Developed by Qiuhong Tang

Distributed Biosphere-Hydrological Model System

The University of Tokyo

Time Varying Input Data

The time varying input data are at directory ./ATM_INPUT_DATA. There are vegetation condition data (in directory ./AVHRR) , atmospheric forcing data (in directory ./Interpolate2 and ./ETPATH2) and observed ground stream flow data (in directory ./OBV).


In directory ./FPAR and ./LAI are monthly FPAR and LAI data.

File name: Lamb_YYMM_ABCD.bin (YYMM: year and month, ABCD: FPAR or LAI)

Data Format: plain binary (real type)

In directory ./LAT_LON_FILES are auxiliary files for using data with Goode¨s projection.

 Data at ./ATM_INPUT_DATA/Interpolate2/

File name: YYYY_abcd_WAY.bin (YYYY: year, abcd: data item, WAY: interpolation method)

Data items: fsm (wind speed), n_summ (cloud amount), rsum (precipitation), sun (sunshine time), tm (daily mean temperature), tmax (daily maximum temperature), tmin (daily minimum temperature), um (relative humidity).


File name: YYYY_ReferET_IDW.bin (YYYY: year, Reference ET calculated by FAO Penman-Monteith equation)


File name: abcd.daily (abcd: name of ground discharge gauge, daily observation is used as input)

E-mail: qiuhong (at)

To contact the model maker:

DBH Model Input Files

Q. Tang, T. Oki, and S. Kanae

Statical Input Data

The statical input data are at directory ./MODEL/GEO_INPUT_DATA.


The locations of all the weather stations. It is required when the grid-based input is not available. The information will be used for interpolation. It is ASCII file with four columns: Station id, Longitude, latitude, and Altitude.


The Pfafstetter code (3 level) of the river basins.

Data format: ArcInfo ASCII file


The head information of ArcInfo ASCII file

 dir.asc & dis.asc

Flow direction and flow length map with ArcInfo ASCII file format

 frac.asc & fracirr.asc

Area fraction map with ArcInfo ASCII file format. fracirr.asc is required only when there are irrigation area outside the river basin and use the water from the river channel.


Grid area map with ArcInfo ASCII file format


The map gives the irrigation area id with ArcInfo ASCII file format


FAO irrigation area ratio map with ArcInfo ASCII file format


Irrigation area properties map (used to assign irrigation water sources) with ArcInfo ASCII file format


The locations of the soil moisture stations. The soil moisture listed in the file will be output and compared with the observations. It is ASCII file with four columns: Station id, Station name, latitude, and longitude.


The locations of the discharge gauges. The ground discharge gauges listed in the file will be output and compared with the observations (which should be at ./ATM_INPUT_DATA/OBV/). It is ASCII file with three columns: Pfafstetter code (3 level), flow interval id (hydrotope), and gauge¨s name.


Mean precipitation map with ArcInfo ASCII file format. It is used to calculate  near surface humidity in arid area(it is not required).


SiB2 land use map with ArcInfo ASCII file format


Parameters to adjust subgrid precipitation distribution.  It is ASCII file with five columns: Pfafstetter sub-basin ( the first level), a, b, c parameter for precipitation distribution, d parameter for groundwater-river exchange.


River bed slope map with ArcInfo ASCII file format


Hillslope slope map  with ArcInfo ASCII file format


The map gives the FAO soil type with ArcInfo ASCII file format


The soil parameters related to the FAO soil type. It is ASCII file with seven columns: FAO soil type, Porosity, Saturated soil moisture potential, Saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil characteristic curve parameter b, averaged slope,  and estimated specific yield.

  wsdem.asc & wsdemirr.asc

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) map with ArcInfo ASCII file format. wsdemirr.asc is required only when there are irrigation area outside the river basin.


The model parameters are at directory ./MODEL/PARAMETER/. Note that some parameters is referred to file name. If the parameters (related to file) is changed, the corresponding input file name should also be changed.


Parameter for analysis module. The analysis module is used to analysis the tendency of input time series. It is not required if the analysis module is not loaded.

 GMT.par (It is not used in the finial version)

Parameter for GMT scripts to draw the result figure. It is not required. It only works under UNIX and Linux system (some slight change may be needed.).


Main parameter file. It is required by all the applications. The parameters are explained inside this file.


River parameters file. It gives river channel shape parameters for the initial run. It is ASCII file with four columns: River level, width, height, and roughness.


Parameters for SiB2 model and irrigation scheme which is based on SiB2 simulation.


Parameter for verification. It is not required. It works under UNIX and Linux system (some slight change may be needed.). It will useful when observed soil moisture is available.