character*180 fleo1,fdir(6),foname,fmonth(20),fname,fout,fpre character*200 chavg,tit character*40 stnname(40) CHARACTER*6 MMYYYY real ouarr(50,8,6) Integer Iarr(20),istay,iendy Integer daym(12) /31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ real fmaxd(126,221),fdem(126,221),firatio(126,221) integer imaxd(126,221),ircod(126,221),iumd(126,221),itang(126,221) real xdata(126,221) real AXj,AFj,Sfj,Sxj,rfxj,MSEj,MSEcj,MSSSj,rmse,rrmse real em_t,ea_t,ep_t c real Xj(7320),Fj(7320) !7320 for 20 year running !18300 for 50 yrs real Xj(18300),Fj(18300) real sumwith(20,50) istay=1960 iendy=2000 max_nr=126 max_nc=221 fpre ='Discharge_' fdir(1)='Allchange_HI' fdir(2)='noclimate_HI' fdir(3)='novegetation_HI' fdir(4)='noirrarea_HI' fdir(5)='Nochange_HI' fdir(6)='Noch_rept60_HI' num =6 fmonth(1)='tangnaihai' fmonth(2)='lanzhou' fmonth(3)='qingtongxia' fmonth(4)='shizuishan' fmonth(5)='toudaoguai' fmonth(6)='longmen' fmonth(7)='sanmenxia' fmonth(8)='huayuankou' fmonth(9)='lijin' do i=1,num foname= trim(fpre)//trim(fdir(i))//'.txt' open(10,file=foname,status='unknown') c write(10,*) trim(fdir(i)) sumwith=0. do j=1,9 fname='../'//trim(fdir(i))//'/HYDRO_OUTPUT/' $ //trim(fmonth(j))//'_y.txt' open(1,file=fname,status='old') read(1,*) do iy=istay,iendy k=iy-istay+1 read(1,*) i_y,Qy,Qy_obv sumwith(j,k)=Qy sumwith(j+10,k)=Qy_obv Xj(k)=Qy_obv Fj(k)=Qy enddo Ni=iendy-istay+1 k=iendy-istay+1 CALL MSSS_Murphy $(Ni,Xj,Fj,AFj,AXj,Sfj,Sxj,rfxj,MSEj,MSEcj,MSSSj,em_t,ea_t,ep_t) sumwith(j,k+1)=(AFj-AXj)/AXj*100 sumwith(j,k+2)=sqrt(MSEj) sumwith(j,k+3)=sqrt(MSEj)/AXj sumwith(j,k+4)=MSSSj enddo c do j=9,2,-1 c do k=1,iendy-istay+1 c sumwith(j,k)=sumwith(j,k)-sumwith(j-1,k) c enddo c enddo write(10,'(A4,1x,20(A10,1x))') "YEAR",(trim(fmonth(j)),"OBV",j=1,9) do iy=istay,iendy k=iy-istay+1 write(10,'(I4,1x,20(F10.3,1x))') $ iy,(sumwith(j,k),sumwith(j+10,k),j=1,9) enddo c k=iendy-istay+1 c do iy=1,4 c write(10,'(I4,1x,20(F10.3,1x))') c $ iy,(sumwith(j,k+iy),sumwith(j+10,k+iy),j=1,9) c enddo close(10) enddo end c The least-squares line uses a straight line Y = a + bX c to approximate the given set of data (x1,y1), (x2, y2), ... c b: slope, a: intercept c AVy: averaged value of Y c Sign: significance c The statistical significance of the trends is evaluated using the c Student¡¯s t-test with the following significance parameter: c t = r \sqrt{(n-2)/(1-r^2)} c where r is the correlation coefficient between $t$ and $y$. Subroutine HPINT(N,X,Y,a,b,r2,AVy,Sign) DIMENSION X(*), Y(*) REAL X, Y,slope,y_intercept,AVy,Sign INTEGER N REAL a,b,r2,bbru,bbrd,bbr a=0.0 b=0.0 r2=0.0 AVy=0.0 Sign=0.0 SUMx=0.0 SUMy=0.0 SUMxy=0.0 SUMxx=0.0 Sumyy=0.0 do i = 1, n SUMx = SUMx + x(i) SUMy = SUMy + y(i) SUMxy = SUMxy + x(i)*y(i) SUMxx = SUMxx + x(i)*x(i) Sumyy = SUMyy + y(i)*y(i) end do AVy = SUMy / N slope = ( SUMx*SUMy - n*SUMxy ) / ( SUMx*SUMx - n*SUMxx ) y_intercept = ( SUMy - slope*SUMx ) / n c SSE = 0.0 c SST = Sumyy - SUMy**2 / n c do i = 1, n c SSE = SSE + (y_intercept+slope*X(i)-Y(i))**2 c enddo c bbru = n * SUMxy - SUMx * SUMy c bbrd = sqrt ( (n*SUMxx-SUMx*SUMx) * (n*Sumyy - SUMy*SUMy) ) bbr = (n * SUMxy - SUMx * SUMy)/ $ sqrt ( (n*SUMxx-SUMx*SUMx) * (n*Sumyy - SUMy*SUMy) ) r2= bbr*bbr Sign=bbr*sqrt( (n-2)/(1-bbr*bbr))*100. cccccccccccccccccc c AVy=Sign cccccccccccccccccc b = slope a = y_intercept END c Verfication scores, refer to Murphy, 1988 c recommendate by WMO c also refer to Arora 1999 c xij,fij (i=1, 2, .. Ni) denote time series of observations and forecasts c Axj, AFj: averages c Sfj, Sxj: sqrt ( sample variances) c rfxj: product moment correlations of the forecasts and observations c MSEj: mean squared error of the forcasts c MSEcj: mean squared error of climatology forecasts (Murphy, 1988) c MSSSj: Verfication scores c em_t,ea_t,ep_t: error associated with overall mean, amplitude, and phase c subroutine MSSS_Murphy $(Ni,Xj,Fj,AFj,AXj,Sfj,Sxj,rfxj,MSEj,MSEcj,MSSSj,em_t,ea_t,ep_t) integer Ni,Na DIMENSION Xj(*), Fj(*), Xa(Ni), Fa(Ni) real AXj,AFj,Sfj,Sxj,rfxj,MSEj,MSEcj,MSSSj real em_t,ea_t,ep_t integer i,j real sumx,sumf,sumxx,sumff,sumfx,sumfx2 real em2,ea2,ep2,etot2 Na=0 do i=1,Ni if (abs(Xj(i)+9999.).gt.0.1.and.abs(Fj(i)+9999.).gt.0.1) then Na=Na+1 Xa(Na)=Xj(i) Fa(Na)=Fj(i) endif enddo if ( then AFj =-9999. AXj =-9999. Sfj =-9999. Sxj =-9999. rfxj =-9999. MSEj =-9999. MSEcj =-9999. MSSSj =-9999. em_t =-9999. ea_t =-9999. ep_t =-9999. else sumx=0. sumf=0. do i=1,Na sumx=sumx+Xa(i) sumy=sumy+Fa(i) enddo AXj = sumx / Na AFj = sumy / Na sumxx=0. sumff=0. do i=1,Na sumxx=sumxx+ ( Xa(i)-AXj )*( Xa(i)-AXj ) sumff=sumff+ ( Fa(i)-AFj )*( Fa(i)-AFj ) enddo Sxj = sqrt( sumxx / (Na - 1) ) Sfj = sqrt( sumff / (Na - 1) ) sumfx=0. do i=1,Na sumfx=sumfx+ ( Xa(i)-AXj )*( Fa(i)-AFj ) enddo rfxj = sumfx / Na / (Sfj*Sxj) sumfx2=0. do i=1,Na sumfx2=sumfx2+ ( Fa(i)-Xa(i) )*( Fa(i)-Xa(i) ) enddo MSEj = sumfx2 / Na MSEcj = sumxx / Na MSSSj = 1 - MSEj / MSEcj em2 = (AXj-AFj)*(AXj-AFj) ea2 = ( sqrt(sumff/Na)-sqrt(sumxx/Na) )**2. ep2 = 2.*sqrt(sumff/Na)*sqrt(sumxx/Na) $ *(1.-sumfx/Na/(sqrt(sumff/Na)*sqrt(sumxx/Na)) ) etot2=sumfx2/ Na em_t = em2 / etot2 * 100. ea_t = ea2 / etot2 * 100. ep_t = ep2 / etot2 * 100. endif end !subroutine MSSS_Murphy subroutine strlen(str, l1,l2) character str*120 integer i,l1,l2,k k=0 do i = 1, 200 if(k.eq.0 .and. str(i:i).NE.' ') then l1=i k=1 elseif(k.eq.1.and. str(i:i).EQ.' '.or.ICHAR(str(i:i)).eq.0) then l2 = i-1 return endif end do l2 = i return end c This subroutine convert Month/Year to MMYYYY format CHARACTER subroutine ConvMMYYYY(MM,YYYY,MMYYYY) implicit none integer MM,YYYY CHARACTER*6 MMYYYY if ( then PRINT *, 'ERROR INPUT MONTH, MONTH SHOULD BETWEEN 1-12' STOP else if ( then MMYYYY(1:1)='0' Write (MMYYYY(2:2),'(i1)') MM