dir(5000,5000) integer i,j, stopi2,stopj2 i=j c for sub-basin 4 sub-basins if (i.le.4) then outi2=suboutlet(i,2) outj2=suboutlet(i,3) call getsubout(acc,dir,outi2,outj2,-1,-1,suboutlet2) call getsub (acc,dir,outi2,outj2,-1,-1,-1,-1,suboutlet2,basin2) else i=i-4 c for inter-basin 5 inter-basins if (i.eq.1) then outi2=outi outj2=outj stopi2=suboutlet(i,4) stopj2=suboutlet(i,5) avoidi3=avoidi avoidj3=avoidj else if (i.eq.5) then outi2=suboutlet(i-1,4) outj2=suboutlet(i-1,5) stopi2=stopi stopj2=stopj avoidi3=suboutlet(i-1,2) avoidj3=suboutlet(i-1,3) else outi2=suboutlet(i-1,4) outj2=suboutlet(i-1,5) stopi2=suboutlet(i,4) stopj2=suboutlet(i,5) avoidi3=suboutlet(i-1,2) avoidj3=suboutlet(i-1,3) end if call getsubout(acc,dir,outi2,outj2,stopi2,stopj2,suboutlet2) call getsub (acc,dir,outi2,outj2,avoidi3,avoidj3 * ,stopi2,stopj2,suboutlet2,basin2) end if end c get 9 sub-basin =4 sub-basin + 5 inter-basin, saved in array subroutine getsub(acc,dir,outi,outj,avoidi,avoidj * ,stopi,stopj,suboutlet,basin) integer outi, outj integer suboutlet(4,5),surround(8,3) integer basin(5000,5000) integer acc(5000,5000), dir(5000,5000) integer max1,tmpi,tmpj integer i,j,k,m,n,id integer outlet(5000,2) integer avoidi,avoidj integer stopi,stopj,space integer id0 tmpi=outi tmpj=outj max1=1 id0=1 do i=1, 4 do j=2,5 if (suboutlet(i,j).eq.0.and.id0.eq.1) then id0=0 end if end do end do if (id0.eq.0) then do while (max1.ge.1.and. * (.not.(max1i.eq.stopi.and.max1j.eq.stopj))) call record(acc,dir,tmpi,tmpj,max1,max1i,max1j,surround) do i=1,8 if (.not.(surround(i,2).eq.avoidi.and.surround(i,3).eq.avoidj)) then do m=1,5000 outlet(m,1)=0 outlet(m,2)=0 end do outlet(1,1)=surround(i,2) outlet(1,2)=surround(i,3) do while (upgrids(acc,dir,basin,outlet,-1).ne.1) end do end if if (.not.(tmpi.eq.stopi.and.tmpj.eq.stopj)) then basin(tmpi,tmpj)=-1 end if tmpi=max1i tmpj=max1j end do end do else id=1 do while (max1.ge.1.and. * (.not.(max1i.eq.stopi.and.max1j.eq.stopj))) call record(acc,dir,tmpi,tmpj,max1,max1i,max1j,surround) k=0 do i=1, 8 do j= 1,4 if (surround(i,2).eq.suboutlet(j,2).and. * surround(i,3).eq.suboutlet(j,3)) then k=j n=i end if end do end do if (k.ne.0) then c it is a section of main stem and tributary id=id+1 do m=1,5000 outlet(m,1)=0 outlet(m,2)=0 end do outlet(1,1)=suboutlet(k,2) outlet(1,2)=suboutlet(k,3) do while (upgrids(acc,dir,basin,outlet,id).ne.1) end do id=id+1 do i=1, 8 if (i.ne.n.and.surround(i,2).ne.0.and.surround(i,3).ne.0) then outlet(1,1)=surround(i,2) outlet(1,2)=surround(i,3) do while (upgrids(acc,dir,basin,outlet,id).ne.1) end do end if end do else c it is main stem do i=1, 8 if (surround(i,2).ne.0.and.surround(i,3).ne.0) then if (.not.(surround(i,2).eq.avoidi.and.surround(i,3).eq.avoidj)) then do m=1,5000 outlet(m,1)=0 outlet(m,2)=0 end do outlet(1,1)=surround(i,2) outlet(1,2)=surround(i,3) do while (upgrids(acc,dir,basin,outlet,id).ne.1) end do end if end if end do end if if (.not.(tmpi.eq.stopi.and.tmpj.eq.stopj)) basin(tmpi,tmpj)=id tmpi=max1i tmpj=max1j end do c deal with last grid of the basin if (.not.(tmpi.eq.stopi.and.tmpj.eq.stopj)) basin(tmpi,tmpj)=id end if end c get outlet of 4 sub - basin x ,y subroutine getsubout(acc,dir,outi,outj,stopi,stopj,suboutlet) integer outi, outj, max2, mintmp integer suboutlet(4,5),surround(8,3) integer acc(5000,5000), dir(5000,5000) integer tmpi,tmpj c stopi, stopj is for inter-basin search, c when meeting the end of interbasin, stop search integer stopi,stopj integer i,j,k,m,n,l do i=1,4 do j=1,5 suboutlet(i,j)=0 end do end do tmpi=outi tmpj=outj space=0 call record(acc,dir,tmpi,tmpj,max1,max1i,max1j,surround) do while (max1.ge.1.and. * (.not.