OSM Water Layer: Surface Waters in OpenStreetMap

Last Update: 9 Apr, 2021


General Information

Product Info

OSM Water Layers is a global surface water data, generated by extracting surface water features from OpenStreetMap.
Both filtered OSM data (PBF format) and rasterized map (GeoTiff format) are available.


Version 2 based on the latest data as of [2021 Feb 12] was released (9 Apr, 2021)

Also, the script to generate OSM Water Layer is released on GitHub repository.

Data Summary

We extracted surface waters from the OpenStreetMap "planet.pbf" archive . link to OSM Planet data

For extracting water-related features, we used OSM tags: 'natural=water', 'waterway=*', 'landuse=reservoir'

Then, we generated a raster surface water map at 3sec resolution (~90m at the equator). For generation of rsterized map, surface waters are classified into four categories.

- Large Lake & River: Surface water represented as Polygon
- Major River: Natural rivers represented by OSM tag 'waterway=riverbank,river'
- Canal: Artificial canal represented by OSM tag 'waterway=canal,drain'
- Minor Stream: Minor small streams represented by OSM tag 'waterway=ditch,stream,brook,wadi,drystream'


Rasterized surface water map: Tokyo, Japan

Data Description

Global vector database

Global vector database is prerared in OpenStreetMap PBF format.
It can be handled by OSMOSIS software.

Rasterized GeoTiff Map

The OSM water layer rasterized map is referenced to WGS84.
The data is prepared as 5 degree x 5 degree tiles (6000 pixel x 6000 pixel).
Filename represents the center of the lower left pixel of the data domain; e.g. the file "n30w120.tif" is for the domain N30-N35, W120-W115. (more accurately, N29.99958333-N34.99958333,W120.0004167-W115.0004167)

The 5 deg tiles are compressed into one global tar.gz archive.


You can cide the OSM Water Layer webpage as follows:
OSM Water Layer is available for download at IIS U-Tokyo webpage: http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yamadai/OSM_water/.

If you need a journal paper for citation, please use the following:

[ Citation ]
Yamazaki D., D. Ikeshima, R. Tawatari, T. Yamaguchi, F. O'Loughlin, J.C. Neal, C.C. Sampson, S. Kanae & P.D. Bates
A high accuracy map of global terrain elevations
Geophysical Research Letters, vol.44, pp.5844-5853, 2017 doi: 10.1002/2017GL072874
-- Absstract in GRL

User Registration (Optional)

Registration is not mandatory, but I want to know who are using OSM Water Layer data for what kind of applications.
If you don't mind, please register on the Google From below.
An update notice will be sent to the registered email, when new version is released.
Google Form User Registration

Data Download

Latest version is [ver 2.0] (based on planet.osm.pbf as of 12Feb 2021)

Global Vector Database

License: OdBL 1.0

Global vector database is available under "ODbL 1.0" license.
To view a copy of these license, please visit:
ODbL 1.0 license

By downloading and using the data the user agrees to the terms and conditions of the license.
The copyright of OSM Water Layer is held by the developers, 2021, all rights reserved.

OSM Water Layer in PFB format: CLICK HERE for OSM_water.pbf

Download: Rasterlized GeoTiff Map

License: CC-BY 4.0

Rasterlized 5deg tile map is available under "CC-BY 4.0" license.
To view a copy of these license, please visit:
CC-BY 4.0 license

By downloading and using the data the user agrees to the terms and conditions of the license.
The copyright of OSM Water Layer is held by the developers, 2021, all rights reserved.

OSM Water Layer in GeoTiff raster format: CLICK HERE for OSM_water_tif.tar.gz

OpenSource Code on GitHub

THe code/script to generate OSM Water Layer is publicly released on GitHub repository.
If you want to commit to improve OSM Water Layer product, please contact the developper.

Old Version Archive

Version 1 (based on planet.osm.pbf as of 16Jan 2018)

OSM Water Layer in PFB format: CLICK HERE for OSM_water.pbf

OSM Water Layer in GeoTiff raster format: CLICK HERE for OSM_water_tif.tar.gz