else Write (MMYYYY(1:2),'(i2)') MM endif if ( then PRINT *, 'ERROR INPUT YEAR, YEAR SHOULD BETWEEN 1000-9999' STOP else Write (MMYYYY(3:6),'(i4)') YYYY endif end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Read Write ascii file, the file format is ArcInfo ascii file format c Input: c name: filename of the read/write file c nr: nrows c nc: ncols c nnr,nnc: the size of input/output array c x0: xllcorner c y0: yllcorner c s: cellsize c znodata: NODATA_value c array(/write): the array will be written into the file c Output(/read): c array: the file data will be read into the array ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine readfile_int(name,nr,nc,x0,y0,s,znodata,array,nnr,nnc) implicit none integer znodata,nc,nr integer nnr,nnc character*180 name integer array(nnr,nnc) character*14 ncols,nrows character*14 xllcorner,yllcorner character*14 cellsize character*14 nodata real x0,y0,s integer i,j open(1, file= name ,status='old') read(1,'(A, i)') ncols,nc read(1,'(A, i)') nrows,nr read(1,'(A, f)') xllcorner,x0 read(1,'(A, f)') yllcorner,y0 read(1,'(A, f15.0)') cellsize,s read(1,'(A, i)') nodata,znodata do i=1,nr read(1,*,err=10) (array(i,j), j=1,nc) goto 11 10 array(i,j)=-9999. 11 continue end do close (1) end subroutine writefile_int(name,nr,nc,x0,y0,s,znodata,array,nnr,nnc) implicit none integer znodata,nc,nr integer nnr,nnc character*180 name integer array(nnr,nnc) real*4 x0,y0,s integer i,j open(1,file=name,status='unknown') write(1,'(A, i)') 'ncols',nc write(1,'(A, i)') 'nrows',nr write(1,'(A, f15.3)') 'xllcorner',x0 write(1,'(A, f15.3)') 'yllcorner',y0 write(1,'(A, f)') 'cellsize',s write(1,'(A, i15)') 'NODATA_value',znodata do i=1,nr do j=1,nc write (1,'(i,$)') array(i,j) end do write (1,*) end do close(1) end subroutine readfile_float(name,nr,nc,x0,y0,s,znodata,array,nnr,nnc) implicit none integer nc,nr integer nnr,nnc character*180 name real array(nnr,nnc),znodata character*5 ncols,nrows character*9 xllcorner,yllcorner character*14 cellsize character*12 nodata real x0,y0,s integer i,j c print *, name open(1, file= name ,status='old') read(1,'(A, i)') ncols,nc read(1,'(A, i)') nrows,nr read(1,'(A, f)') xllcorner,x0 read(1,'(A, f)') yllcorner,y0 read(1,'(A, f15.0)') cellsize,s read(1,'(A, f15.0)') nodata,znodata do i=1,nr read(1,*) (array(i,j), j=1,nc) end do close (1) end subroutine writefile_float(name,nr,nc,x0,y0,s,znodata,array,nnr,nnc) implicit none integer nc,nr integer nnr,nnc character*180 name real array(nnr,nnc), znodata real x0,y0,s integer i,j open(1,file=name,status='unknown') write(1,'(A, i)') 'ncols',nc write(1,'(A, i)') 'nrows',nr write(1,'(A, f15.3)') 'xllcorner',x0 write(1,'(A, f15.3)') 'yllcorner',y0 write(1,'(A, f)') 'cellsize',s write(1,'(A, f)') 'NODATA_value',znodata do i=1,nr do j=1,nc write (1,'(f,$)') array(i,j) end do write (1,*) end do close(1) end