(max1i.eq.stopi.and.max1j.eq.stopj))) tmpi=max1i tmpj=max1j space=space+1 call record(acc,dir,tmpi,tmpj,max1,max1i,max1j,surround) mintmp=min(suboutlet(1,1),suboutlet(2,1),suboutlet(3,1), * suboutlet(4,1)) max2 = -1 do i=1,8 if (surround(i,1).gt.max2) then max2= surround(i,1) k=i end if end do c give the x,y of suboutlet, 1-4 order: from down to upstream if (max2.ge.mintmp.and.surround(k,2).ne.0) then l=0 do i=1,4 if (suboutlet(i,1).eq.mintmp.and.l.eq.0) then j=i l=l+1 end if end do if (j.ne.4) then do m=j,3 suboutlet(m,1)=suboutlet(m+1,1) suboutlet(m,2)=suboutlet(m+1,2) suboutlet(m,3)=suboutlet(m+1,3) suboutlet(m,4)=suboutlet(m+1,4) suboutlet(m,5)=suboutlet(m+1,5) end do end if suboutlet(4,1)=max2 suboutlet(4,2)=surround(k,2) suboutlet(4,3)=surround(k,3) suboutlet(4,4)=tmpi suboutlet(4,5)=tmpj end if end do end c record the grid in main stem and largest teibutary subroutine record(acc,dir,maini,mainj, * maxtmp1,max1i,max1j,tmp) integer maini,mainj,maxtmp1,max1i,max1j integer acctmp,gridvalue integer acc(5000,5000), dir(5000,5000) integer tmp(8,3),i,j,k c check the acc file do i=1,8 do j=1,3 tmp(i,j)=0 end do end do i=1 if (dir(maini,mainj-1).eq.1) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini,mainj-1) tmp(i,2)=maini tmp(i,3)=mainj-1 i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini-1,mainj-1).eq.2) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini-1,mainj-1) tmp(i,2)=maini-1 tmp(i,3)=mainj-1 i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini-1,mainj).eq.4) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini-1,mainj) tmp(i,2)=maini-1 tmp(i,3)=mainj i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini-1,mainj+1).eq.8) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini-1,mainj+1) tmp(i,2)=maini-1 tmp(i,3)=mainj+1 i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini,mainj+1).eq.16) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini,mainj+1) tmp(i,2)=maini tmp(i,3)=mainj+1 i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini+1,mainj+1).eq.32) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini+1,mainj+1) tmp(i,2)=maini+1 tmp(i,3)=mainj+1 i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini+1,mainj).eq.64) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini+1,mainj) tmp(i,2)=maini+1 tmp(i,3)=mainj i=i+1 end if if (dir(maini+1,mainj-1).eq.128) then tmp(i,1)=acc(maini+1,mainj-1) tmp(i,2)=maini+1 tmp(i,3)=mainj-1 i=i+1 end if maxtmp1 =-1 acctmp =0 do j=1,i-1 acctmp=acctmp+tmp(j,1)+1 if (tmp(j,1).gt.maxtmp1) then maxtmp1=tmp(j,1) max1i=tmp(j,2) max1j=tmp(j,3) end if end do k=0 do j=1,i-1 if (tmp(j,1).eq.maxtmp1.and.k.eq.0) then tmp(j,1)=0 tmp(j,2)=0 tmp(j,3)=0 k=1 end if end do if (acctmp.ne.acc(maini,mainj)) then print *, maini, mainj, acctmp, ' error!' stop end if return end c delineate the river basin that water flows to the given point FUNCTION upgrids(acc,dir,basin,outlet,id) integer outlet(5000,2),id integer acc(5000,5000), dir(5000,5000), basin(5000,5000) integer tmpij(5000,2) integer maini,mainj do i=1, 5000 do j=1,2 tmpij(i,j)=0 end do end do j=1 do i=1, 5000 if (outlet(i,1).gt.0.and.outlet(i,1).gt.0) then basin(outlet(i,1),outlet(i,2))=id c check the dir file maini=outlet(i,1) mainj=outlet(i,2) if (dir(maini,mainj-1).eq.1) then basin(maini,mainj-1)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini tmpij(j,2)=mainj-1 j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini-1,mainj-1).eq.2) then basin(maini-1,mainj-1)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini-1 tmpij(j,2)=mainj-1 j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini-1,mainj).eq.4) then basin(maini-1,mainj)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini-1 tmpij(j,2)=mainj j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini-1,mainj+1).eq.8) then basin(maini-1,mainj+1)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini-1 tmpij(j,2)=mainj+1 j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini,mainj+1).eq.16) then basin(maini,mainj+1)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini tmpij(j,2)=mainj+1 j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini+1,mainj+1).eq.32) then basin(maini+1,mainj+1)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini+1 tmpij(j,2)=mainj+1 j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini+1,mainj).eq.64) then basin(maini+1,mainj)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini+1 tmpij(j,2)=mainj j=j+1 end if if (dir(maini+1,mainj-1).eq.128) then basin(maini+1,mainj-1)=id tmpij(j,1)=maini+1 tmpij(j,2)=mainj-1 j=j+1 end if end if end do do i=1, 5000 do k=1,2 outlet(i,k)=tmpij(i,k) end do end do c print *,k upgrids=j return end